PIIA Program - Part 1: Scope QC Canada

PIIA Program - Part 1: Scope

QC, Canada
The grant is entitled Programme d'Innovation en Intelligence Artificielle (Artificial Intelligence Innovation Program) and is aimed at funding artificial intelligence innovation projects for Quebec companies.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie du Québec (MEIE)


The Innovation in Artificial Intelligence Funding Program in Quebec supports companies looking to develop, commercialize, or adopt AI technologies. It offers financial assistance for collaborative projects with other Quebec-based firms, emphasizing innovation and technological advancements. Eligible activities include developing new products or processes with significant innovation and commercial potential. This component is aimed at business groups comprising a minimum of two Quebec companies.


Eligible projects:

  • the project must involve the development of a new product or process, or the significant improvement of an existing product or process;
  • the project must involve the necessary level of innovation, i.e.: the product or process must offer a decisive advantage over existing solutions on the market in relation to the sector of activity at national or international level;
  • the project must involve a technological and/or business risk or uncertainty for the company;
  • the project must have required or will require research and development efforts;
  • when the product or process is intended for sale, the project must demonstrate commercial potential.


Developing a new AI-powered cybersecurity platform for financial cooperatives.


Implementing an AI-driven recommendation system for an online retail platform.


Developing an AI-based predictive maintenance system for manufacturing equipment.


Creating an AI-enhanced agricultural monitoring system to optimize crop yield and reduce waste.


Quebec City
Developing an AI-driven system for personalized learning in educational institutions.


Upgrading an existing logistics management software with AI capabilities for optimal route planning.


Eligibility criteria for this grant:
  • The company must be legally incorporated under federal or Quebec law, and registered with the Quebec Enterprise Registrar.
  • The project must involve the development of a new product or process, or the significant improvement of an existing product or process.
  • The project must involve a necessary level of innovation and present a decisive advantage over existing solutions on the market.
  • The project must involve a technological and/or business risk or uncertainty for the company.
  • The project must have required, or require, research and development efforts.
  • The project must demonstrate commercial potential if the product or process is intended for sale.


Eligible types of companies for this grant include:
  • Companies legally registered according to federal or Quebec laws and registered with the Quebec Business Registry.
  • Projects that focus on developing new products, processes, or significant improvements to existing products or processes with a level of innovation that offers a market advantage nationally or internationally.
  • Companies engaging in research and development efforts with technological and/or business risks or uncertainties.
  • Companies demonstrating commercial potential for the products or processes developed through the project.


The types of companies that are not eligible for this grant must be companies that do not meet the eligibility criteria established by the program. Certain companies may not be eligible, depending on their size, field of activity or legal structure.
  • Companies not meeting eligibility criteria
  • Companies that are too large
  • Companies in specific sectors of activity
  • Companies with a particular legal structure


Eligible expenses for this grant include:
  • Costs related to the development of a new product or process
  • Expenses for significant improvement of an existing product or process
  • Technological and/or business risks or uncertainties associated with the project
  • Research and development efforts
  • Commercial potential demonstration for the product or process


The evaluation and selection criteria for this grant are as follows:

  • Be a company legally incorporated under federal or Quebec law and registered with the Quebec Enterprise Registrar.
  • Present an AI innovation project focused on the development, commercialization or adoption of AI technologies.
  • Have a project involving a significant level of innovation, technological and/or business risk or uncertainty for the company.
  • Demonstrate commercial potential for the product or process developed.


Step 1: Check your eligibility and the specific requirements of the grant program. Make sure your project aligns with the objectives and criteria outlined in the grant guidelines.
Step 2: Prepare a detailed project proposal including a description of the project, its goals, budget, timeline, and expected outcomes. Clearly articulate how your project contributes to the advancement of artificial intelligence innovation.
Step 3: Complete the application form provided by the funding agency. Include all required documentation and information such as your company details, project plan, financial projections, and collaboration partners.
Step 4: Submit your completed application before the specified deadline. Ensure all sections are accurate, thorough, and align with the grant program's objectives to maximize your chances of success.


Terms and conditions
  • Maximum assistance equivalent to $1.5M per project;
  • Maximum financial assistance is 50% of total eligible project expenses;
  • Cumulative government spending may total up to 75% of eligible project expenses;
  • Private contributions must represent at least 25% of eligible expenses;
  • The maximum project duration is 18 months.
Apply to this program