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Grant and Funding
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  • Investissement Québec (IQ)


Get up to $350,000 to cover 75% of the costs of project planning, R&D, technology validation and technological showcase activities relating to the development of innovative products or processes.


Yes, there are various projects and activities eligible for this grant, including those focused on innovation, development, and commercialization.
  • Preliminary and necessary studies and activities for project planning and execution
  • Concept validation
  • Product or process development and improvement, including design, engineering, and prototyping
  • Testing and validation of the product or process
  • Elaboration of a commercialization plan and steps for certification and homologation
  • Real-life operational demonstration to scale or finalize the development of the product or process
  • Technological showcase for demonstrating or using the product or process in real-life conditions


Innovative waste recycling system to reduce landfill use in Vancouver.


Development of a smart irrigation system to improve water efficiency in urban gardens in Toronto.


Creating a new vaccine production process to improve public health in Montreal.


Technological showcase for a renewable energy storage system in Calgary.


Testing and validation of new biodegradable packaging materials in Halifax.


Developing a prototype for a smart home energy management system in Ottawa.


The grant supports innovative projects aimed at the development of new or the significant improvement of existing products or processes, and favors projects with the highest potential impact and innovation. To be eligible, projects must meet specific criteria related to innovation, risk, research, and commercialization potential.
  • The project must focus on developing a new product or process or significantly improving an existing one.
  • The project must present a notable advantage over existing solutions in the market and sector, on a national or international level.
  • The project must involve a technological or business risk for the company.
  • Research and development efforts must be required or have been undertaken for the project.
  • For products or processes intended for sale, the project must demonstrate commercial potential.
  • The company must be legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada and have an operational establishment in Quebec.
  • Certain types of companies, such as state-owned enterprises or those involved in prohibited activities (e.g., production of arms or gambling), are not eligible.
  • The project must be carried out by an individual company, a consortium, or a partnership involving a public research center.
  • The project must generate significant economic and technological benefits for Quebec.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The grant is open to legally constituted companies based in Quebec or Canada that are involved in various sectors and have an establishment in Quebec.
  • Legally constituted companies in Quebec or Canada with an establishment in Quebec
  • Social economy enterprises as defined by the Law on the Social Economy


Yes, there are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant.
  • Companies listed in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA).
  • Companies that failed to meet obligations to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation or Investissement Québec in the last two years.
  • State-owned enterprises or those controlled by a government entity.
  • Companies under protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Holding companies.
  • Companies with unethical conduct tarnishing the integrity of the Québec government.
  • Companies involved in the production or distribution of weapons.
  • Companies involved in fossil fuel activities such as petroleum and thermal coal extraction, except for transitions to a low-carbon economy.
  • Enterprises engaged in gambling, violent games, combat sports involving any living species, races, or similar activities.
  • Businesses involved in sexual exploitation such as erotic bars, escort agencies, erotic massage parlors, or swinger clubs.
  • Companies involved in the production, sale, or services related to tobacco or drugs, except cannabis and industrial hemp.
  • Activities primarily focused on subjects protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (religion, politics, rights advocacy, etc.).


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The eligible expenses are detailed below:
  • Professional fees for specialized services, including those from public research centers.
  • Subcontracting services.
  • Direct labor costs related to the project, including social benefits and mandatory contributions.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses linked to the project, including those of potential clients attending demonstrations.
  • Direct material and stock costs.
  • Direct equipment costs, calculated proportionally to the project duration and equipment lifespan.
  • Equipment rental costs.
  • Costs for the acquisition of studies or other documentation.
  • Animal facility and platform fees.
  • Expenses for preparing an intellectual property protection strategy and obtaining intellectual property rights or licenses.
  • Fees for obtaining necessary commercial certifications or approvals.
  • Costs of participating in exhibitions or salons to attract potential clients to a technological showcase.


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are limited to entities within the provincial jurisdiction of Quebec in Canada.
  • Enterprises legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada
  • Enterprises with an active establishment in Quebec
  • Social economy enterprises defined by the Quebec's social economy law


The evaluation and selection process for this grant involves a rigorous analysis of the innovation project's unique advantages, market potential, alignment with business models, and several other criteria necessary for its successful implementation and socio-economic impact.
  • The innovative character of the project, presenting a significant advantage over existing solutions.
  • The potential market of the product or process.
  • The solidity of intellectual property rights and the strategy for maintaining a competitive edge.
  • The relevance of the project to the company's business model.
  • The company's capacity to successfully execute the project, including financial and human resources.
  • The quality of the partners involved in the project.
  • The quality and realism of the project implementation plan.
  • The level of risk and uncertainty associated with the project.
  • The financing structure and the support from partners.
  • The potential impacts on the company or its sector.
  • The potential socio-economic impacts.
  • The quality of the service offer from private consultants or eligible public research centers, if applicable.
  • The alignment with the expertise and mission of the eligible public research center, if applicable, as well as with the business strategy of the company and sectoral priorities established by Investissement Québec.
  • The incorporation of sustainable development elements into the project plan.


  • Step 1: Read the Guide
  • Ensure to thoroughly read the complete Guide to Applications.
  • Step 2: Fill Out the Application Form
  • Complete and sign the Innovation program form, stream 1 Support for innovation projects – Financial assistance request.
  • Step 3: Gather Required Documents
  • Collect all necessary documents listed in the guide, particularly in section 7.
  • Examples of necessary documents include:
  • Completed and signed financial assistance request form.
  • Financial statements of the last two years or forecasted financial statements for start-ups.
  • Diagram of the project schedule and budget.
  • Partnership agreement for technology showcase projects.
  • Letters confirming participation from each participating enterprise in collaborative projects.
  • Service offers from public research centers if applicable.
  • Service offers from selected patent agents for intellectual property protection projects.
  • Step 4: Submit the Application
  • Send the completed application form and required documents electronically to
  • Step 5: Await Admissibility and Assessment
  • The application will be processed and analyzed on a continuous basis, ensuring budget availability and adherence to the program's standards.
  • Incomplete or non-compliant applications will be deemed inadmissible.


Here are additional miscellaneous details about the grant:
  • Applications must be submitted electronically to in French.
  • Projects must present an advantage determinative over existing market solutions.
  • Admittances include conformity to specific laws and non-affiliation with certain unethical activities.
  • The maximum project duration is five years.
  • Regular project reports and justifying documentation are required during the project's execution.
  • The financial support granted is non-repayable and varies between 30% and 50% of the eligible expenses.

Apply to this program