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Grant and Funding
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Côte-Nord


The Tourisme Côte-Nord — EPRTNT – Hosting grant offers financial support up to $50,000 to enhance and develop innovative, sustainable tourism accommodations in Quebec. Eligible activities focus on improving infrastructure, extending business operations, and providing new tourist services.


  • The financial contribution offered is non-repayable.
  • The maximum amount of financial intervention is $50,000 and cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
  • Minimum promoter contribution varies by type, including a maximum government aid accumulation of 50% for for-profit organizations (OBL), and up to 90% for Indigenous communities and projects in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • Funds from the promoter or their partners cannot come from sources considered as government aid, asset transfers, or in-kind goods and services.
  • Cumulative government financial aid comprises contributions from municipal entities and all ministries and organizations of the Quebec and federal governments.


  • Structuring a specific territory through tourism initiatives.
  • Addressing a shortage of accommodation units in the region.
  • Enhancing the quality levels in the accommodation sector.
  • Extending the operational period and opening times of tourism businesses.
  • Offering new services tailored to tourist clientele.

$ 60,000

Create an artisan support and training center

$ 35,000

Host a digital literacy program for seniors

$ 100,000

Develop a mobile app for community-based healthcare services

$ 50,000

Launch a sustainability workshop series for small businesses

$ 150,000

Implement energy-efficient solutions in small manufacturing firms

$ 80,000

Establish a local food cooperative for urban communities


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted organization under the laws of Quebec or Canada, conducting business in Quebec.
  • Eligible entities include for-profit organizations (OBL), non-profit organizations (OBNL), cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and partnerships of eligible clientele.
  • Tourism companies operating an accommodation establishment must comply with relevant laws and possess a valid registration number.
  • Adventure and nature tourism companies must have, initiate, or commit to obtaining the "Accredited Quality-Safety" or "Attested Quality-Safety" certification from Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
  • The applicant must not be a state-owned company, ministry, or governmental organization of Quebec or Canada.
  • The applicant must not be listed in the register of companies ineligible for public contracts.
  • The applicant must comply with the French language requirements as per the Quebec Office of the French Language regulations.


  • Tourism businesses including for-profit organizations (OBL).
  • Non-profit organizations (OBNL) in the tourism sector.
  • Cooperatives engaged in tourism activities.
  • Municipal entities such as municipalities, cities, and regions.
  • Indigenous communities and recognized nations, including Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses.
  • Groups composed of any of the above entities.


  • State-owned enterprises and departments or agencies of the Quebec and Canadian governments.
  • Businesses listed in the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
  • Companies that are non-compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.


  • Costs for construction, reconstruction, expansion, renovation, adaptation, conversion, replacement of infrastructure or equipment, and deployment of a new tourist experience.
  • Fees paid to recognized professionals, including for design or engineering, technical staff, consultants for monitoring and management of eligible projects, or for report preparation fees.
  • Expenses related to the development, arrangement, and enhancement of land and trails.
  • Expenses related to the purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furniture.
  • Costs for acquiring boats or rolling stock to enhance the customer experience.
  • Acquisition costs of land, easements, and rights of way, along with other related fees, provided the land is required for the project. These costs should not be incurred with a related company or when the asset is partially or fully owned by the company's shareholders.
  • Surveying costs for the site.
  • Quality control costs on the site.
  • Net taxes (excluding reimbursed part) related to direct costs.
  • Costs associated with integrating artwork into a building or site following the "Politique d’intégration des arts à l’architecture et à l’environnement des bâtiments et des sites gouvernementaux et publics du gouvernement du Québec."


  • Companies operating in the Côte-Nord region, Quebec, Canada.


  • Adéquation avec les objectifs de l'EPRTNT.
  • Caractère structurant du projet, incluant son pouvoir d'attraction, sa portée, les retombées escomptées, la concertation avec d'autres partenaires, la création d'emplois, et l'étalement de la saison touristique.
  • Caractère novateur du projet.
  • Qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • Structure et montage financiers du projet.
  • Pertinence du projet, incluant la clientèle touristique cible et sa diversification, l'analyse de marché, la concurrence, la qualité de l'offre, et la stratégie de marketing.
  • Faisabilité du projet, avec un échéancier clair, une stratégie de marketing définie, un plan d'affaires ou un devis d'études de qualité, et l'expertise du promoteur.
  • Prise en compte des principes de développement durable.


  • Step 1: Complete Application Form
    • Download and fill out the "Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT région Côte-Nord" form.
    • Ensure all sections of the form are completed and signed appropriately.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documents
    • Prepare a comprehensive business plan that includes necessary authorizations, certificates, or permits related to the project.
    • Compile the most recent financial statements from the last two years, or project-specific revenue and expense documents for municipal and indigenous entities.
    • Create projected financial statements for three years following project completion.
    • Get a resolution from the board of directors authorizing the application signer for the financial aid request.
    • Obtain a confirmation email from the Ministry of Culture and Communications regarding the Policy of integrating arts to architecture if applicable.
    • Synchronize confirmations from financial partners if available.
    • For adventure tourism businesses, ensure you have a Quality-Safety certificate or proof of application for it.
    • If applicable, provide Indigenous status certification for recognition purposes.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
    • Email the completed form and required documents to
    • Ensure all documents are correctly attached and arranged as required.
  • Step 4: Contact for Information
    • If you need further information, contact Guy Bouchard at 1-888-463-0808 extension 1325.
    • Alternatively, email any inquiries to


  • The contribution is a non-refundable financial grant.
  • The maximum financial contribution is $50,000.
  • The financial assistance cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
  • For construction contracts valued at $100,000 or more, a public tender is required.
  • Beneficiaries must comply with the charters and laws related to equality and language in Quebec.
  • Projects must include sustainable development measures to minimize environmental impact while creating positive social and economic benefits.
  • The assessment of projects will consider an overall sustainable development approach, including social and eco-responsible components.


Apply to this program

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