
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateDecember 13, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateFebruary 21, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM)


Get funding for a collaborative project between a research center and an eligible Quebec company. CQDM's maximum rate of assistance now varies according to the size of the partner company, regardless of the project's level of technological maturity.


The SynergiQc program provides diversified financing options that adapt to project characteristics and partner involvement, balancing support with industry collaboration incentives.
  • The CQDM financial contribution can cover up to 40% of eligible project expenses for projects involving Quebec SMEs, with a maximum of $1.5 million over 3 years.
  • For projects involving only large Quebec enterprises, the maximum contribution is reduced to 20% of eligible project expenses, also capped at $1.5 million over 3 years.
  • A minimum budget of $500,000 is required for projects, with exceptions for lower-cost projects providing significant partner value; the maximum budget is $3.75 million for projects involving SMEs and $7.5 million for projects with large companies.
  • Partner companies must provide cash contributions of 20-60% for SME collaborations and 40-80% for those involving large enterprises, although in-kind contributions can constitute up to 50% of partner contributions in projects without SMEs.
  • Up to 40% of necessary funding can come from other sources, including Canadian and foreign companies or non-MEIE government grants, such as those from Mitacs.
  • Total project expenses will include an indirect research cost rate of 27% applied to eligible expenses funded by the MEIE.


Projects eligible for the SynergiQc program focus on industrial impact within the life sciences sector. Collaborations between Quebec research institutions and companies are key components.
  • Research and development projects with measurable industrial impact.
  • Collaborative projects involving clinical trials in partnership with eligible companies.
  • Initiatives that promote technological maturation and create industrial value.

$ 1,000,000

Establishing a new lab for advanced genomics research in collaboration with a research center

$ 750,000

Developing new biopharmaceuticals for rare genetic disorders in collaboration with a research center

$ 850,000

Developing a wearable device for real-time diabetes monitoring in collaboration with a research center

$ 900,000

Creating an AI platform for personalized cancer treatment with collaboration from a research center

$ 850,000

Creating a new drug delivery system for Parkinson's treatment with collaboration from a research center

$ 800,000

Launching a new bioinformatics software for genome sequencing in partnership with a research center


Here is a summary of the eligibility criteria for the Quebec Funding Program for Biopharmaceutical Research:
  • All researchers in Quebec working in a research institution and collaborating with an eligible Quebec company
  • R&D projects with industrial impact applicable to life sciences
  • Technological maturation between level 1 and 6 at the project's start
  • Generation of socio-economic benefits for Quebec and private partners
  • Participation of at least one student in the project


Eligible types of companies for this grant include:
  • Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with 249 employees or less that have a place of business in Quebec, are legally constituted, and are registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register
  • Large enterprises (LE) with 250 employees or more that have a place of business in Quebec, are legally constituted, and are registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register


Eligible expenses for the Quebec Funding Program for Biopharmaceutical Research include fellowships, wages, laboratory equipment, travel expenses, intellectual property costs, small equipment purchases, and essential subcontracting expenses.
  • Fellowships, wages, and fringe benefits
  • Laboratory equipment, consumables, and supplies
  • Travel expenses and knowledge dissemination costs
  • Intellectual property costs
  • The rental or purchase of small equipment
  • Some essential subcontracting expenses


This grant is available to companies based specifically in the province of Quebec. Eligibility is determined by the location of the partner company to ensure the promotion of Quebec-based economic benefits.
  • Companies with a place of business in Quebec.
  • Companies registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the SynergiQc grant program:
  • Scientific merit and feasibility of the project
  • Commercialization plan
  • Differentiation, competitiveness, and added value of the proposed technology
  • Quality of the collaboration/team
  • Benefits for the private partners
  • Socio-economic benefits for the province of Quebec


  • Step 1: Contact Mathieu Paquette, Director – Business Development, to validate the eligibility of your project and obtain the application form and the SynergiQc budget template at the following address:
  • Step 2: Submit a half-page non-confidential scientific summary (including the project title, the PI’s name and affiliations, the project’s total budget, the private partners involved as well as the amounts of their respective contribution) to the following address no later than 1 week before the application deadline:
  • Step 3: Obtain letters of support from corporate partners and include them as an appendix to the application
  • Step 4: Send the completed application to


SynergiQc program for biopharmaceutical research

Apply to this program

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