Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT – Structuring the tourism offer
QC, Canada
Supports sustainable tourism growth in Quebec's Côte-Nord region
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Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Tourisme Côte-Nord
The "Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT – Structuring the tourism offer" grant provides up to $50,000 in non-repayable funding to support the development of innovative and sustainable regional tourism projects. Eligible activities include establishing routes, circuits, and thematic product development that contribute to a distinctive tourism offer.
- The financial aid offered is a non-repayable financial contribution.
- The maximum financial intervention is $50,000 and cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
- The promoter's minimum fund contribution varies based on the type of clientele, with a 50% minimum for for-profit organizations (OBL), 20% for non-profit organizations (OBNL) and cooperatives, and 10% for Indigenous communities or entities in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
- Government financial assistance cannot be accumulated from public contracts or asset transfers.
- Eligible costs include fees for specialized firms or consultants, travel expenses, general expenses, salaries, social benefits for resources dedicated to the project, and net taxes related to eligible costs.
- Contract awards require a public call for tenders for construction contracts of $100,000 or more.
- Projects with construction or expansion costs of $150,000 or more are subject to the Policy on the Integration of Arts in Architecture and the Environment of Government and Public Buildings and Sites.
- Any financial assistance granted surpassing $100,000 to an OBL with more than 100 employees must include the commitment to implement an equal access program compliant with the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
- All companies must comply with the Official and Common Language of Quebec law, ensuring activities are conducted in French.
- The environmental sustainability of projects is taken into account as part of the assessment process.
- Implementation of tourist routes and circuits.
- Development of a thematic tourism product.
- Projects demonstrating a structuring of the tourism offer with a regional impact.
$ 60,000
Establishing a renewable energy community hub
- The applicant must be a legally constituted business or entity under the laws of Quebec or Canada and must operate within Quebec.
- Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and organizations, regional tourism associations with additional financial partners, or any combination of these.
- The applicant must comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as having a valid establishment number for tourism accommodations.
- Nature and adventure tourism businesses must have or be in the process of obtaining the "Accredited Quality-Safety" or "Certified Quality-Safety" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
- Applicants must not be state-owned enterprises, ministries, or non-compliant with the language requirements of the Office québécois de la langue française.
- Projects must be structurally beneficial to the region, impacting more than one regional county municipality (MRC) and demonstrate potential for generating outcomes for multiple partners.
- The applicant must show previous compliance with funding requirements if they have received prior grants.
- Projects must extend over a period longer than three years and demonstrate sustainability.
- For-profit organizations in the tourism sector.
- Non-profit organizations in the tourism industry.
- Cooperatives involved in tourism activities.
- Municipal entities.
- Indigenous communities and nations recognized by the National Assembly, including Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses.
- Regional tourism associations with financial backing from partners other than EPRTNT.
- Any grouping of the aforementioned eligible applicants.
- State-owned enterprises and ministries and agencies of the governments of Quebec and Canada.
- Companies registered in the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
- Businesses not in compliance with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
- Projects related to tourist accommodation establishments that do not comply with current laws and regulations.
- Companies not legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada or not doing business in Quebec.
- Fees for specialized firms or consultants.
- Travel expenses comparable to those of the ATR.
- General expenses, salaries, and benefits for human resources specifically devoted to the completion of the promoter's project.
- Net taxes related to eligible costs, excluding the refundable portion.
- Businesses operating in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec, Canada.
- Alignment with the objectives of the EPRTNT.
- The structuring nature of the project, including its attraction power, scope, impact, collaboration with other partners, job creation, and season extension.
- The innovative aspect of the project.
- Quality in terms of concept, products, and services.
- Financial structure and project financing.
- Relevance considering the significantly tourist clientele and its diversification, market, competition, quality of offering, marketing strategy, and partnerships.
- Feasibility, including timeline, marketing strategy, quality of business plan or study design, and expertise of the promoter.
- Incorporation of sustainable development principles.
- Step 1: Complete the Application Form
- Download and fill out the Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT région Côte-Nord form.
- Ensure all required fields are accurately completed.
- Step 2: Prepare Supporting Documents
- Gather required documents, including recent financial statements and a detailed project plan outlining deliverables and impacts over three years.
- Prepare a revenue-expenditure forecast for the project's duration.
- Ensure a board resolution or equivalent document authorizing the application submission.
- Include confirmation of financial partners, if applicable.
- Obtain any relevant certifications related to Indigenous status if necessary.
- For adventure tourism businesses, include proof or initiation of the "Accrédité" or "Qualité-Sécurité" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
- Step 3: Submit the Application
- Email the completed form and supporting documents to gbouchard@cotenordqc.com.
- Step 4: Confirmation and Queries
- Contact Guy Bouchard at 1-888-463-0808 ext. 1325 for any questions or additional information.
- The financial assistance offered is a non-repayable contribution.
- The maximum amount of the financial intervention is $50,000 and cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
- For projects involving agrotourism or gourmet tourism, essential infrastructure and equipment costs related to the visitor experience may be considered.
- Financial aid cannot be sourced from government aid applicable under the calculation of cumulative financial aids, asset transfers, or contributions in goods and services.
- Proponents are obligated to conduct a public call for tenders for construction contracts valued at $100,000 or more.
- For projects costing $150,000 or more, the integration of arts into architecture and government sites is required.
- Financial assistance of $100,000 or more to a for-profit organization with over 100 employees necessitates an implementation of an equal access program.
- Compliance with Quebec’s official language law is mandatory for all businesses operating within the province.
- Projects must account for sustainable development principles in their global approach.
- Required documentation includes a completed Excel form, project plan, recent financial statements, projected revenue-expense for project duration, board resolution authorizing the signatory, financial partner confirmation if available, and adventure tourism safety certification if applicable.