
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2024
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)
  • Government of New Brunswick
  • Aquaculture and Fisheries (NB)
  • Department of Agriculture


Gain access to financial support to cover the costs of activities aimed at preparing and maintaning resilience in relation to emerging challenges including extreme weather events, animal and plant disease outbreaks, natural disasters, wildlife damage, far


This grant supports New Brunswick agri-food producers through structured financial assistance aimed at enhancing food safety, biosecurity, traceability, and risk management capabilities. The financing modalities vary depending on the nature of the project and the applicant type.
  • Funding up to 50% of eligible costs for projects involving one agricultural producer.
  • Funding up to 70% of eligible costs for projects involving two or more agricultural producers.
  • Funding up to 100% of eligible costs for projects where an agriculture association is the applicant, benefiting the sector as a whole.
  • Maximum annual assistance of $15,000 for individual businesses, except for specific abattoir projects which may receive up to $50,000 annually.
  • A cumulative funding cap of $50,000 over the program's duration (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2028) for individual applicants, with exceptions for agricultural associations based on sector benefits.
  • Up to 40% funding for individual agri-food operations under Element 2, with a $50,000 cap over the program's lifetime.
  • Agriculture associations may receive up to 100% funding for Element 2, with a maximum of $40,000 per year.


The grant focuses on enhancing food safety and risk management systems within the New Brunswick agri-food sector through strategic projects. Eligible activities range from implementing assurance systems to developing emergency response plans and mitigating climate impacts.
  • On-farm and post-farm food safety programs, including workshops, evaluations, and audits.
  • Equipment acquisition to enhance food safety and quality for both on-farm and post-farm projects.
  • Development and implementation of traceability systems, including conducting pilots and managing consultant costs.
  • Promotional and implementation activities for biosecurity programs and measures.
  • Enactment of recognized animal welfare programs.
  • Creation of emergency/livestock disease/crop pest response plans, including consultant costs.
  • Conducting training and communication activities identified in response plans.
  • Targeted activities to help agri-food businesses mitigate climate change impacts or extreme weather events, such as purchasing emergency generators or retrofitting storage areas.
  • Wildlife damage mitigation activities, such as installing fencing or repellent devices to protect livestock and crops.

$ 50,000

Developing emergency response plans for agricultural enterprises

$ 50,000

Implementing a traceability system for local dairy farms

$ 50,000

Mitigating wildlife damage in crops through advanced fencing systems in St John's

$ 50,000

Implementing animal welfare programs in beef farms across Calgary

$ 50,000

Promoting biosecurity measures in poultry farms

$ 50,000

Launching a biosecurity training program for aquaculture


Eligibility for this grant is open to specific groups related to the agriculture and agri-food industry in New Brunswick.
  • Indigenous Peoples or Organizations.
  • Agriculture producers (individuals or groups).
  • Agriculture producer associations.
  • Academic or research institutions.
  • Processors of New Brunswick Agri-food products.
  • Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives.


- Indigenous Peoples or Organizations- Agriculture producers (individuals or groups)- Agriculture producer associations- Academic or research institutions- Processors of New Brunswick Agri-food products- Other individuals or groups capable of achieving program objectives


Some types of companies that are not eligible for this grant include:
  • Companies not related to agriculture production or processing
  • Companies not capable of achieving program objectives


The grant covers specific expenses related to recognized assurance systems and risk management initiatives in New Brunswick's agri-food sector.
  • On-farm and post-farm food safety programs, workshops, conferences, pre-audit evaluation, and audits.
  • Equipment to enhance food safety and quality for on-farm and post-farm projects.
  • Development and implementation of recognized traceability systems, including equipment, traceability pilots and consultant costs.
  • Activities to promote and implement biosecurity and recognized animal welfare programs.
  • Development of commodities and/or farm operational emergency, livestock disease, and crop pest response plans including consultant costs.
  • Training and communication activities identified in response plans.
  • Purchases for emergency back-up generator systems, crop and livestock emergency containment systems, retrofit of feed or production storage areas to mitigate flood impacts.
  • Support for wildlife damage mitigation, including fencing, netting, scaring, or other repellent devices to protect livestock and crops.


This grant is targeted at organizations operating within New Brunswick for promoting agriculture sector resilience. The eligible geographical area is specified based on the local focus of the program.
  • Entities located within New Brunswick, Canada.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The assessment criteria include the following:
  • Strategic alignment with program objectives
  • Demonstrated need for funding support

  • Benefit to the agriculture sector
  • Potential for impact and sustainability of the project


  • Step 1: Consultation
  • Discuss your application with appropriate staff from the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, such as a Business Growth Officer, Development Officer, or Specialist.
  • Identify the appropriate departmental contact from the specified branches: Crop Sector Development, Livestock Sector Development, and Business Growth.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
  • Prepare a detailed application including project objectives, expected outcomes, and how they align with program objectives.
  • Ensure all necessary permits, environmental approvals, or certifications are obtained to complete the project.
  • Step 3: Review Guidelines
  • Review the SCAP Administrative Guidelines to ensure compliance with all administrative requirements.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application by email to or by mail to the Sustainable CAP Program Administrator, Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, PO Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1.
  • Step 5: Reporting
  • Be prepared to report on the impact of the funding received if required. Reporting requirements will be detailed in the letter of offer.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Higher funding levels may be considered for strategic projects that result in a significant benefit back to the agriculture sector.
  • Applicants may be required to report on the impact of the funding received, with reporting requirements outlined in the letter of offer.
  • Projects that demonstrate benefits and impacts to more than one province may be eligible for regional funding.
  • Applicants must ensure that any necessary permits, environmental approvals, or certifications are obtained to complete their project.


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