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Grant and Funding
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Côte-Nord


The Tourisme Côte-Nord EPRTNT grant offers a maximum funding of $15,000 to support the digital development of tourism enterprises. Eligible activities include implementing digital solutions to enhance virtual interactions and improve client experience.


  • The financial assistance offered is a non-repayable financial contribution.
  • The maximum amount of financial intervention is $15,000 and cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs.
  • The financial aid cannot be sourced from the cumulative government assistance or through asset transfers.
  • Funding includes eligible costs such as professional fees for implementation, technology equipment purchases, and initial cloud service subscriptions (up to 24 months).
  • Various ineligible costs include, but are not limited to, ongoing operational costs, capital purchase costs for infrastructure, and marketing expenses.


  • Implementation of digital applications such as payment kiosks, virtual cards, reservation systems, welcome kiosks, and delivery robots.

$ 75,000

Implement a renewable energy initiative for community centers


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under the laws of Quebec or Canada and operate within Quebec.
  • The eligible entities include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and any combination of these.
  • Entities must have fulfilled past commitments to partners if they have previously received funding.
  • Tourist accommodation establishments must comply with current laws and hold a registration number.
  • Nature and adventure tourism companies must hold or commit to obtaining the "Accrédité Qualité-Sécurité" or "Attesté Qualité-Sécurité" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
  • Applicants must not be state-owned companies, ministries, or ineligible according to the public contract registry.
  • Applicants must comply with the process of francization by the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects already funded by similar sectoral projects are not eligible.


  • For-profit tourist organizations (OBL).
  • Non-profit tourist organizations (OBNL).
  • Cooperatives in the tourism sector.
  • Municipal entities.
  • Recognized Indigenous communities and nations as well as Indigenous tourism organizations and enterprises.
  • Any combination of these eligible groups.


  • State-owned corporations and government ministries and agencies of Quebec and Canada.
  • Enterprises listed in the register of companies ineligible for public contracts.
  • Companies not compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects related to tourist accommodations such as hostels and hotel condominiums.
  • Projects involving bike paths, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and dock renovations.
  • Projects in the sectors of catering and retail trade.
  • Projects concerning tourism welcoming and signage.
  • Development of training content.
  • Projects related to gambling and those associated with the sale and consumption of alcohol.
  • Projects already completed or underway before the application date.
  • Projects receiving non-repayable financial assistance from other specified tourism development programs.


  • Côte-Nord region, Quebec


  • L'adéquation avec les objectifs de l'EPRTNT.
  • Le caractère structurant, tel que le pouvoir d'attraction, la portée du projet, ses retombées, la concertation avec d'autres partenaires, la création d'emplois, et l'étalement de la saison.
  • Le caractère novateur du projet.
  • La qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • La structure et le montage financiers du projet.
  • La pertinence en termes de clientèle significativement touristique et sa diversification, marché, concurrence, qualité de l'offre, stratégie de marketing, et maillage.
  • La faisabilité évaluée par l'échéancier, la stratégie de marketing, la qualité du plan d'affaires ou du devis d'études, et l'expertise du promoteur.
  • La prise en compte des principes de développement durable.


  • Step 1: Complete Application Form
    • Fill out the "Demande d’aide financière EPRTNT région Côte-Nord" application form accurately.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documentation
    • Prepare a complete business plan for the project.
    • Collect financial statements from the last two years and interim financial statements, unless you are a startup, municipal entity, or Indigenous community.
    • Prepare financial forecasts for three years, depending on the project scope.
    • Obtain a board resolution authorizing the financial assistance request.
    • If applicable, secure confirmation of financial partners' commitments.
    • If applicable, provide Indigenous certification for status recognition.
    • For adventure tourism businesses, include proof of the "Accrédité" or "Qualité-Sécurité" seal from Aventure Écotourisme Québec or evidence of starting the process to obtain it.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
    • Email the completed application form and all required documents to
  • Step 4: Contact for Information
    • If you need assistance, contact Guy Bouchard at 1-888-463-0808 ext. 1325 or via email at


  • Financial support offered is a non-repayable contribution, with a maximum amount of $15,000.
  • The financial support will not exceed 90% of the eligible costs.
  • Certain organizations need to implement an equality access program if the financial aid provided is $100,000 or more to an organization with more than 100 employees.
  • All businesses operating in Quebec must comply with the "Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, le français."


Apply to this program

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