
  • grant_single|noCondition
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Grant and Funding
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  • Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)


Programs and support services for women entrepreneurs starting, building, or growing a business.


Eligible projects and activities for Alberta-based entrepreneurs include a variety of industry-specific grants aimed at fostering growth and development.
  • Agriculture & Forestry Industry Grants
  • Arts & Culture Grants
  • Employment Grants and Wage Subsidy
  • Environment and Sustainability Grants
  • Export Support Grants
  • Government Grant Resources
  • Indigenous Entrepreneurs
  • Small Business Grants
  • Technology Support Grant
  • Other Grants


Launch a new line of eco-friendly skincare products.


Implement a digital marketing strategy for local artists.


Expand a sustainable forestry initiative in Canada's national parks.


Fort McMurray
Develop a financial literacy program for Indigenous entrepreneurs.


Create an export plan for organic Alberta honey to international markets.


Red Deer
Develop a mobile app for eco-friendly transportation options in Alberta.


This grant is designed to help businesses develop strong business plans through a series of webinars and resources. The focus areas include market research, marketing plans, and financial plans.
  • Businesses in early start-up phase or existing businesses without a business plan.
  • Entrepreneurs looking to develop comprehensive business plans for potential financing.
  • Indigenous women ready to develop business plans through specialized guidance and peer mentoring.


The types of eligible companies for this grant vary across different categories. Here are the eligible types of companies categorized by the sector:
  • Agriculture & Forestry Industry
  • Arts & Culture
  • Employment & Wage Subsidy
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Export Support
  • Government Grant Resources
  • Indigenous Entrepreneurs
  • Small Business
  • Technology Support
  • Other Grants


There are specific types of companies that may not be eligible for this grant.
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Government agencies
  • Individuals without business entities


Eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Market research costs
  • Marketing plan development expenses
  • Financial planning services
  • Training program fees


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are Alberta-based regions in Canada. However, some specific programs may have additional eligibility criteria based on location.
  • Entire province of Alberta
  • City of Edmonton
  • City of Calgary
  • City of Fort Saskatchewan
  • Town of Edson


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria include:
  • Completeness and quality of the business plan submission
  • Alignment of the business concept with grant objectives
  • Demonstrated need for funding and potential impact of the business
  • Evidence of market research and feasibility of the business idea
  • Potential for sustainability and growth


  • Step 1: Conduct Market Research. Understand the vital role of primary and secondary research for your business concept and complete the necessary research to inform your business plan.
  • Step 2: Develop a Marketing Plan. Outline your marketing strategy based on your research, create an elevator pitch, and select effective marketing activities to reach your ideal customer.
  • Step 3: Create a Financial Plan. Develop financial forecasts including projected cash flow statements, income statements, and balance sheets. Consider pricing for your products, revenue forecasting methods, and ratio analysis of your projected statements.
  • Step 4: Review and Compile Your Business Plan. Ensure all sections including the market research, marketing plan, and financial plan are comprehensive and cohesive.
  • Step 5: Submit Your Application. Register and submit your completed business plan for review and feedback, utilizing provided resources and guidelines from the granting organization.


These grants encompass a variety of sectors including agriculture, arts and culture, employment, environment, export support, government resources, indigenous entrepreneurs, small businesses, technology, and other miscellaneous categories.
  • Agriculture & Forestry Industry Grants
  • Arts & Culture Grants
  • Employment Grants and Wage Subsidy
  • Environment and Sustainability Grants
  • Export Support Grants
  • Government Grant Resources
  • Indigenous Entrepreneurs
  • Small Business Grants
  • Technology Support Grant
  • Other Grants

Apply to this program