
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateDecember 13, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateFebruary 21, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM)


Get funding for a collaborative project between a research center and an eligible Quebec company. CQDM's maximum rate of assistance now varies according to the size of the partner company, regardless of the project's level of technological maturity.


  • Project duration should be between 1 to 3 years.
  • Minimum project budget is $500,000, with possibilities for exceptions under unique conditions.
  • Maximum project budget is $3.75 million for projects involving eligible SMEs, and $7.5 million for projects involving only large companies.
  • CQDM’s financial support for projects involving eligible Quebec SMEs can cover up to 40% of eligible project expenses, with a ceiling of $1.5 million over 3 years.
  • CQDM’s financial contribution for projects involving only large companies is capped at 20% of eligible project expenses, also up to $1.5 million over 3 years.
  • Partner company contributions are required: SMEs must contribute a minimum of 20% of the eligible expenses in cash, while large enterprises must contribute a minimum of 40% of the eligible expenses, with allowance for in-kind contributions up to 50% of these.
  • Up to 40% of funding can be sourced from other entities including Canadian and foreign companies, foundations, and non-MEI government grants.
  • Indirect research costs are set at a fixed rate of 27% and apply to eligible expenditure items funded by the MEIE.
  • Mitacs grants are excluded from indirect research costs obligations.


  • Research and development projects with industrial impact applicable to life sciences, including clinical trials.

$ 750,000

Developing new biopharmaceuticals for rare genetic disorders in collaboration with a research center

$ 1,000,000

Establishing a new lab for advanced genomics research in collaboration with a research center

$ 850,000

Developing a wearable device for real-time diabetes monitoring in collaboration with a research center

$ 900,000

Creating an AI platform for personalized cancer treatment with collaboration from a research center

$ 850,000

Creating a new drug delivery system for Parkinson's treatment with collaboration from a research center

$ 800,000

Launching a new bioinformatics software for genome sequencing in partnership with a research center


  • The applicant must be a researcher working in a Quebec research institution, which can be a university, affiliated hospital, research institute, college center for technology transfer (CCTT), or public research center.
  • The applicant must collaborate with at least one eligible Quebec company.
  • Eligible projects must involve R&D activities with an industrial impact applicable to the life sciences sector, including clinical trials, conducted in partnership with one or more eligible companies.
  • The level of technological maturation of the project must be between 1 and 6 at the beginning of the project.
  • The project must demonstrate socio-economic benefits for Quebec and for the private partner(s) involved.
  • At least one student (master's, doctorate, or post-doctorate) must be involved in the project.


  • Quebec companies in the biopharmaceutical industry
  • Research centers in Quebec
  • Universities and affiliated hospitals in Quebec
  • Research institutes in Quebec
  • College centers for technology transfer (CCTT) in Quebec
  • Public research centers in Quebec
  • Quebec-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Large enterprises (LE) located in Quebec
  • Companies with research and development and/or production activities in Quebec
  • Companies legally constituted under federal or Quebec law and registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register


  • Fellowships, wages, and fringe benefits for research personnel assigned to the project, including technicians, research assistants and associates, postdoctoral fellows, and students.
  • Laboratory equipment, consumables, and supplies, as well as animal housing and platform fees.
  • Travel expenses related to the project, collaborations, and conferences.
  • Knowledge dissemination costs.
  • Intellectual property costs, such as patent applications and maintenance fees for the duration of the project.
  • Rental or purchase of small equipment with a maximum value of $25,000 necessary for the project.
  • Subcontracting expenses to Quebec companies that are not partners in the project, if the activity is essential and cannot be performed by the research institution.


  • Organizations and companies situated within the province of Quebec.


  • Scientific merit and feasibility of the project.
  • Commercialization plan.
  • Differentiation, competitiveness, and added value of the proposed technology.
  • Quality of the collaboration/team.
  • Benefits for the private partners.
  • Socio-economical benefits for the province of Quebec.


  • Step 1: Initial ContactContact Mathieu Paquette, Director of Business Development, to verify the eligibility of your research project.
  • Obtain the official application form and the SynergiQc budget template from Mathieu Paquette via email at
  • Step 2: Submit NotificationNotify the organization of your intent to submit a proposal at least 7 days before the application deadline.
  • Email your intention to apply to ensure a proper evaluation preparation.
  • Step 3: Prepare ApplicationPrepare a non-confidential scientific summary, including the project title, PI’s name and affiliations, total project budget, private partners involved, and the amounts of their contributions.
  • Gather letters of support from corporate partners to include in your application.
  • Step 4: Send ApplicationEmail the non-confidential scientific summary and complete application to no later than 1 week before the deadline.
  • Ensure all documentation, including the letters of support, are appended to the application.


  • The CQDM SynergiQc program aims to expand the pool of industrial members by increasing research collaboration with life sciences organizations such as pharmaceuticals, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), spin-offs, start-ups, and contract research organizations (CROs).
  • Research institutions granted funding must sign a research agreement with industrial partners within three months following receipt of CQDM's approval letter.
  • A research agreement template, provided by CQDM, will detail the project milestones, timeline, and final deliverables.
  • An independent scientific evaluation is part of the approval process, highlighting the project's scientific merit.
  • The approval of the project funding is ultimately decided by the CQDM Board of Directors and the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE).
  • CQDM offers the framework but does not involve itself in the intellectual property agreement between research institutions and industrial partners, which must be attached to the research agreement.
  • The program encourages the transfer of knowledge and technologies developed by public institutions into the industry.



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