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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Government of New Brunswick
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Aquaculture and Fisheries (NB)


Get funding to strengthen the cultivation of farmland for agricultural purposes, including the revitalization of previously utilized agricultural lands, the advancement of new production fields, and the optimization of existing farmland for improved produ


There are eligible projects and activities for this grant:
  • Re-development of inactive agricultural lands - To expand the land base for crop and livestock feed production with minimal tree removal.
  • Land clearing for the production of wild blueberries - Clearing land for wild blueberry production.
  • Land clearing for the production of crops (other than wild blueberries) and livestock feed.
  • Field Consolidation - Improve efficiency of field operations.
  • Land Levelling - Enhance efficiency of mechanized field operations.
  • Site Suitability Assessment - Identify and assess lands suitable for crop and livestock feed production.
  • Wetland or watercourse delineation - Determine wetland status of agricultural property.


Land leveling on 40 acres to enhance mechanized operations in Montreal.


Re-developing 50 acres of inactive farmland for organic vegetable production in Vancouver.


Clearing 30 acres for wild blueberry production in Halifax.


Assessing 15 acres for wetland status to convert to pasture land in Ottawa.


Field consolidation of 30 acres for enhanced operational efficiency in Regina.


Clearing 20 acres of land to grow various crops in Calgary.


Eligible applicants for this grant include Indigenous Peoples or Organizations, agriculture producers, agriculture producer associations, and other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives. The eligible land must meet specific conditions such as ownership by the applicant, valid lease agreements, location within New Brunswick, and compliance with environmental legislation.
  • Applicants must be Indigenous Peoples or Organizations, agriculture producers, agriculture producer associations, or other capable groups.
  • The land must meet conditions like ownership by the applicant, valid lease agreements, location in New Brunswick, and compliance with environmental legislation.


Eligible types of companies for this grant include Indigenous Peoples or Organizations, agriculture producers (individuals, partnerships, and incorporated agri-businesses involved in primary agricultural production), agriculture producer associations involved in primary agricultural production, and other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives.
  • Indigenous Peoples or Organizations
  • Agriculture producers (individuals, partnerships, and incorporated agri-businesses involved in primary agricultural production)
  • Agriculture producer associations involved in primary agricultural production (e.g. Community Pasture Associations)
  • Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant:
  • Legal costs
  • Land acquisition costs (purchase of lands or any interest therein)
  • Leasing costs (land, buildings, equipment)
  • Activities considered normal operational and maintenance activities
  • Refundable portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax and interest charges
  • Ordinary on-farm labour costs
  • Unspecified “miscellaneous” costs
  • Permitting costs
  • Engineering services (Except under Site Suitability Assessment)
  • Costs associated with the commercially viable harvest and movement of merchantable timber and biomass
  • EIA registration fees (Except under Site Suitability Assessment)
  • Expenses associated with roads, such as off-farm transportation corridors, that are not of primary benefit to the Sector
  • Purchase and/or implementation of items which are considered normal or ongoing farm operating expenses
  • Any land development activity begun before the project approval date as indicated in the letter of offer (no retroactivity)
  • Project activities that are eligible for funding under concurrent programs are not eligible for funding under the Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement Program


There are eligible expenses for this grant:
  • Labor costs supported by payroll documentation
  • Equipment rates specified under the Machine Rental Regulation
  • Site Suitability Assessment activities including mapping and pre-engineering


Evaluation and selection criteria for this grant include the applicant's ability to demonstrate the suitability of the land for agricultural production and adherence to environmental legislation, as well as the project's potential impact on increasing sustainable farming practices.
  • Applicant's demonstration of land suitability for agricultural production
  • Compliance with federal and New Brunswick environmental legislation
  • Potential impact on sustainable farming practices


  • Step 1: Early discussion with appropriate Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries staff
    • Content: Applicants should discuss applications with Development Officer or Specialist before applying.
    • Implications: Helps in clarifying application requirements and ensuring proper guidance.
  • Step 2: Submission of completed applications
    • Content: Submit the application via email or traditional mail to the Sustainable CAP Program Administrator.
    • Implications: Ensures the application is received for review and processing.
  • Step 3: Compliance with reporting requirements
    • Content: Applicants may need to report on the impact of received funding as outlined in the letter of offer.
    • Implications: Ensures transparency and accountability in the use of grant funds.
  • Step 4: Obtain necessary permits and approvals
    • Content: Applicants are responsible for obtaining required permits, environmental approvals, or certifications for project completion.
    • Implications: Ensures legal compliance and smooth project execution.

Apply to this program