ventureLAB — Accelerate AI Canada

ventureLAB — Accelerate AI

Accelerate AI: A premier 6-month program supporting Canadian AI startups in talent acquisition, customer acquisition, capital access, and technology development.


  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
Expert Advice
Partnering and Collaboration
Other Support
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • ventureLAB


The Accelerate AI program by ventureLAB is a six-month initiative designed to support tech startups integrating AI and machine learning into their products. Eligible activities include talent acquisition, customer acquisition, technology development, and accessing capital. The program targets Canadian-based ventures at the validation stage with a developed MVP and initial market traction.




Develop a machine learning model to optimize supply chain logistics for e-commerce businesses.


Implement AI-powered customer service bots to enhance user experience on an educational platform.


Create an AI-driven platform for predicting crop yields in agriculture.


Deploy an AI-based recommendation engine for an online retail store to boost sales.


Develop an AI-based diagnostics tool for early detection of diabetes.


Integrate AI into an existing financial platform to enhance fraud detection.


The eligibility criteria for the Accelerate AI grant include incorporation and operation within Canada, a focus on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products, and evidence of solving a real problem in an identified market.
  • The venture must be incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • Focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Less than two years old.
  • Employing fewer than 500 globally (including its affiliates).
  • The venture must be at the validation stage and have developed a minimum viable product (MVP).
  • Is at the efficiency stage, experiencing initial traction in a receptive-enough market to build a business in.
  • Able to demonstrate evidence that their technology solves a real problem for an identified market.
  • The venture must fall under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The program is best suited for scale-up and later-stage companies focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Incorporated, based, and operating in Canada
  • Focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services
  • Less than two years old
  • Employing fewer than 500 globally (including its affiliates)
  • At the validation stage with a developed minimum viable product (MVP)
  • At the efficiency stage, experiencing initial traction in a receptive-enough market
  • Able to demonstrate evidence that their technology solves a real problem for an identified market
  • Falls under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form


This grant is open to companies that are operating and based in Canada. There are no specific geographic restrictions within the country.
  • Operating and based in Canada


Yes, the evaluation and selection criteria for the Accelerate AI program involve several stages of review to determine the fit for the program, focusing on various aspects of the venture and its product. The criteria ensure that the participating ventures are well-aligned with the goals of the program and have the potential for growth and innovation in the AI landscape.
  • The venture must be incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • The focus should be on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • The venture must be less than two years old.
  • Employ fewer than 500 globally, including its affiliates.
  • The venture must be at the validation stage and have developed a minimum viable product (MVP).
  • Should be at the efficiency stage, experiencing initial traction in a receptive-enough market to build a business.
  • Able to demonstrate evidence that their technology solves a real problem for an identified market.
  • The venture must fall under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.
  • Submit an Expression of Interest Form for initial fit assessment.
  • Undergo a review call with the Program Manager to discuss the opportunity and assess fit for the program.
  • Complete the Accelerate AI Application Form upon initial evaluation.
  • Subject to rolling reviews and approval throughout the application period.


  • Step 1: Fill out the Expression of Interest Form
  • Step 2: Our Program Manager, Accelerate AI will contact you to schedule a review call to discuss the opportunity and better assess fit for the program
  • Step 3: After initial evaluation, companies will be invited to complete the Accelerate AI Application Form for submission
  • Step 4: All applicants are subject to review and approval. Rolling reviews will take place throughout the application period


The Accelerate AI program by ventureLAB offers comprehensive support for Canadian startups integrating AI and machine learning into their products, focusing on talent acquisition, customer acquisition, capital access, and technology development.
  • Access to over 40 mentors and 15 advisors
  • Personalized support for product development
  • Access to personalized support from the Capital Investment Program team for fundraising
  • Advisory on attracting top talent
  • Free access to ventureLAB’s Innovation Space in Markham
  • Personalized and promotional videos and articles tailored to each company
  • Demo Days for visibility and product demonstration to a wide audience
  • Access to ventureLAB’s network of over 60 partners including AWS, Siemens, Keysight, Dell, MicroArt, and more

Apply to this program