Tourism Innovation Program — Stream 1 - Call for proposals to support the development of innovative solutions QC Canada

Tourism Innovation Program — Stream 1 - Call for proposals to support the development of innovative solutions

QC, Canada
Tourism Innovation Program fosters solutions in Quebec industry


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Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • MT Lab


The Programme d’innovation touristique, a partnership between the Government of Québec and MT Lab, aims to enhance productivity, competitiveness, digital transformation, and environmental sustainability in the tourism industry, offering a maximum funding of $150,000 for innovative solutions. Eligible activities include the development of new products or services, improvement of internal processes, and exploration of new marketing channels.


This grant encourages the development of innovative solutions capable of addressing challenges within the tourism industry. Eligible projects focus on cross-regional impacts, significant collaboration, and the implementation of novel strategies.
  • Development of solutions improving productivity, competitiveness, or efficiency in tourism.
  • Implementation of strategies to address labor shortages within the tourism sector.
  • Facilitation of digital transformation efforts for tourism businesses.
  • Reduction of environmental impact from tourism activities through innovative practices.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by the applicant's affiliation with specific organizations and relevance to the tourism industry.
  • The applicant must be an ATR (Association Touristique Régionale) or ATS (Association Touristique Sectorielle) or a privileged partner of the Ministry of Tourism (MTO).
  • The applicant can be a business within the tourism industry.
  • Organizations active in innovation are eligible.
  • Economic development organizations are eligible.
  • Any other organization whose activities are deemed relevant to achieving the program's objectives is eligible.


The eligible clientele for the Programme d'innovation touristique includes:
  • Associations touristiques sectorielles (ATS) and associations touristiques régionales (ATR).
  • Privileged partners of the Ministry of Tourism (MTO).
  • Companies within the tourism industry.
  • Organizations active in innovation.
  • Economic development organizations.
  • Any other organization whose activities are deemed relevant to achieving the program's objectives.


For projects under this grant, evaluation and selection are based on criteria aimed at addressing predefined needs and challenges in the tourism sector.
  • The project must be federative, affecting more than one region, more than one business, or more than one sector.
  • The project must have a lead entity such as a sectorial tourism association, a regional tourism association, or an organization capable of impartially representing its members and managing the project thoroughly, from elaboration to pilot phases and execution.
  • The project must propose an innovative solution.


Here are additional relevant details for this program:
  • Projects can receive financial support of up to $75,000 for challenges and $150,000 for solution calls, depending on the nature of the project.
  • The program fosters collaboration among multiple regions, businesses, or sectors.
  • Projects must have a leader, such as a sectoral or regional tourism association, or an organization that can impartially represent its members and manage the project phases.
  • The program aims to significantly improve the accessibility of innovation in the Quebec tourism industry.
  • The deadline for the program is March 31, 2026.


Apply to this program