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Grant and Funding
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Baie-James


The Tourisme Baie-James — EPRTNT – Hosting grant offers a maximum funding amount of $200,000 to support responsible and sustainable tourism development projects in the Baie-James region. Eligible activities include the enhancement of hospitality infrastructure and introduction of new services to attract tourists and extend operational periods.


  • The financial aid provided is a non-reimbursable contribution.
  • The project must have at least $25,000 of eligible costs to qualify for assistance.
  • The maximum amount of financial intervention is $200,000, and it cannot exceed 50% of eligible costs for a for-profit organization (OBL) and 80% for a non-profit organization (OBNL) or cooperative.
  • For OBLs, at least 50% of the funding must come from the promoter; for OBNLs and cooperatives, this is reduced to 20%.
  • The maximum sum of government aid must not exceed the defined percentage based on organization type: 50% for OBLs, 80% for OBNLs/cooperatives, 90% for indigenous communities and entities located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • Promoter's contribution cannot originate from government aid, asset transfers, or contributions in goods and services.
  • The aid requires a public call for tenders for any construction contract of $100,000 or more.
  • A project funded with $100,000 or more is subject to a program of equal access if the organization employs more than 100 people.
  • The project must align with the sustainable development measures and principles by integrating social and eco-responsible elements.


  • Structuring a particular territory for tourism development.
  • Addressing deficits in accommodation units.
  • Improving the quality level of the accommodation sector.
  • Extending the operating season of the tourism enterprise.
  • Offering new services tailored to tourist clienteles.


  • The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under the laws of Quebec or Canada.
  • The applicant must be operating within Quebec.
  • The applicant must be a business in the tourist industry, which includes for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations (NPO), and cooperatives.
  • Municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities, nations, organizations, or groups of these clienteles are also eligible.
  • The applicant must adhere to provincial laws and regulations concerning tourist accommodation establishments and possess a registration number.
  • Projects must be located in the Baie-James tourist region, including the cities of Chapais, Chibougamau, Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Matagami, and the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James Regional Government area.
  • Businesses must have fulfilled previous obligations if they have received grants from the partners before.
  • Nature and adventure tourism businesses must comply or commit to comply with the Qualité-Sécurité program standards of Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
  • Applicants must not be state corporations, ministries, or governmental bodies from Quebec or Canada.
  • The applicant must not be listed on the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
  • The applicant must comply with the Quebec French Language Charter.


  • For-profit tourism organizations
  • Non-profit tourism organizations
  • Tourism cooperatives
  • Municipal entities
  • Recognized Indigenous communities and nations, including Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses
  • Any grouping of these eligible clients


  • The state-owned enterprises and ministries and agencies of the governments of Quebec and Canada.
  • Companies registered in the registry of enterprises ineligible for public contracts in Quebec.
  • Companies not complying with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects involving tourist lodges and hotel condominiums (condotels).
  • Projects related to bike paths, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and dock renovations.
  • Projects in the restaurant and retail sectors.
  • Projects related to tourist reception and signage.
  • Projects concerning training content development.
  • Projects in the gambling sector and those associated with alcohol sales and consumption.
  • Projects with the majority of costs linked to the upgrade, maintenance, or replacement of existing infrastructures or equipment.
  • Projects already completed or underway at the time of application submission.
  • Projects receiving non-refundable financial support from the Programme d'aide à la relance de l'industrie touristique (PARIT) or the Programme d'appui au développement des attraits touristiques (PADAT).
  • Projects with costs related to animal acquisition.
  • Projects with costs related to administrative equipment and material, storage, or retail space.
  • Costs associated with leasing land, buildings, and other facilities (emphyteutic lease).
  • Costs of acquiring non-visitor-centric transportation equipment.


  • The costs engendered for realizing the eligible projects, such as construction, reconstruction, expansion, adaptation, reconversion, or replacing infrastructure or equipment, and the deployment of a new tourism experience.
  • Fees paid to recognized professionals, including for design or engineering, to technical personnel, or to consultants retained for project supervision and management, or fees for reporting.
  • Costs related to the development, layout, and enhancement of land and trails.
  • Costs related to the purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furniture.
  • Costs of acquiring boats or rolling stock that enhance the customer experience.
  • Costs of acquiring land, easements, and rights of way, as long as the land is necessary for project realization. These costs cannot be incurred with a related company or when the targeted asset is owned, in whole or part, by one or more shareholders of the company.
  • Surveying costs for the site.
  • Quality control costs at the site.
  • Net taxes (excluding the reimbursed portion) related to direct costs.
  • Costs related to integrating artwork into a building or site concerning the application of Quebec's Policy for the Integration of the Arts into Architecture and Environment of Government and Public Sites.


  • The region of James Bay, Quebec.
  • The city of Chapais, Quebec.
  • The city of Chibougamau, Quebec.
  • The city of Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec.
  • The city of Matagami, Quebec.
  • The territory of the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James Regional Government.


  • L’adéquation avec les objectifs de l’EPRTNT.
  • Le caractère structurant (pouvoir d’attraction, portée du projet, retombées, concertation avec d’autres partenaires, création d’emplois, étalement de la saison, etc.).
  • Le caractère novateur.
  • La qualité en matière de concept, de produits et de services.
  • La structure et le montage financiers.
  • La pertinence (clientèle significativement touristique et sa diversification, marché, concurrence, qualité de l’offre, stratégie de marketing, maillage, etc.).
  • La faisabilité (échéancier, stratégie de marketing, qualité du plan d’affaires ou du devis d'études, expertise du promoteur).
  • La prise en compte des principes de développement durable.
  • La pertinence touristique et la prise en compte des priorités régionales.


  • Step 1: Preliminary Meeting
  • Schedule a mandatory meeting with the team of Tourisme Baie-James.
  • Discuss the project requirements and ensure that you understand the necessary documents for a complete submission.
  • Step 2: Prepare Documentation
  • Complete the financial assistance application form for the EPRTNT region of Baie-James.
  • Gather required documents such as a complete business plan, recent and projected financial statements.
  • Ensure all documentation such as board resolutions and partner confirmations are prepared.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Send the completed application and all required documents via email to
  • Step 4: Contact for Information
  • For additional information, contact Isabelle Milord at 418-770-5290 or via email at


  • The financial aid offered is a non-repayable contribution.
  • Priority is given to projects that incorporate development sustainability measures that reduce environmental impact and yield social and economic benefits.
  • Any project resulting in financial aid of $100,000 or more obligates an organization with over 100 employees to implement an equality access program in line with the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
  • Projects exceeding costs of $150,000 are subject to the Policy for integrating arts into the architecture and environment of governmental and public buildings and sites.
  • For contracts of $100,000 or more, a public call for tenders is mandatory.


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