Protein Industries Canada — Artificial Intelligence
Accelerating the translation of AI research into commercial innovations, benefiting Canada's plant-based and agrifood sector.
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateAugust 30, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Protein Industries Canada
The Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy (PCAIS) - Commercialization Stream aims to accelerate the translation of AI science and research into commercial innovations that generate economic and social benefits for Canadians. The program supports activities such as technology leadership, partnerships for scale, diverse and skilled talent pools, access to innovation, and efforts to position Canada as a global leader in AI applications within the plant-based and agrifood sector. Eligible projects must involve a consortium of at least two members, including a Small or Medium Enterprise, and demonstrate meaningful contribution towards the project goals.
This grant offers funding for collaborative projects in the plant-based food, feed, and ingredients sector utilizing artificial intelligence technology. The financing is structured to encourage partnerships and project innovation.
- Protein Industries Canada co-invests in eligible projects, the amount being determined by the project scope and impact.
- Funding decisions take into account alignment with program areas, Global Innovation Cluster themes, and potential for transformative innovation.
- Both solicited and unsolicited project applications are considered.
- Co-investment is structured to support diverse and inclusive team participation.
- Funding is extended by Protein Industries Canada up to March 31, 2026, with a total investment of $30 million available.
- The exact financial contribution varies per project based on the extent of alignment with the objectives and priorities of Protein Industries Canada.
The Protein Industries Canada Artificial Intelligence grant supports projects that utilize artificial intelligence to advance the plant-based food, feed, and ingredients sector in Canada. Eligible projects must involve collaborative consortia and focus on leveraging AI technology to drive innovation and sustainability within this ecosystem.
- Collaborative AI projects that strengthen the plant-based food, feed, and ingredients value chain.
- Innovations that leverage AI to address industry gaps and promote transformation in the sector.
- AI initiatives that create diverse and inclusive teams, involving women, Indigenous Peoples, and under-represented groups.
- Projects that align with Protein Industries Canada's program areas and Global Innovation Cluster themes.
$ 112,500
AI-based recruitment platform for agrifood sector
$ 180,000
AI system for optimizing supply chain in the agrifood industry
$ 157,500
Developing an AI-driven platform for crop disease detection
$ 148,500
AI-driven predictive analytics for agribusinesses
$ 180,000
AI-powered drone technology for precision farming
$ 135,000
AI integration in smart greenhouse systems
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to collaborative projects and the inclusion of diverse teams.
- The project must involve a consortium comprised of two or more partner companies.
- Projects should leverage artificial intelligence to advance Canada's plant-based food, feed, and ingredients ecosystem.
- The consortium should actively engage diverse and inclusive teams, with meaningful participation from women, Indigenous Peoples, and/or other under-represented groups.
- The project proposals should align with Protein Industries Canada’s Investment Thesis and Global Innovation Cluster priorities.
- The project must demonstrate the potential for transformation and innovation in the plant-based and agrifood sector.
This grant targets consortia of companies that are developing or utilizing artificial intelligence technology to enhance Canada's plant-based food, feed, and ingredients sector. Eligible consortia should demonstrate collaboration, diversity, and potential for innovation in this field.
The eligible activities for this grant focus on using artificial intelligence to enhance the plant-based food, feed and ingredients value chain. These projects aim to leverage AI technologies to drive innovation and address gaps in the sector.
- Utilizing AI technology to improve plant-based food production processes.
- Developing AI-driven tools to enhance sustainability in the agri-food sector.
- Integrating AI systems to optimize the supply chain in the plant-based ingredients market.
This grant is available to companies across Canada as the funding aims to support the nation’s agrifood sector. While the grant does not specify particular regions within Canada, it targets businesses that can contribute to the country’s plant-based food ecosystem.
- Companies located anywhere in Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with Protein Industries Canada’s objectives.
- Alignment of project outcomes with Protein Industries Canada’s program areas and Global Innovation Cluster themes.
- Potential for transformation and innovation within the plant-based food, feed, and ingredients value chain.
- Inclusion of diverse and inclusive teams, including the participation of women, Indigenous Peoples, and other under-represented groups.
- Assessment of risk and development of a mitigation strategy.
- Evaluation through the Data and AI Readiness Program regarding use cases, product strategy, organizational resources, technology, data quality, and risk management.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Review Program Guide
- Download the Artificial Intelligence Program Guide in either English or French.
- Read through the guide thoroughly to understand the program structure and eligibility requirements.
- Step 2: Initial Contact
- Email Protein Industries Canada at projects@proteinsupercluster.ca to discuss your project idea.
- Receive feedback regarding project eligibility and potential improvements.
- Step 3: Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Develop a compelling EOI outlining the project, its objectives, and how it meets the program criteria.
- Submit the EOI before August 30, 2024, or until all funds are allocated.
- Step 4: Participate in the Data and AI Readiness Program (if required)
- Engage with external service providers to assess data readiness and project feasibility.
- Define and evaluate project aspects such as use cases, technology, and risks.
- Step 5: Full Project Proposal
- Develop a full project proposal providing detailed information about the project scope, budget, workplan, and expected outcomes.
- Work with Protein Industries Canada to refine the proposal.
- Step 6: Submission for Evaluation
- Submit the full project proposal to the Project Selection Committee for evaluation.
- Avoid any direct contact with the committee members as per the interaction policy.
- Step 7: Await Decision
- Wait for the evaluation process to be completed, which may take up to six weeks.
- Receive feedback and the decision regarding your project application.
Here are some additional key points about the grant:
- Projects must engage diverse and inclusive teams and ensure meaningful participation of under-represented groups.
- Applicants are encouraged to support project development with Protein Industries Canada staff throughout the proposal process.
- Successful projects may require members to comply with the Code of Member Conduct and the Project Selection Committee-Applicant Interaction Policy.
- Consortia need to attend a Proposal Orientation meeting upon EOI approval.
- A standard project administration fee of 4% of total eligible costs applies to Project Stream and System Stream projects but not to Community and Capacity Building Stream projects.
- Data governance and intellectual property management strategies must be clearly defined and documented.
- Evaluation involves the Eligible Projects Selection Committee and potentially additional technical experts.
- Approved projects will require signing a Master Project Agreement before starting to claim eligible cost reimbursements.