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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF)


The Small Food Processor Scale-Up Program provides up to $150,000 in funding to support facility upgrades, equipment acquisition, and related training for small food processors in British Columbia. Its purpose is to enhance productivity and competitiveness, particularly in the meat, seafood, fruit, vegetable, plant-based protein, dairy, bakery, and beverage sectors.


  • Co-financing of up to 75% of project costs, based on group-specific funding allocations.
  • Funding range for projects is from $25,000 to $150,000.
  • Total funding available per applicant cannot exceed the project funding limit of $150,000.
  • Subsidiaries that meet specific criteria can apply separately; however, combined funding for the parent organization and subsidiaries cannot exceed $150,000.
  • Stacking of funds from other government programs is allowed up to 100%, excluding select programs delivered by the IAF.
  • Funding is project-specific and non-transferable, must be used for approved activities and expenses.
  • All project activities and expenditures need approval before initiation; retroactive cost approvals are not permitted.
  • Funding is dependent on compliance with reporting obligations, including submission of interim and final reports.
  • Funds are reimbursed based on audited receipts and compliance with approved budgets.
  • Obligation to acknowledge government funding in all related communications, requiring pre-approval of materials by the IAF Communications Team.


  • Build, upgrade, or expand infrastructure such as new cooler or freezer, production room expansion.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment or machinery, including IT systems, to increase production capacity or support product line expansion, along with specialized training related to the use of the equipment and/or machinery.
  • Activities or equipment to support development or adaptation of new products to meet customer needs in different markets.
  • Purchase and installation of new or upgraded/expanded facilities and infrastructure and equipment for increased production capacity.
  • Purchase and installation of new technology and systems, including innovative technologies, software, advanced automation such as robotics, digital or Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, and systems that enhance processing capacity.
  • Applied Research and development (R&D) for new and improved products, including lab analysis, packaging, and the use of technology for product development, requiring commercialization before February 1, 2026.

$ 15,000

Launching a digital literacy program for seniors

$ 20,000

Implementing a waste reduction initiative in schools

$ 25,000

Developing a community garden to enhance local food security

$ 50,000

Establishing an incubator for tech startups

$ 50,000

Restoring a historical landmark with community involvement


  • Applicant must be located in the Province of British Columbia.
  • Must be an established food and/or seafood processing business with a minimum of two years in operation and gross annual revenues between $100K and $499K.
  • Processors must be involved in material transformation of products and fall under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 311 or 312.
  • Established commercial food hubs, commissary kitchens, and other shared-use commercial food processing facilities must be in operation for a minimum of one year; no revenue limits apply.
  • For primary meat processors, Farmgate Plus license holders need at least one year of operation seeking to transition to an abattoir, and must confirm application for an Abattoir license before project completion.
  • Abattoir license holders must have been in operation for a minimum of two years with gross annual revenues up to $499K.
  • Projects must fall within one priority commodity group specified by the program.


  • Established food and seafood processing businesses in British Columbia with a minimum of two years in operation and annual revenues between $100K and $499K.
  • Established commercial food hubs, commissary kitchens, and other shared-use commercial food processing facilities in British Columbia.
  • Primary meat processors licensed under Farmgate Plus or Abattoir facilities in British Columbia.


  • Retail food services or operations.
  • Fruit and vegetable packers, except when conducting other eligible forms of food processing on the same premises.
  • Processors/manufacturers of pet food, except where it provides value-add to waste from food supply.
  • Processors/manufacturers of cannabis-infused food products and beverages.
  • Restaurants and food service, including catering services.
  • Packaging material manufacturers.
  • Processors/manufacturers of health products or nutritional supplements.
  • Processors/manufacturers of alcohol-based beverages and ingredients meant for alcohol-based beverages.
  • New entrant businesses.
  • Animal feed processors.
  • Non-BC-based businesses.


  • Purchase and installation of new or upgraded/expanded facilities and infrastructure, including costs for renovations, site improvements, and construction.
  • New or upgraded equipment/machinery to increase production capacity or support product line expansion.
  • Related training and upskilling to support adoption and implementation, provided by an external organization or company.
  • Purchase and installation of new technology and systems, including innovative technologies, software, advanced automation, and digital or AI technology that would increase processing capacity.
  • Costs for facility changes, upgrades, and modifications required for installation of advanced automation or manufacturing technology or equipment.
  • Applied research and development (R&D) for new and improved products, lab analysis, and packaging including R&D for new products, access to laboratory equipment, and applied research support and expertise.


  • Province of British Columbia


  • Step 1: Account Creation
  • Create a personal profile with your name and email on the IAF Client Portal.
  • Step 2: Organization Registration
  • Provide your organization’s information including name, contact details, type of organization, BC ID / CRA numbers, and primary contact details.
  • Wait for IAF staff to validate your organization, which may take 1-2 business days.
  • Step 3: Application Selection
  • Once validated, select the Small Food Processor Scale-Up Program from the available funding opportunities.
  • Step 4: Application Completion
  • Provide details such as applicant type, project start & end dates, project activities, anticipated project benefits, and project lead.
  • Include information about resourcing for project activities, project expenses, funding required, permit status, and any communications or information-sharing activities.
  • Submit proof of audited financial statements or Canada Revenue Agency documents for processing businesses.
  • Step 5: Supplementary Material Submission
  • Upload any supplementary materials, such as cash flow plans and quotes, through the IAF Client Portal attachments.
  • Step 6: Application Submission
  • Submit the complete application through the IAF Client Portal before the deadline of November 2, 2023, at 4:30 pm PST.
  • Ensure all application materials are finalized and complete before submission, as incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Step 7: Confirmation and Review Process
  • IAF will conduct a review of your application based on eligibility and program priorities.
  • Funding decisions will be communicated via email within 30 days of the intake deadline.


  • All public communications about a project funded by the program must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team.
  • Projects must receive approval from IAF before commencing; retroactive funding for activities completed prior to approval is not available.
  • Reimbursement of expenses will be based on audited receipts and the approved project budget.
  • Due to high demand and potential oversubscription, applying as early as possible is encouraged.
  • If a project is not completed or requires changes, IAF must be informed promptly through the IAF Client Portal.


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