
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Advanced Materials Research and Innovation Hub (PRIMA)


The INNOV-R SME grant offers a maximum funding of $450,000 to support innovative industrial research projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Quebec. Eligible activities include the development or significant improvement of products or processes with high GHG reduction potential.


  • The INNOV-R PME aid rate covers up to 50% of eligible expenses.
  • A maximum grant of $450,000 is available per project.
  • Eligible projects must be submitted by a Québec SME and involve collaboration with a Québec company or eligible recipient environment.
  • Matching private funding must cover at least 50% of eligible expenses, with the SME contributing a minimum of 20%.
  • The duration of projects eligible for funding is capped at a maximum of two years.
  • RSRI management fees are included in the funding provided by INNOV-R PME.
  • Funding for projects is specific and cannot be matched with existing projects that have pre-approved budgets, unless they adhere to the standards established by the measure.
  • Financial partners must approve a single, comprehensive budget for all project activities.
  • Funding is strictly monitored, requiring adherence to detailed financial documentation and verification processes.


  • Development of new products, technologies, or innovations with the potential to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Significant improvement of existing products or processes to enhance their environmental impact.
  • Collaborative projects involving Quebec SMEs and other eligible Quebec entities.
  • Innovative industrial research initiatives focused on environmental sustainability.
  • Projects demonstrating the ability to avoid or reduce at least 100,000 tonnes of CO2 within the first 10 years of commercialization.

$ 20,000

Develop a community garden for educational purposes

$ 40,000

Launch a digital platform for mental health support

$ 25,000

Develop a skill-building program for immigrant women

$ 21,000

Create an inclusive art program for urban youth

$ 50,000

Expand renewable energy solutions for rural homes

$ 30,000

Implement a recycling initiative for small businesses


  • The applicant must be a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) established in Québec, carrying out internal production or R&D activities.
  • The project must demonstrate a high potential for reducing GHG emissions in Québec, with at least 100,000 tonnes of CO2 reduced or avoided during the first 10 years after commercialization.
  • The project must be submitted in collaboration with another Québec company or an eligible recipient environment.
  • The project must relate to the development of a new product or process, or a significant improvement of an existing product or process.
  • The project must involve a necessary level of innovation, providing a decisive advantage compared to existing solutions on the market at a national or international level.
  • The project must involve a technological or business risk or uncertainty for the SME.
  • The project must demonstrate commercial potential or significant deployment potential if the product or process is intended for sale.
  • The project must be of a one-off nature.


  • Quebec SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises)
  • Companies established under Quebec or federal laws
  • Enterprises operating in production and/or R&D activities in Quebec
  • Public research institutions as partners
  • Enterprises from various key economic sectors
  • Public organizations as partners in collaborative projects
  • Enterprises from outside Quebec as partners


  • Companies listed on the register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA), including subcontractors registered with RENA expected to perform work related to the project.
  • Enterprises failing to meet obligations following a formal notice related to previous financial aid from MEIE or IQ under the Economic Development Fund (FDE) or other IQ equity funds.
  • Companies under protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Holding companies (portfolio companies).
  • Enterprises with unethical behaviors that might tarnish the government's image of integrity and probity by association.


  • Professional fees for specialized services, including subcontracted services.
  • Direct labor costs associated with the project, including social benefits and mandatory contributions.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses related to project execution, in alignment with the Government of Quebec's current management policy handbook.
  • Direct costs of materials and inventory.
  • Direct equipment costs, calculated based on project duration compared to the equipment's useful life ratio.
  • Equipment rental fees.
  • Costs for acquiring studies or other documentation.
  • Platform fees.
  • Costs for preparing an intellectual property protection strategy, obtaining intellectual property rights, or licenses, including patent-related fees.
  • Costs for obtaining necessary homologation or certification for commercialization.
  • Management fees up to 5% of eligible project expenses, shared between the industrial partner(s) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, and Energy (MEIE) for the management of the measure.
  • Expenses incurred for the final external audit of the project (end of project, conditional for obtaining the 20% withholding).


  • Businesses and SMEs established in Québec, Canada


  • Degree of innovation of the solution developed. (50 points)
  • Quality of the project team, partnership, and management. (50 points)
  • Commercial potential or deployment potential of the solution developed.
  • Ability of the SME to successfully carry out the project in terms of financial and human resources.
  • Social, environmental, economic, or other impacts for Quebec.
  • Capacity of the solution to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Quebec during the first ten years of commercialization.
  • Quantification of GHG emissions reduced or avoided, in tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year in Quebec.
  • Cost per tonne of CO2 equivalent reduced or avoided in Quebec.
  • Risks associated with the deployment of the solution.


  • Step 1: Launch of Call for ProjectsProjects launch date is February 11, 2025, on the Innov-R website and respective RSRI portals.
  • Step 2: Letter of Intent SubmissionSubmit the Letter of Intent by March 20, 2025.
  • The Letter of Intent should include financial statements and fulfill eligibility criteria.
  • Step 3: Eligibility Check and NotificationVerify eligibility according to criteria sections 4.1 and 4.2.
  • Receive project eligibility confirmation and invitation to submit a detailed application by April 4, 2025.
  • Step 4: Detailed Application SubmissionSubmit the detailed application to RSRI by May 16, 2025.
  • Include financial forecasts, project timeline, partner engagement letters, and other required documents.
  • Step 5: Project EvaluationAn external committee evaluates projects by June 20, 2025.
  • Both the technico-economic and GHG reduction potentials are assessed.
  • Step 6: Funding ConfirmationReceive confirmation of project financing from RSRI by October 17, 2025.


  • Financial partners of a project must approve a single budget that presents all activities. Combining a previously funded project with additional activities funded by RSRI is not compliant with the measure's standards.
  • Co-financing sources identified must be free of existing commitments.
  • An external audit report validating all incurred and paid eligible expenses and collected financing sources is required at the end of each funded project. Absence of this report could result in full reimbursement of the financial aid.
  • Communication activities relating to the grant must mention the financial support of the Quebec government under the INNOV-R PME measure and adhere to the guidelines in the Public Communication Guide for beneficiaries of financial aid under the 2030 Plan for a Green Economy.


514 241-3322

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