Proof-of-Concept Program
Financing for natural product innovations
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJuly 8, 2020
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
- Health care and social assistance
- Natural Products Canada (NPC)
If you are a researcher, startup, or SME, get financing of up to $250,000 to cover up to 40% of the costs of demonstrating the commercial viability of innovative natural products or technologies.
$ 100,000
Demonstration trials of a new solar energy system
$ 80,000
Conduct animal trials for a new veterinary medicine
$ 100,000
Human trials for a new organic skin care product
$ 100,000
Human trials for a new biomedical device
$ 100,000
Develop a biodegradable packaging material and conduct field trials
$ 100,000
Field trials of a new eco-friendly pest control system
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the company's status and the nature of their product or technology.
- The applicant must be a Canadian incorporated SME or start-up company.
- The company must have a novel natural product or technology that aligns with NPC’s definitions and fits within TRL 4-9 of the Government of Canada’s Technology Readiness Levels.
- The company must have the potential to achieve $10MM to $15MM in annual revenue within a reasonable period for the market or sector.
- The project must have the potential for significant economic, social, health, and/or environmental benefits.
- The project must demonstrate technological advancement and benefits to the natural products ecosystem across Canada.
- The project must show technical feasibility.
- The project must have potential for commercialization in Canada.
- The project must have potential spillover benefits to more than one sector.
- The company should demonstrate potential for improving the representation of women, visible minorities, and Indigenous peoples in the natural products ecosystem.
- The applicant must be a member of Canada’s Natural Product Innovation Cluster.
- There must be a minimum NPC Contribution of $100,000.
This grant targets Canadian incorporated SMEs, start-up companies, and academic research institutes that have innovative natural products or technologies for commercialization feasibility studies.
This grant supports projects that help establish the commercial feasibility of innovative natural products or technologies. The activities should advance development, commercialization, or de-risk subsequent investment and are demonstrated via trials.
- Animal, field, demonstration, or human trials to demonstrate commercial potential.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant focus on specific criteria designed to assess the potential success and impact of the project proposals.
- Novelty of the natural product or technology.
- Market opportunity and potential for commercialization.
- Strength and viability of the business model/commercialization strategy.
- Competitive landscape and differentiation from competitors.
- Strength of the management team or research leadership team.
- Need and potential impact of the trial.
- Design and key activities of the trial.
- Qualifications of the individuals and/or centres conducting the trials.
- Risk mitigation strategies.
- Step 1: Initial Contact
- Reach out to NPC by emailing [email protected] to express interest in the Proof of Concept Program.
- Step 2: Eligibility Assessment
- Engage with an NPC team member to review the Minimum Eligibility Requirements for the program.
- Discuss the scope of the potential project to determine fit with the program’s objectives.
- Receive an invitation to submit an application if eligibility requirements are met.
- Step 3: Application Preparation
- Prepare a comprehensive application including details on the novelty of the product or technology, market opportunity, and commercialization strategy.
- Include information about competitors, trial design, and risk mitigation strategies.
- Document the qualifications of the individuals or centers conducting the trials.
- Step 4: Application Submission
- Submit the application as requested by NPC, ensuring all documents and details are complete and accurate.
- Step 5: Feedback and Revision
- Receive initial feedback from the NPC team and revise the application as needed.
- Step 6: Final Review and Notification
- Await final review by the Commercialization Sub-Committee composed of NPC Board members and an external industry expert.
- Receive a notification regarding the final funding decision.
- If the application is not approved, review feedback and consider submitting an appeal within 15 days if applicable.
Additional important details for this grant:
- NPC's funding is non-dilutive and non-repayable, helping applicants retain equity stakes.
- Two-thirds of project funding must come from non-governmental sources, as the maximum government funding is 75% for SMEs and 100% for academic institutes.
- Applicants should be part of the Natural Product Innovation Cluster, ensuring collaboration within Canada’s ecosystem.
- Quarterly reports, including financial claims and proof of payment, are essential for reimbursement.
- A non-refundable project administration fee of 5% of total project costs applies.
- An ongoing commitment to submit an annual report for five years post-project is required.
- The appeal process allows applicants to dispute NPC's decision within 15 days of receiving it.