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  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2022
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean


The Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 provides non-repayable funding up to $75,000 to support the development of innovative and sustainable tourism offerings in Quebec. Eligible activities include construction, adaptation, or expansion projects that enhance the quality and attractiveness of accommodations and extend the operational season for businesses.


This funding program provides non-repayable financial contributions towards eligible projects to enhance the tourism sector's transformation. The financial support is structured based on the applicant type and the geographical location of the project.
  • The financial assistance is a non-repayable contribution.
  • Eligible project costs must be at least $30,000.
  • The maximum amount of financial intervention is $75,000.
  • Minimum promoter equity contribution varies based on applicant type: 50% for for-profit organizations, 20% for non-profit organizations and cooperatives, 10% for Indigenous communities and projects in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • Maximum cumulative government aid is 50% for for-profit entities, 80% for non-profit organizations and cooperatives, and 90% for Indigenous communities and Îles-de-la-Madeleine projects.
  • Promoter's equity, including partner contributions, cannot consist of government aid, asset transfers, or contributions in goods and services.
  • Government financial aid consists of contributions from municipal entities and ministries or agencies from both the Quebec and federal governments.


This grant aims to enhance the tourism accommodation sector in a structured and innovative way, emphasizing quality and sustainability. Projects should target improving existing capacities and introducing new services to better cater to tourists.
  • Structuring a specific territory to bolster tourism.
  • Addressing a shortage of accommodation units in the region.
  • Improving the quality standards of the accommodation sector.
  • Extending the operational period and business openings in the tourism sector.
  • Providing new services tailored to tourist needs.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the type of entity and compliance with relevant regulations.
  • The applicant must be a legally constituted tourism business, non-profit organization, cooperative, municipal entity, recognized Indigenous community or nation, or a grouping of these entities.
  • The business must be governed by the laws of Quebec or Canada and must operate in Quebec.
  • Tourism accommodation businesses must comply with existing laws and regulations and possess a registration number.
  • Eligible organizations must have fulfilled their commitments related to any previous grants awarded by the partners.
  • Nature and adventure tourism enterprises must comply with or commit to adhere to the standards of the Qualité-Sécurité d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec program.
  • The applicant must not be a state-owned enterprise, a government ministry or department of Quebec or Canada, a business listed in the register of businesses ineligible for public contracts, or a business non-compliant with the francisation process of the Office québécois de la langue française.


This grant is targeted at a variety of tourism-related entities within the Quebec region, aiming to support sustainable and innovative growth within the tourism sector. Eligible applicants must be legally established in Quebec and operating within the province.
  • Tourism businesses, including both for-profit and non-profit organizations and cooperatives.
  • Municipal entities, covering a wide range of municipal and regional structures.
  • Recognized Indigenous communities and nations, along with Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses.
  • Groupings of eligible clients, which can include combinations of the above entities.
Additionally, tourism accommodation businesses must comply with relevant laws and hold valid registration numbers, and those in the nature and adventure tourism sector must adhere to specific safety and quality standards or be working towards compliance. Exclusions include government bodies, certain ineligible businesses, and those not in compliance with language regulations.


This grant excludes certain types of projects and industries due to specific restrictions and criteria. These exclusions ensure that the financial assistance aligns with the strategic objectives of promoting sustainable tourism development.
  • State-owned enterprises and government departments of Quebec and Canada.
  • Companies listed on the registry of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
  • Companies not compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • Projects related to tourist lodges, hotel condominiums, bicycle paths, snowmobile trails, golf courses, and wharf renovations.
  • Projects in the sectors of restaurants and retail businesses.
  • Projects related to tourism signage.
  • Projects focused on training content development.
  • Projects in gambling or those related to sales and consumption of alcohol.
  • Projects with a majority of costs related to upgrading, maintenance, or replacement of existing infrastructures or equipment.
  • Projects already completed or underway at the time the application is submitted.
  • Projects receiving non-repayable financial assistance from certain other tourism recovery programs.


The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the realization and enhancement of tourism projects.
  • Construction, reconstruction, expansion, adaptation, or conversion of infrastructure or equipment.
  • Deployment of a new tourism experience.
  • Professional fees for recognized professionals, including design, engineering, and project management.
  • Development, enhancement, and valorization of lands and trails.
  • Purchase and installation of specialized equipment and furnishings.
  • Acquisition of boats or rolling stock to enhance customer experience.
  • Acquisition of land, easements, rights of way, and related expenses, if required for the project realization.
  • Surveying costs of the construction site.
  • Quality control costs on the construction site.
  • Net taxes related to direct costs (excluding refundable parts).
  • Costs associated with integrating artwork into a building or site following Quebec's Policy on the Integration of Arts to Architecture.


This grant specifically targets companies operating within the Quebec region, especially focusing on those involved in the tourism sector within specified municipalities.
  • Companies operating legally within the province of Quebec.


The selection of projects for this grant is determined based on their alignment with targeted outcomes and their potential impact.
  • Alignment with the objectives of the Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme (EPRTNT).
  • Structuring impact, including the project's attraction potential, scope, benefits, collaboration with other partners, employment creation, and season extension.
  • Innovative character of the project.
  • Quality in terms of concept, products, and services.
  • Financial structure and planning.
  • Relevance to the target tourist clientele and market diversification, considering market conditions, competition, quality of offer, marketing strategy, and networking.
  • Feasibility of the project, including scheduling, marketing strategy, and the quality of the business plan or study specifications, as well as the promoter's expertise.
  • Incorporation of sustainable development principles.
  • Relevance of the project in relation to the strategic itinerary of the destination.


  • Step 1: Prepare Documentation
  • Complete the financial assistance request form for EPRTNT Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.
  • Gather a comprehensive business plan for the project, including a list of necessary authorizations and permits.
  • Prepare financial statements for the two most recent years, or project-specific revenue and expenditures document for municipalities and indigenous communities.
  • Draft projected financial statements for the next three years following project completion.
  • Get a board resolution mandating the application signer.
  • Obtain an email from the Ministry of Culture and Communications regarding the project's adherence to the Arts Integration Policy.
  • Secure confirmation from financial partners, if available.
  • For nature and adventure tourism companies, show adherence or commitment to the Qualité-Sécurité d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec standards.
  • If applicable, provide Indigenous recognition certification for eligible organizations.
  • For self-construction projects, provide the manager’s RBQ license copy.
  • Step 2: Submit Application
  • Email the completed financial assistance application and required documents to
  • Step 3: Inquire for Clarifications
  • Contact David Rowsome, Development Advisor, for further information by phone at 418 543-3536 ext. 228 or via email at


Below are some additional relevant details for applicants of this grant:
  • The financial assistance provided is non-repayable.
  • All enterprises operating tourist accommodations must comply with current laws and regulations and hold a registration number.
  • Projects must include sustainable development measures to reduce negative environmental impacts while creating social and economic benefits.
  • A public tender is required for awarding construction contracts if the aid is $100,000 or more.
  • Projects must incorporate elements in accordance with the Policy on the Integration of Arts into Architecture and Environment for most public building or site projects costing $150,000 or more.
  • For autonomous construction projects, the manager must have an RBQ license.
  • The French language compliance is mandated by the Law on the Official and Common Language of Quebec.
  • A filled and signed application form must be provided in Excel format.


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