SODEC — Production support QC Canada

SODEC — Production support

QC, Canada
The "Production Assistance Program – SODEC 2024-2025" supports the creation of innovative and diverse Quebecois films and digital projects with potential for both local and international impact.


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Grant and Funding
Other Support
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)


The SODEC's Production Assistance Program for 2024-2025 aims to support the creation of original, engaging, and diverse quality film projects, including feature-length fiction films, short films, and narrative short-format digital projects. Eligible activities include development, production, and post-production efforts for Quebec-based audiovisual works, with a strong emphasis on facilitating the continuity of experienced creative teams and nurturing new talent within the industry.


Eligible projects and activities for this grant include the selective funding of production for feature-length fiction films, short fiction and documentary films, narrative digital projects of short format, and medium-length and feature-length unique documentary films.
  • Production of feature-length fiction films
  • Production of short fiction films
  • Production of short documentary films
  • Production of narrative digital projects of short format
  • Production of medium-length and feature-length unique documentary films


A full-length feature film about the life of a young artist in Montreal.


A short documentary on the impact of climate change in Vancouver.


A digital short film focusing on the cultural heritage of Halifax.


A short fiction film showcasing the everyday heroism of Toronto's common people.


A medium-length documentary film focusing on Inuit communities in Iqaluit.


A narrative digital short project highlighting pioneers in Toronto's tech industry.


Projects seeking funding must meet the general eligibility criteria of the program, alongside specific criteria for different types of film projects. Canadian enterprises must demonstrate their capacity across various aspects including creative, financial, and production management.
  • Enterprises must be Quebec-based production companies.
  • First-time applicants must contact SODEC at least one month before the deposit date to establish eligibility.
  • Experienced companies shifting to a new production format must also contact SODEC one month in advance.
  • Only applications from enterprises with pre-established eligibility will be considered.
  • Eligibility is assessed based on the professional history of the company and its producers.
  • Applicants must demonstrate their administrators and producers have relevant professional experience.
  • Applicants may need to show financial capability to sustain the production's cash flow.
  • All necessary documents for the master file must be provided at the time of deposit.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. Eligible companies must be Québec-based production companies that meet specific conditions related to their professional experience, financial capacity, and administrative capabilities.
  • Must be an enterprise from Québec.
  • First-time applicants must communicate with SODEC at least one month before the submission deadline to establish eligibility.
  • Experienced enterprises in one production format wishing to apply for another must also communicate with SODEC one month prior to the deadline.
  • Must demonstrate relevant professional experience in orchestrating creative, administrative, and financial aspects of production.
  • Must show the financial capacity to support production's cash flow if required by SODEC.
  • Must provide all required documents for initial application or update their master file.


Certain types of companies are not eligible for the grant. Specifically, companies in the broadcasting sector or those with certain affiliations to broadcasting companies are excluded.
  • Broadcasting companies holding a license under the Broadcasting Act (L.R.C., c. B-9)
  • Companies that become license holders during the taxation year they apply for the grant
  • Companies that were license holders in the 24 months preceding the application year
  • Companies that control or are controlled by a license holder, directly or indirectly, within the 24 months preceding the application year
  • Production companies with a minority stake in a broadcasting company or vice versa


Eligible expenses for the grant should align with various categories outlined in the program guidelines.
  • Costs of scriptwriting and development.
  • Salaries for creative and technical teams.
  • Equipment rental and technical services.
  • Production expenses including pre-production and post-production.
  • Marketing and distribution expenses.


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is limited to Quebec, Canada. Only Quebec-based production companies that meet specific criteria are eligible to apply for the grant.
  • Companies must be Quebec-based.
  • Companies must be primarily engaged in production activities.
  • Companies must have a significant portion of their production and administrative operations within Quebec.
  • Companies must demonstrate that their administrators and producers have relevant professional experience.
  • Companies must have the financial capability to support the production's cash flow requirements.
  • Additional requirements may apply for films in languages other than French, including mandatory French dubbing or subtitling.


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The projects are evaluated based on their creative aspects, financial feasibility, and exploitation strategies. Below are the detailed evaluation and selection criteria:
  • Creative Aspects:
  • Interest and engaging nature of the proposition.
  • Originality in the context of the current offer.
  • Scenario quality including its structure, rhythm, character development, and dialogue quality.
  • Proposed realization quality and coherence.
  • Vision of the producer or the production team.
  • Track record of the company and the producer.
  • Capacity of the project to gain traction in Quebec and internationally.
  • Financial Aspects:
  • State of advancement of financial structure.
  • Amount requested from SODEC in relation to total budget.
  • Diversity of financial partners.
  • Financial investment by the producer.
  • Exploitation Strategies:
  • Strategies and financial resources deployed for ensuring discoverability, accessibility, and visibility.
  • Engagement of audiences.
  • Promotion and dissemination of the film in Quebec and abroad.


  • Step 1: Confirm Eligibility
  • Ensure your enterprise is a Quebec production company.
  • If you are submitting for the first time, contact SODEC at least one month before the submission date to establish eligibility.
  • If experienced in one production format but seeking funding for another, also contact SODEC at least one month prior to establish eligibility.
  • Assemble all required documents for opening or updating your master file.
  • Step 2: Prepare Your Application
  • Adhere to the general and specific conditions for the chosen funding stream (long films, short films, digital projects, documentary mediums/long films).
  • Include all required documents such as the production budget, exploitation strategy, and necessary financial confirmations.
  • Step 3: Submission via SOD@ccès
  • Submit the application through the secure SOD@ccès portal.
  • Ensure the application is complete with all required documentation as detailed on the SODEC website.
  • Pay the relevant application fees based on the project's specifics.
  • Step 4: Post-Submission
  • Wait for SODEC to process and evaluate your submission.
  • Be prepared to provide additional information or documents if required by SODEC during the review process.


The grant provides additional considerations for the evaluation and application process. Specific guidelines, qualitative benchmarks, and other complementary information are also outlined.
  • The grant evaluation includes assessments of projects' creative, financial, and exploitation aspects.
  • Applications must be submitted electronically via the secure SOD@ccès portal.
  • Specific documentaries are reported to be focused on presenting strong editorial viewpoints and have the potential for long-term interest.
  • Projects must have access to a broad audience, with a requirement for some films to be accessible in French in Quebec.
  • For the financial sustainability of a production, the SODEC may require audited financial reports.
  • The SODEC may organize and finance professional development activities in partnership with industry professionals, enterprises, or associations.
  • Applicants are advised to refer to the SODEC and Téléfilm Canada accounting and cost presentation rules.
  • A $50 to $1,000 fee is required for project submission depending on the project type and budget.
  • Specific deadlines for submission are mandated and available on the SODEC website.
  • Environmental sustainability and regional development are encouraged within the scope of the grant.
Apply to this program