Agri-Industry Development & Advancement — Business Development (Agricultural Organizations and Associations)
NB, Canada
Development funds for New Brunswick agri-industry groups
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJuly 9, 2024
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Government of New Brunswick
- Aquaculture and Fisheries (NB)
- Department of Agriculture
Agricultural industry groups can get up to $20,000 to cover between 50 and 100% of industry planning, knowledge, training and skills development, benchmarking and agricultural mentorship activities.
This grant provides various financing modalities to support the sustainable development and competitiveness of the New Brunswick agricultural industry. Funding opportunities cover a range of activities from business development to market enhancement.
- Up to 50% cost-share for various business development activities, with specific annual funding caps.
- Agricultural mentorship programs can receive up to 90% funding assistance, capped at $2,000.
- Higher levels of assistance may be offered in strategic cases, capped at full project costs (100%).
- Infrastructure for agricultural machinery cooperatives is funded up to 30%, with a cap of $30,000 yearly and $100,000 over the program's duration.
- Marketing initiatives, including market assessment and export activities, are eligible for 50% funding, up to specific annual limits.
- Agri-land enhancement activities are funded up to 30% of eligible expenses, with combined annual assistance capped at $5,000 across several elements.
- Advance payments can be requested, covering up to 50% of approved project costs initially.
This grant supports a range of initiatives designed to enhance the agricultural industry through business development, market creation, and land improvement. Eligible projects span across multiple phases of agricultural operations, including financial planning, sector development, and product marketing.
- Business planning and implementation for producers.
- Training and skills development for enhanced business knowledge.
- Benchmarking for cost of production analysis.
- Agricultural mentorship programs to strengthen management skills.
- Industry planning and strategic direction development for agricultural organizations.
- New crop and livestock development opportunities to advance sectors.
- Improving health and quality of crops and livestock.
- Strategic infrastructure development for agricultural machinery cooperatives.
- Market assessment and research to understand market potential.
- Market access certification to meet industry standards.
- Product development and innovative technology implementation.
- Export marketing and the development of online promotional campaigns.
- Participation in trade shows and promotional events.
- Farmer's market development including infrastructure upgrades.
- Agri-tourism projects that integrate farming with visitor experiences.
- New Brunswick food harvest fundraising initiatives to promote local products.
- Establishment of marketing groups for capacity building and strategic planning.
- Land clearing, consolidation, and levelling activities to prepare agricultural land.
- Site suitability assessment for determining crop and livestock land potential.
$ 15,000
Implementing advanced soil analysis to improve crop yield by conducting comprehensive R&D activities
$ 18,000
Launching a mentorship program for young farmers focusing on sustainable practices
$ 10,000
Developing a drone-based crop monitoring system with the latest technology upgrades
$ 17,000
Establishing a knowledge-sharing network among organic farmers to improve best practices
$ 15,000
Creating an integrated farm management software to optimize resource use
The eligibility for this grant is guided by specific requirements aligned with the applicant's role in the New Brunswick agricultural sector.
- Indigenous Peoples or Organizations are eligible to apply.
- Individual agriculture producers or groups of producers can apply.
- Agriculture producer associations are eligible.
- Academic institutions as well as research institutions can apply.
- Agri-businesses are included in the eligible categories.
- Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives may be eligible.
This grant aims to bolster New Brunswick's agricultural industry by supporting eligible applicants focused on business development, crop and livestock sector advancement, market and product development, and agri-land enhancement.
- Indigenous Peoples or Organizations actively participating in agricultural development.
- Individual agriculture producers or collective groups involved in farming activities.
- Agricultural producer associations representing sector interests.
- Academic or research institutions conducting relevant agricultural research.
- Agri-businesses engaged in production, processing, or distribution within the agricultural sector.
- Other eligible individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives.
This grant description does not explicitly list any types of companies or industries that are not eligible to apply. However, companies need to meet specific eligibility criteria as stated in the guidelines.
The Agri-Industry Development & Advancement grant in New Brunswick supports projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector. Funding is available for activities that promote business development, crop and livestock advancements, market expansion, and land enhancement.
- Business planning and implementation for producers and agricultural organizations.
- Training and skills development initiatives for individuals and groups.
- Mentorship programs for new agriculture entrants.
- Development of new crop and livestock opportunities, including genetic improvements.
- Marketing and product development strategies for domestic and international markets.
- Agri-land enhancement projects, including land clearing and site suitability assessments.
- Strategic infrastructure development for agricultural machinery cooperatives.
- Market research and certification for accessing new markets.
- Creative services and web development for domestic market promotion.
- Support for agritourism and food-related fundraising activities.
This grant is dedicated to supporting the agricultural industry in New Brunswick. It is designed to benefit agricultural operations within the province.
- New Brunswick
The evaluation and selection criteria for this grant include:
- Demonstrated need for funding
- Alignment with grant objectives
- Feasibility and sustainability of the proposed project
- Capacity and experience of the applicant
- Potential economic impact
Here are the steps to apply for the Agri-Industry Development & Advancement grant in New Brunswick:
- Step 1: Application Preparation
- Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria as per the program guidelines.
- Identify the specific program element you wish to apply for and verify your eligibility for that component.
- Gather all required documentation, including project plans, budgets, and necessary approvals or permits related to your proposed activities.
- Acquire quotes from consultants or suppliers if needed for the project.
- Obtain any necessary endorsements or letters of support from relevant stakeholders or partners.
- Step 2: Complete the Application Form
- Download the application form from the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries website.
- Fill out the application form with accurate and detailed information about your project.
- Attach all required supporting documents, including quotes, business plans, and proof of eligibility for any additional cost-share assistance.
- Ensure that all sections of the application are completed as per the instructions provided.
- Step 3: Submit the Application
- Submit the completed application form along with all supporting documents to any DAAF regional office or directly to the CAP Administrator by mail to: P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1.
- Alternatively, you can submit the application via email to: CAP.ADMIN@gnb.ca.
- Step 4: Application Review and Notification
- Upon submission, your application will be time and date stamped by the DAAF office.
- The application will be reviewed for eligibility and completeness.
- You will be notified in writing regarding the approval status of your application. If approved, you will receive a Letter of Offer outlining the terms and conditions.
- Step 5: Acceptance of Offer
- Review the Letter of Offer carefully to understand the conditions and assistance offered.
- Sign and return the Letter of Offer within 30 days to confirm acceptance of the grant terms.
- Step 6: Project Execution and Monitoring
- Commence the project as per the approved proposal and adhere to all outlined requirements and timelines.
- Maintain detailed records of expenses and activities throughout the project.
- Be prepared for potential site visits or audits by DAAF officials during the project.
- Step 7: Submission of Claim for Reimbursement
- Upon completion of the project, prepare the Claim for Reimbursement form with all necessary documentation, including receipts and proof of payment.
- Submit the claim along with any required final reports or evaluations to the designated Project Officer.
- Ensure that all claims are submitted by the deadline specified in the Letter of Offer to receive reimbursement.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Applications are processed in chronological order, and funding is limited, so early submission is advised.
- Projects must be completed within the fiscal year for which they were approved, with multi-year projects requiring approval each year.
- Successful applicants must agree to participate in follow-up surveys for program evaluation and policy development purposes.
- New Entrants are eligible for an additional 10% cost share, potentially increasing total assistance up to 100%.
- Higher levels of assistance may be considered for strategic projects with significant benefits to agricultural sectors.
- Applicants must ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and must obtain necessary permits.
- The Department may request additional documentation to confirm applicant eligibility as a New Entrant.