Strategic Industry Growth Initiative
PE, Canada
Funding for Prince Edward Island to commercialize new food products
grant_single|update January 24, 2025
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|closingDateMay 17, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)
- Government of Prince Edward Island
- Department of Agriculture
Funding to cover up to 85% of the costs of projects that accelerate the development and successful commercialization of food products.
$ 14,450
Recruit and train staff for expanding agriculture startup 'UrbanFarms Ltd'
$ 12,750
Launch a vegetable subscription service including delivery feasibility study
$ 15,300
Create sustainable fish farming techniques and business plan
$ 12,750
Conduct market research to expand 'NutriBeverage' product line internationally
$ 12,750
Develop a new organic food line and effective marketing strategies
$ 15,300
Upgrade machinery to commercialize new food technologies for 'HealthySnack Inc'
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type of organization and the capacity to deliver project outcomes.
- Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups.
- Agri-businesses.
- Agri-processors.
- Agriculture industry organizations, clubs, and associations.
- Public, private, and academic research bodies.
- Entities collectively representing all agricultural sectors with the necessary expertise to deliver project outcomes.
- Others may be considered upon request.
To apply for SIGI funding, eligible recipients include Mi'kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups, agri-businesses, agri-processors, agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations, public, private, and academic research bodies, entities representing all agricultural sectors, and other potential applicants upon request. It is important to consult the Strategic Industry Growth Initiative (SIGI) Guidelines for a detailed understanding of eligibility.
While the grant program has outlined several eligible activities and recipient types, there are specific activities and sectors that are not eligible for funding. These restrictions are in place to ensure the funds support strategic initiatives in line with program objectives.
- Activities related to aquaponic food production, or to aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing (except for international marketing and traceability activities for fish and seafood).
- Activities which provide tax credits or rebates.
- Development and enforcement of regulations.
This grant supports the development and commercialization of food products within Prince Edward Island's agriculture sector. The eligible activities aim to enhance competitiveness, productivity, and workforce retention through strategic initiatives.
- Development and implementation of industry or sector strategies.
- Conducting research and feasibility studies related to product delivery.
- Consulting or business coaching on applied market research and value-chain development.
- Providing access to capital and support services for new and/or expanding business ventures.
- Supporting activities to identify commercialized products, technologies, practices or processes for adoption by the sector.
- Facilitating businesses to commercialize and adopt new products, technologies, practices, or processes.
- Projects aimed at recruitment and retention of labour in the agriculture sector.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the SIGI grant are determined by the program's merit and impact on the agriculture sector in Prince Edward Island, though specific point scoring criteria are not provided in the provided documentation.
- Merit and impact of the project proposal on industry competitiveness and productivity.
- Alignment with SIGI's strategic goals, including market and innovation-based opportunities.
- Potential for broad sector and industry benefits.
- Facilitation of value-chain development and strategic relationships.
- Contribution to recruitment and retention of labour in the agriculture sector.
- Consideration for projects that increase public trust and offer regional collaboration benefits.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Review Program Guidelines
- Visit the official SIGI program page to access the guidelines.
- Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria.
- Understand the funding limits and eligible activities/expenses.
- Step 2: Prepare Application Materials
- Complete the application form, including all mandatory fields.
- Gather business or organization information, including CRA registration number.
- If applicable, compile partnership details and additional sources of project funding.
- Develop a project proposal with sections such as cover page, executive summary, objectives, timeline, results, sustainable CAP outcome, climate change consideration, budget, evaluation, and communication of support if applicable.
- Step 3: Complete the Application Form
- Provide applicant contact details and business type information.
- Select the appropriate recipient and industry type.
- Include signature for declaration and consent to personal information.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Email the completed application and project proposal to: SIGI@gov.pe.ca with "Strategic Industry Growth Initiative Application" as the subject line.
- Alternatively, mail the application to the PEI Department of Agriculture, 11 Kent Street, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8.
- Step 5: Confirmation of Submission
- Wait for confirmation of receipt from the PEI Department of Agriculture.
- Ensure you receive an application number for future reference.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Funding is available up to 85% of eligible expenses for approved projects.
- Consultant costs for projects are eligible up to a maximum of $20,000 per project.
- Projects that demonstrate links to increasing public trust may be eligible for additional funding.
- Regional collaboration in projects that benefit more than one Atlantic province might qualify for regional funding.