Regional partnership and digital transformation agreement for tourism 2022-2025 – Studies and consulting services - Saguenay - QC - Canada

Regional partnership and digital transformation agreement for tourism 2022-2025 – Studies and consulting services

Saguenay, QC
Digital transformation grants for sustainable tourism development


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Grant and Funding
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean


The Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 aims to support tourism businesses in Quebec with responsible and sustainable development through financial assistance for studies, diagnostics, and advisory services. The maximum non-repayable funding available under this grant is $25,000.


This grant provides non-repayable contributions to support studies and consulting services in tourism, with clear terms regarding financial involvement. The financial arrangements are structurally defined to promote accountable and sustainable project execution while ensuring equitable resource distribution.
  • The financial support for this grant is a non-repayable contribution.
  • The minimum eligible project cost must be at least $3,000.
  • The maximum financial support available per project is capped at $25,000.
  • Eligible funding percentages are structured by applicant type: 50% for for-profit organizations, 20% for non-profits and cooperatives, and as low as 10% for Indigenous communities and projects located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • The contribution from the promoter and partners cannot originate from government aid sources, asset transfers, or contributions in kind.
  • Cumulative government financial aid includes municipal, provincial, and federal contributions.


This grant is designed to support tourism businesses by enhancing their operational practices and capabilities through consulting services. Eligible projects aim to facilitate skill development, customer service improvement, digital transformation, and sustainability initiatives.
  • Conducting studies or diagnostics to assess and improve business practices.
  • Providing individualized consulting services focused on workforce skill development.
  • Enhancing customer service levels through targeted consulting advice.
  • Identifying and addressing digital needs to boost operational efficiency.
  • Creating or developing new projects or activities within the tourism sector.
  • Implementing responsible and sustainable policies, practices, or initiatives.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and operations in the tourism sector.
  • The applicant must be a tourism business, which can be a for-profit organization, a non-profit organization, or a cooperative.
  • Municipal entities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and their tourism organizations and businesses are eligible.
  • Regional tourism associations with support from financial partners other than EPRTNT may apply.
  • Any grouping of the aforementioned eligible clienteles is admissible.
  • The entity must be legally constituted under the laws of the Government of Quebec or Canada and conduct business in Quebec.
  • Businesses operating tourist accommodation establishments must comply with applicable laws and possess a registration number.
  • Nature and adventure tourism businesses must comply with the safety standards of the Aventure Écotourisme Québec Quality-Safety program or commit to a compliance process.
  • Applicants must have fulfilled any prior commitments to partners from previous grants if applicable.


Eligible applicants for the "Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025" grant include:- Tourism Businesses: Includes for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, and cooperatives.- Municipal Entities: Such as municipalities, cities, towns, villages, parishes, townships, united townships, northern villages, unorganized territories, regional county municipalities (RCMs), metropolitan communities, inter-municipal boards, and corporations or organizations where a municipal corporation appoints the majority of members or contributes more than half of the funding, including groups of such municipalities, corporations, or organizations.- Indigenous Communities and Nations: Recognized by the National Assembly, including Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses.- Regional Tourism Associations: With support from financial partners other than EPRTNT.- Groups of Eligible Parties: Comprising any combination of the above eligible groups.To qualify, the businesses must be legally constituted under Quebec or Canadian law and operate in Quebec. Applicants must have fulfilled any obligations from previous grants, comply with laws for accommodation businesses, and respect the Adventure Ecotourism Quebec standards if applicable. Exclusions apply to state corporations, ministries, non-compliant businesses, and certain others outlined in the document.


This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions aim to channel resources towards sectors that meet the grant's objectives and comply with legal and regulatory standards.
  • State-owned corporations and government ministries and agencies of Quebec and Canada.
  • Companies listed in the non-eligible enterprises register for public contracts.
  • Companies not compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects involving guesthouses and hotel condominiums (condotels).
  • Projects related to bike paths, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and dock refurbishment.
  • Projects within the restaurant and retail sectors.
  • Projects concerning tourism reception and signage.
  • Projects in the gambling sector and those linked to the sale and consumption of alcohol.
  • Projects that are primarily focused on upgrading, maintaining, or replacing existing infrastructure or equipment.
  • Projects that have already been completed or are underway when submitting the application.
  • Projects benefiting from non-repayable financial aid from the PARIT or PADAT programs.
  • Business plans, marketing plans, local and regional development plans, and studies or surveys for other financial aid applications or ministry requirements.


The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of consultancy and study projects aimed at enhancing tourism businesses.
  • Professional fees for specialized firms or consultants to conduct specific studies related to the development of the tourism offer in a territory.
  • Professional fees for specialized firms or consultants to provide targeted assistance for improving the quality of services and products.
  • Net taxes associated with direct costs, excluding the portion that can be reimbursed.


This grant is available to companies that are legally constituted and conduct business in Quebec. The eligibility is strictly aligned with the region-specific focus of the program.
  • Businesses legally constituted in Quebec and conducting business within the province.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the EPRTNT's objectives.
  • Alignment with the objectives of the EPRTNT.
  • Structuring effect (such as potential to attract, project reach, impacts, collaboration with other partners, job creation, and season extension).
  • Innovative nature of the project.
  • Quality of the concept, products, and services offered.
  • Financial structure and project financing setup.
  • Relevance to the target clientele, diversity of clientele, market considerations, competitive landscape, quality of the offer, marketing strategy, and networking.
  • Project feasibility (including timelines, marketing strategy, quality of the business plan or study design, and promoter's expertise).
  • Consideration of sustainable development principles.
  • Relevance of the project in relation to the destination's strategic itinerary.


  • Step 1: Determine Eligibility
  • Ensure your organization is legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada and operates within Quebec.
  • Verify compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for operating a tourism establishment, if applicable.
  • Confirm your organization is not excluded (e.g., a government corporation or non-compliant with francization processes).
  • Step 2: Prepare the Application
  • Download and complete the EPRTNT financial assistance application form in the specified format.
  • Draft a contract outline specifying the problem, objectives, methodology, timeline, and deliverables if applicable.
  • Obtain two professional service offers for the proposed study or consultancy project.
  • Gather necessary supporting documents such as board resolutions, partner confirmations, and any applicable certifications.
  • Step 3: Submit the Application
  • Send the completed form and all required documents via email to
  • Step 4: Contact for Information
  • For additional assistance, contact David Rowsome at 418-543-3536 ext. 228 or via


The following are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The financial help is non-repayable.
  • For OBLs, a minimum promoter's contribution of 50% is required.
  • For OBNLs and cooperatives, a minimum promoter's contribution of 20% is required.
  • For Indigenous communities, organizations or nations, a minimum promoter's contribution of 10% is required.
  • Projects in Îles-de-la-Madeleine also require a minimum promoter's contribution of 10%.
  • A mandate must be executed by a specialized firm or recognized organization following a tender process.
  • Two bids are required if a consultant contract is being awarded through this grant program.
  • The Quebec Official Language Act must be respected by all businesses operating in Quebec.
  • Projects can incorporate sustainability measures to enhance social, economic, and environmental impacts.
  • The grant does not cover costs that have existing non-repayable aid from other specific programs, like PARIT or PADAT.


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