Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement
NB, Canada
Funding for the development of farmland in New Brunswick
grant_single|update January 25, 2025
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2028
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)
- Government of New Brunswick
- Aquaculture and Fisheries (NB)
- Department of Agriculture
Get funding to strengthen the cultivation of farmland for agricultural purposes, including the revitalization of previously utilized agricultural lands, the advancement of new production fields, and the optimization of existing farmland for improved produ
The Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement grant provides particular financing modalities tailored to each specified program element, ensuring structured support for agricultural projects in New Brunswick. These modalities outline the percentage contribution towards eligible costs, with specific funding limits attached.
- Re-development of inactive agricultural lands: Up to 50% of eligible costs.
- Land clearing for the production of wild blueberries: Up to 30% of eligible costs.
- Land clearing for other crop production and livestock feed: Up to 30% of eligible costs.
- Field Consolidation: Up to 30% of eligible costs.
- Land Levelling: Up to 30% of eligible costs.
- Site suitability assessment: Up to 50% of eligible costs, capped at $40,000 per project over the framework period.
- Wetland or watercourse delineation (when separate from a Site Suitability Assessment): Up to 70% of eligible costs, with a maximum of $2,100 per project.
- A maximum annual contribution of $7,000 for program elements 1-5, with potential for adjusted approval on a case-by-case basis for larger projects, not exceeding $35,000 over five years.
The grant aims to enhance agricultural productivity in New Brunswick by facilitating the development and improvement of farmland. It supports projects that emphasize the reactivation, clearing, and assessment of land to foster sustainable agricultural practices.
- Re-development of inactive agricultural lands to expand land base for crop and livestock feed production.
- Land clearing specifically for the production of wild blueberries.
- Clearing land for the production of various crops and livestock feed.
- Field consolidation to improve operational efficiency.
- Land leveling to optimize mechanized field operations.
- Site suitability assessments to identify and evaluate lands suitable for crop and livestock feed production.
- Wetland or watercourse delineation to assess agricultural property usability.
$ 40,000
Re-developing 50 acres of inactive farmland for organic vegetable production
$ 25,000
Clearing 20 acres of land to grow various crops
$ 20,000
Field consolidation of 30 acres for enhanced operational efficiency
$ 25,000
Clearing 30 acres for wild blueberry production
$ 15,000
Assessing 15 acres for wetland status to convert to pasture land
$ 40,000
Land leveling on 40 acres to enhance mechanized operations
This grant is available to a specific set of applicants who meet the detailed eligibility criteria for developing agricultural lands in New Brunswick.
- Applicants can be Indigenous Peoples or Organizations.
- Eligible applicants include agriculture producers such as individuals, partnerships, and incorporated agri-businesses involved in primary agricultural production.
- Agriculture producer associations involved in primary agricultural production, like Community Pasture Associations, are eligible.
- Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives can apply.
The Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement program supports the development of farmland in New Brunswick and is open to specific groups who meet the defined eligibility criteria.
- Indigenous Peoples or Organizations.
- Agriculture producers, including individuals, partnerships, and incorporated agri-businesses involved in primary agricultural production.
- Agriculture producer associations involved in primary agricultural production, such as Community Pasture Associations.
- Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives.
This grant does not specify particular exclusions or restrictions for companies or industries based on status or primary activity. However, it does lay out several project and transaction-related exclusions to focus assistance on eligible agricultural activities.
- Land developments for commercial turf production are not eligible.
- Legal, land acquisition, and leasing costs are ineligible for assistance.
- Normal operational, maintenance activities, and ordinary on-farm labour costs are not funded.
- Projects must not have begun before the project approval date and cannot receive concurrent funding from other programs.
The grant covers specific expenses related to the enhancement and development of farmland for agricultural purposes in New Brunswick.
- Removal of brush, non-merchantable trees, stumps, roots, rock, and other debris.
- Chipping/mulching and spreading on-site or other disposal of resulting biomass.
- Grinding off of wood debris flush with the soil surface and spreading on-site.
- Land clearing for wild blueberry production including rock pulverization and preparation of the site.
- Field consolidation activities such as removal of hedge rows, line fences, and rock piles.
- Land levelling or "tracking" to improve efficiency of mechanized operations.
- Site suitability assessments including mapping, site layout plans, pre-engineering work, water supply studies, and GIS data acquisition.
- Application fees for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
- Wetland or watercourse delineation activities by recognized Wetland Delineators.
- Professional assessment for lands suitable for agricultural production.
This grant is specifically available to applicants for land located within the Province of New Brunswick. This ensures the development and enhancement of agricultural land within the specified region.
- Lands located within the Province of New Brunswick.
Evaluation and selection criteria for this grant include the applicant's ability to demonstrate the suitability of the land for agricultural production and adherence to environmental legislation, as well as the project's potential impact on increasing sustainable farming practices.
- Applicant's demonstration of land suitability for agricultural production
- Compliance with federal and New Brunswick environmental legislation
- Potential impact on sustainable farming practices
Here are the steps to apply for the Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement grant:
- Step 1: Initial Consultation
- Contact appropriate Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries staff to discuss your application. Use the provided links to find contacts for Crop Sector or Livestock Sector Development Branches.
- Step 2: Application Preparation
- Read the SCAP Administrative Guidelines and Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement program guidelines thoroughly.
- Ensure the land meets all eligibility criteria and environmental considerations outlined in the program details.
- Prepare detailed project plans, budgets, and timelines as needed, adhering to program objectives and eligible activities.
- Ensure you have any necessary permits, environmental approvals, or certifications.
- Step 3: Application Submission
- Applications can be submitted either by email or mail.
- If submitting by email, send your application to Sustainable.CAP@gnb.ca.
- If submitting by mail, address your application to Sustainable CAP Program Administrator at the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, PO Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1.
- Step 4: Follow-up and Reporting
- Once funding is received, you may be required to report on the impact of the funding as outlined in the letter of offer.
- Maintain ongoing communication with the assigned DAAF Project Officer, especially in case of changes to the project scope, timeline, or budget.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Projects are funded based on chronological receipt of applications, with carry-over to the next fiscal year if funds are exhausted.
- A Project Officer can inspect and assess site suitability and determine project eligibility based on land appropriateness.
- All projects may be inspected upon completion to verify satisfactory progress.
- Applicants must notify Project Officers of unforeseen cost, completion date changes, or project size alterations.
- Maintaining agricultural use of the land for at least five years post-funding is mandatory.
- Reselling or re-purposing of the land for non-agricultural use can affect future application status.
- Applying for funding requires project-specific environmental and permit approvals.
(506) 238-0438