Protein Industries Canada  — Artificial Intelligence Canada

Protein Industries Canada — Artificial Intelligence

Accelerating the translation of AI research into commercial innovations, benefiting Canada's plant-based and agrifood sector.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Protein Industries Canada


The Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy (PCAIS) - Commercialization Stream aims to accelerate the translation of AI science and research into commercial innovations that generate economic and social benefits for Canadians. The program supports activities such as technology leadership, partnerships for scale, diverse and skilled talent pools, access to innovation, and efforts to position Canada as a global leader in AI applications within the plant-based and agrifood sector. Eligible projects must involve a consortium of at least two members, including a Small or Medium Enterprise, and demonstrate meaningful contribution towards the project goals.


Yes, there are several eligible activities for this grant.
  • Technology leadership projects such as collaborative R&D and prototype development.
  • Partnerships for scale including linking start-ups with strategic partners and offering business mentoring.
  • Diverse and skilled talent pools projects like recruitment campaigns and developing industry-linked curricula.
  • Access to innovation projects providing benefits through investments in assets and specialized technical services.
  • Global advantage projects enhancing the cluster's market opportunities and international partnerships.


Developing an AI-driven platform for crop disease detection in Calgary.


AI-based recruitment platform for agrifood sector in Toronto.


AI system for optimizing supply chain in the agrifood industry in Edmonton.


AI-powered drone technology for precision farming in Vancouver.


AI integration in smart greenhouse systems in Montreal.


AI-driven predictive analytics for agribusinesses in Ottawa.


For a project to be eligible for this grant, it must meet several specific criteria.
  • Be submitted by a consortium of at least two Protein Industries Canada members, with at least one being a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME).
  • May include academic or research institution(s), though not mandatory.
  • Each consortium member must contribute meaningfully, either financially or with other resources like IP or market expertise.
  • At least two members of the consortium must contribute financially to the project, with Protein Industries Canada reimbursing up to 45% of eligible costs.
  • At least two partners must be Canadian companies or entities with significant Canadian operations; non-Canadian entities can participate with approval.
  • The project must align with the objectives of Protein Industries Canada and the Global Innovation Cluster initiative.
  • All projects are required to pay a 4% project administration fee to Protein Industries Canada (waived for Community and Capacity Building Stream projects).
  • The initiative must be incremental to the regular business of the participating organizations and must not be approved or in progress, ensuring it wouldn't occur at the same scope or scale without the co-investment.
  • At least one consortium member must represent a target customer or user of the new technology solution in Project Stream and System Stream projects.
  • Projects must have experienced project management capabilities for complex, multi-party collaborative initiatives.
  • At least one partner must have demonstrable experience deploying AI technology.
  • All Ultimate Recipients must be compliant with economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed by the Government of Canada.
  • The project cannot be a "designated project" or a "project" under applicable federal environmental and impact assessment legislation.


Eligible companies for this grant are those that meet specific criteria set forth by Protein Industries Canada, including being part of a consortium with at least one SME and potentially academic or research institutions. At least two members of the consortium must financially contribute to the project, and the project must significantly align with the objectives and themes of Protein Industries Canada and the Global Innovation Cluster initiative.
  • Consortium of at least two Protein Industries Canada members, with at least one being an SME
  • Consortium may include academic or research institutions
  • Each consortium member must contribute meaningfully, often financially
  • At least two members must financially contribute to the project
  • At least two partners must be Canadian entities or approved non-Canadian entities
  • Project must align with the objectives of Protein Industries Canada and the Global Innovation Cluster initiative
  • At least one consortium member must represent a target customer or user of the new technology
  • Consortium must include members with proven project management capabilities for complex projects
  • At least one partner must have demonstrable experience in deploying AI technology


There is no set maximum that a project can receive, although Protein Industries Canada will only reimburse up to 45 per cent of reconciled eligible costs in Project Stream and System Stream projects. Projects can be submitted as multi-year projects, with the expected annual expenses broken down by year in the proposed budget.
  • Projects eligible for multi-year submission
  • Reimbursement of up to 45% of reconciled eligible costs for Project Stream and System Stream projects


The eligible geographic zones for this grant span across Canada, allowing participation from various regions within the country. Participation from non-Canadian entities is also permissible upon approval.
  • All of Canada
  • Non-Canadian entities (with approval)


Yes, the grant outlines evaluation and selection criteria which focus on ecosystem development, technical merit, and commercial application.
  • Ecosystem Development
  • Technical Merit
  • Commercial Application


  • Step 1: Initial Call
  • Review the Project Eligibility Requirements.
  • Email to set up an introductory call.
  • Step 2: Expression of Interest (EOI)
  • Complete an EOI form provided after the initial call.
  • Each consortium member must fill out and sign a “Declaration As To Authorization and Compliance”.
  • Submit the completed EOI and Declaration forms via email to
  • Step 3: Review of EOI
  • Evaluation of EOIs may result in:
  • Consortium may be invited to proceed to a Full Project Proposal.
  • Consortium may be invited to proceed to full proposal following satisfactory completion of a Data and AI Readiness Assessment.
  • EOI may be tabled for additional information.
  • EOI may be declined.
  • Step 4: Full Project Proposal
  • If EOI is approved, consortia will be notified and invited to attend a Proposal Orientation meeting.
  • Development of the Project Proposal will be collaborative between Consortia Members and Protein Industries Canada staff.
  • Submit the Project Proposal via email to
  • Complete the provided Word and Excel templates for the Project Proposal.
  • Step 5: Project Approval and Agreement
  • Once the project is approved, sign a Master Project Agreement (MPA).
  • Provide the last two years of accountant-prepared financial statements and current organizational structure for each consortium member.
  • Reimbursement can begin once the MPA is signed.


Here are some additional key points about the grant:
  • Projects must engage diverse and inclusive teams and ensure meaningful participation of under-represented groups.
  • Applicants are encouraged to support project development with Protein Industries Canada staff throughout the proposal process.
  • Successful projects may require members to comply with the Code of Member Conduct and the Project Selection Committee-Applicant Interaction Policy.
  • Consortia need to attend a Proposal Orientation meeting upon EOI approval.
  • A standard project administration fee of 4% of total eligible costs applies to Project Stream and System Stream projects but not to Community and Capacity Building Stream projects.
  • Data governance and intellectual property management strategies must be clearly defined and documented.
  • Evaluation involves the Eligible Projects Selection Committee and potentially additional technical experts.
  • Approved projects will require signing a Master Project Agreement before starting to claim eligible cost reimbursements.

Apply to this program