Rural Economic Development program — Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream
ON, Canada
Funding for community infrastructure projects
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 21, 2024
- grant_single|closingDateFebruary 21, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Information and cultural industries
- Government of Ontario
- Ministry of Agriculture
Receive up to $250,000 to cover a maximum of 30% of eligible projects costs that improve and rehabilitate physical assets identified as strategically important to a community to preserve its unique character and quality of life and enhance it for future g
This grant is available to organizations operating in rural communities in Ontario, Canada. The program is specifically focused on enhancing economic growth in these regions.
- Rural communities within Ontario, Canada.
$ 30,000
Collaborative marketing to promote local artisan crafts
$ 66,000
Technology adoption initiative to modernize local manufacturing processes
$ 90,000
Redevelopment of vacant building into a community co-working space
$ 30,000
Attract and retain young professionals to boost local tech start-up scene
$ 75,000
Rehabilitation of historic buildings for community use
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's type and scope of operations.
- The applicant must be a municipality.
- The applicant must be a not-for-profit entity.
- The applicant must be an Ontario Indigenous community or organization.
- The applicant must be a Local Services Board.
To be eligible to apply to the RED program, you must be:a municipalitya not-for-profit entityan Ontario Indigenous community or organizationa Local Services Board
This grant helps support projects that bolster economic growth and infrastructure in rural communities through strategic innovation and planning. Eligible activities focus on non-capital community projects and minor capital infrastructure enhancements that align with economic development goals.
- Entrepreneurship and business succession projects, including coaching, mentorship, and connectivity initiatives.
- Business retention and expansion efforts, such as conducting surveys and implementing action plans.
- Downtown revitalization projects to increase customer traffic and business presence through marketing.
- Technology adoption and innovation initiatives to enhance digital capabilities and planning efficiency.
- Attraction and retention of workforce initiatives, including marketing and training events.
- Collaborative marketing campaigns impacting multiple communities.
- Sector or value chain development strategies focusing on collaboration and network development.
- Rehabilitation of cultural, heritage, or tourism attractions through minor capital projects.
- Redevelopment of vacant buildings to foster economic outcomes, such as innovation hubs.
- Streetscaping and landscaping projects designed to enhance public space aesthetics.
The RED program funds a variety of eligible expenses depending on the project stream and type.
- Coaching and mentorship services for entrepreneurship and business succession projects.
- Activities such as collecting business and market data, and writing and implementing action plans for business retention and expansion.
- Digital training and support services for technology adoption.
- Coordination of business approvals, including licensing and permits.
- Workforce marketing and attraction activities.
- Collaborative marketing campaigns impacting multiple communities.
- Buyer-seller forums and specialized business training for sector/value chain development.
- Minor capital costs for rehabilitating cultural, heritage, or tourism attractions.
- Interior redevelopment of vacant or underutilized buildings.
- Streetscaping, wayfinding signage, and beautification projects.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the RED program are based on specific criteria designed to ensure alignment with the program’s objectives of boosting rural economic development in Ontario.
- Basic eligibility criteria: The project must be conducted in and benefit rural Ontario.
- Alignment with the RED program’s outcomes: How well the project aligns with the intended economic development outcomes of the RED program.
- Collaboration and partnerships: The extent to which the project involves collaboration and partnerships.
- Reducing economic barriers: The project’s potential to remove or reduce barriers to economic development.
- Regional, sector or value chain impacts: The broader impact of the project across regions, sectors, or value chains.
- Project work plan: The feasibility and clarity of the project’s implementation plan.
- Project budget: Reasonableness and eligibility of the stated project costs.
- Financial commitment: The availability of financial resources to support the project.
- Sustainability beyond the project timelines: The ability of the project to maintain its benefits after the funding period ends.
- Project oversight: Measures in place to ensure effective monitoring and control of the project.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- All selected applicants must enter into a contribution agreement with the Province of Ontario.
- All applicants have joint and several liability for any funded project.
- The timeframe of the project cannot be extended without the written approval from OMAFRA.
- The project's maximum eligible costs cannot be increased.