Post-Farm Food Safety Program
BC, Canada
Cost-sharing program for enhancing BC food safety practices
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 31, 2023
Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Transportation and warehousing
- Government of British Columbia
The Post-Farm Food Safety Program provides up to $20,000 in matched funding to support British Columbia food and beverage manufacturing facilities in implementing food safety practices, systems, and certifications. Eligible activities include conducting food safety gap assessments, improving food safety practices, and achieving third-party Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certifications.
This grant provides cost-sharing opportunities to enhance food safety practices in British Columbia's agri-food sector. The financial assistance supports various food safety endeavors to help businesses meet regulatory standards and improve market access.
- Each eligible participant may apply for up to $20,000 in funding over the program's term.
- Funding can cover up to 70% of project costs, with specific projects like equipment upgrades capped at certain amounts (e.g., $15,000 for regulatory compliance upgrades).
- Eligible cost areas include gap assessments, food safety improvement activities, and HACCP certification-related costs.
- Funding is available as reimbursement following the successful completion of project activities as outlined in a signed Funding Agreement.
- Financial assistance is provided only for activities approved in advance and included in a workplan formulated with a Technical Program Advisor.
The Post-Farm Food Safety Program funds activities that enhance food safety practices in British Columbia's food and beverage businesses. Eligible activities include conducting assessments to identify safety gaps and implementing improvements to achieve recognized food safety certifications.
- Conducting Food Safety Gap-Assessments or pre-audits to identify and document risks, issues, and opportunities for improvement.
- Implementing Food Safety Improvement Activities related to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), Best Practices (BPs), and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety systems.
- Proactively mitigating food safety risks identified in the gap-assessment through systems implementation and upgrades of facilities and equipment.
- Purchasing and installing equipment needed for Critical Control Points (CCPs), such as metal detectors or pasteurizers, necessary for food safety compliance.
- Performing final audits or obtaining third-party HACCP certifications.
- Conducting laboratory testing to reduce food safety risk, including validation and verification of Control Points (CPs).
- One-time training of staff on newly developed or updated food safety procedures, policies, or practices.
- Developing and implementing written food safety programs that include traceability and recall plans.
- Capital costs for facility upgrades required for regulatory compliance and to support food safety improvements.
To be eligible for the Post-Farm Food Safety Program, applicants must meet specific criteria related to their business registration, location, and operational compliance.
- Have an active 9-digit business registration number (BN) with the CRA or an active GST number and file business or farm income taxes in British Columbia (BC).
- Must be based and operating in the province of British Columbia.
- Be provincially or federally licensed.
- Constitute a legal entity (association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual with legal standing).
- Be in compliance with all requirements of the law and agree to remain in compliance for the term of the CAP funding agreement.
- Be registered with the BC Premises Identification Program if raising livestock and/or poultry.
- Include supporting documents such as a letter of commitment from senior management, a provincial or federal operating license, and a letter of Good Standing from a financial institution.
Eligible companies must be either federally or provincially registered businesses with an active GST number and must be based and operating out of British Columbia. They must operate agribusinesses that handle food for human consumption and can be located on or off a farm premise. The following organizations are eligible to apply:- Food and beverage manufacturers.- Processors, Transporters, Warehouses, Distributors, Packagers, Importers, and Exporters.- Abattoirs (must be registered in the BC Premises Identification). Registration can happen simultaneously with the Post-Farm Food Safety Program’s application.- Processing facilities located on or off a farm premise and not covered by a certified On-Farm Food Safety (OFFS) Program.
This grant program is specifically tailored to support businesses within certain sectors, and therefore excludes certain types of businesses from applying. The restrictions ensure that funding is directed towards enhancing food safety within the agribusiness sector.
- Operations that grow, process or handle health or nutrition supplements.
- Health and/or nutrition supplement processing/handling operations.
- Operations producing pet food or food not intended for human consumption.
- Businesses only involved in primary production.
- Retail operations.
- Restaurants or other foodservice operations.
- Aquaculture and seafood production businesses.
- Unlicensed, unregistered, and/or uninspected facilities.
- Any other business deemed ineligible by the Ministry.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to improving food safety practices in the BC agri-food sector.
- Costs for a gap-assessment or pre-audit by third-party accredited auditors.
- Development of a Food Safety work plan.
- Equipment purchases necessary for critical control points such as metal detectors and chlorinators.
- Facility modifications like upgrading interior surfaces with non-toxic materials.
- Third-party costs to develop written food safety documentation.
- Laboratory testing required to reduce food safety risk.
- One-time training of staff on new food safety procedures.
- Food safety training provided by third-party organizations.
- Developing traceability and recall plans.
- Conducting validation studies as outlined in HACCP plans.
- Purchasing hand washing stations, sanitizing stations, and other safety-related equipment.
- Initial setup and calibration of new equipment impacting food safety.
This grant is specifically available to companies based and operating within the province of British Columbia in Canada. The funding is intended to support the agri-food sector within this particular geographical area.
- Based in British Columbia, Canada.
- Operating out of British Columbia, Canada.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Review Program Details
- Visit the Post-Farm Food Safety Program website and read through the Program Guide.
- Evaluate if the program suits your company’s needs and determine eligibility.
- Step 2: Complete Part A - Eligibility Application
- Access the "Apply Now" section to fill out the Part A eligibility form on the program website.
- Submit preliminary business information to determine eligibility.
- Create login credentials for the "My Profile" online system.
- Step 3: Complete Part B - Funding Application
- Upon confirmation of eligibility, receive an invitation to fill out Part B.
- Provide supporting documents confirming your business operates in BC and complies with legal requirements.
- Complete the Baseline Questionnaire to provide more information about your current food safety systems.
- Step 4: Choose Your Project Option
- Select between options such as pursuing a third-party HACCP audit or implementing food safety improvements.
- Follow specific requirements for gap-assessments if opting for food safety improvement activities.
- Step 5: Build Your Workplan
- Connect with the Technical Program Advisor (TPA) to develop a Workplan based on your needs and goals.
- Ensure the Workplan outlines all activities, costs, and expected outcomes.
- Step 6: Sign Funding Agreement
- After finalizing the Workplan, receive a Funding Agreement from FPSC.
- Sign the Agreement and return it via the "My Profile" system for countersignature.
- Step 7: Start Project Activities
- Begin approved project activities as per the signed Funding Agreement while adhering to specified timelines.
Here are additional relevant details for the Post-Farm Food Safety Program grant:
- Participants must submit claims before set deadlines or risk non-reimbursement by the Registrar.
- Monitoring of activities will be conducted to ensure participants stay on track with their Workplans.
- Verification audits of over 10% of completed projects will occur to confirm activities completion as per the plan.
- Applicants are encouraged to apply even if they have limited resources, as the program provides cost-sharing to advance existing strategies.
- Participants must invoice FPSC for the approved reimbursable amount as per the Funding Agreement after paying expenses in full.
- Applicants agree to on-site audits to verify activities completion, and audit failures may result in denial of claims.
- Complaints are managed through a documented process, initially internally, and may be escalated to the Ministry if unresolved.
- Participants are required to conduct a gap-assessment or pre-audit as a prerequisite for accessing food safety implementation funding.
- Nominated Technical Program Advisor (TPA) provides guidance and helps in developing Workplans for facilities.
- Clients are obligated to participate in an exit survey upon completion of their participation in the program.