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Grant and Funding
  • Educational services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)


The Youth Innovations Scale Grant aims to support established youth-led or youth-adult partnerships in Ontario that wish to expand or enhance successful community projects targeting young people, particularly those experiencing systemic barriers. Eligible activities include enhancing the quality of existing projects to deepen impact or expanding current projects to reach more youth. The grant provides up to $150,000 annually for two to three years.


Projects eligible for the Youth Innovations Scale Grant must either enhance the quality of existing youth projects for a deeper impact or expand current projects to reach more youth, focusing on systemic issues faced by the youth involved. Eligible activities must align with specified priority outcomes and target youth aged 12-25, or up to 29 for those with special needs or disabilities.
  • Enhancing the quality of current youth projects for deeper impact.
  • Expanding current projects to reach more youth.
  • Addressing systemic issues faced by the youth target group.
  • Focusing on a priority outcome, like empowering girls or supporting Indigenous, Black, or newcomer youth entering the labor market.
  • Complying with Ontario Trillium Foundation policies and benefiting Ontario youth.


To be eligible for the Youth Innovations Scale Grant, groups must be youth-led or part of a youth-adult partnership that reflects the identities and experiences of the youth they aim to serve. The project must benefit young people aged 12-25, and/or 12-29 for youth with special needs or disabilities, and the group must have a history of successfully delivering community projects for at least two years.
  • Groups must be youth-led or youth-adult partnerships reflecting the identities and experiences of the youth they serve.
  • The project must benefit youth aged 12-25 or aged 12-29 for those with special needs or disabilities.
  • The group must have successfully delivered community projects for at least two years.
  • More than 50% of the group's core members must be at arm's length from each other.
  • Youth must make up more than 50% of the core group.
  • The group must be based in Ontario and benefit youth in Ontario.
  • The group should not be a registered charity or integrated within a larger organization.
  • The group should have independently managed revenues of $50,000 or less in either of the last two years if incorporated.
  • The group must agree to work with an Organizational Mentor.


There are specific types of entities that are not eligible for the Youth Innovations Scale Grant. These include registered charities, religious entities, municipalities, and for-profit organizations, among others.
  • Registered charities
  • Religious entities established for the observation of religious beliefs, including churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues
  • Municipalities
  • Groups composed entirely of members ages 30 years or older (all-adult groups)
  • Projects associated with an existing organization (not-for-profit or for-profit)
  • Groups specifically designed as committees of institutions like universities, schools, or hospitals
  • For-profit organizations and businesses
  • Individual applicants


The grant covers various eligible project expenses necessary for the effective delivery and scaling of youth projects. Applicants must ensure that their proposed budgets include mandatory expenses to support project implementation and organizational capacity building.
  • Staffing (with considerations for Mandatory Employee Required Costs (MERC) of 20%)
  • Transportation
  • Honorarium (participants, volunteers)
  • Support Services (translation, interpretation, child-minding)
  • Project supplies and materials
  • Project equipment (rental or purchase)
  • Food
  • Communications (website, promotions)
  • Fees (for services delivered by experts, facilitators, professionals)
  • Contingency (maximum of 10% per year)
  • Administrative Support Costs (OM): 15% of total budget
  • Capacity Building: Minimum of $2,000 to a maximum of $4,000 per year


The eligible geographic zone for the Youth Innovations Scale Grant is Ontario, Canada. The grant supports projects led by groups based in Ontario that will benefit youth in Ontario.
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Projects must benefit youth in Ontario
  • Groups must be based in Ontario


The Youth Innovations Scale Grant evaluates applications based on group eligibility, strong youth leadership, and a strategic approach to scaling impactful projects. The assessment criteria encompass the group's history, youth leadership capability, and the project's alignment with systemic barriers faced by the target youth.
  • Group Eligibility: Ensures compliance with eligibility standards, including group independence, member characteristics, and compliance with OTF policies.
  • People (40% weight): Focuses on demonstrating strong youth leadership, history of collaboration, and the ability to administer the grant effectively.
  • Strategy (60% weight): Evaluates the group's understanding of the context, need, or opportunity, clarity in project scaling, and alignment with YOF's Priority Outcomes.
  • Setting the Context: The need or issue must connect to systemic barriers faced by the youth, demonstrating effective response through past and proposed activities.
  • Scaling Impactful Projects: Must clearly demonstrate a strategy for creating a deeper impact or expanding reach, aligning with past and projected results.


  • Step 1: Prepare your application
  • Review the application deadlines and plan ahead.
  • Use available application resources for support.
  • Contact YOF for assistance if needed.
  • Step 2: Create an OTF account
  • Submit grant applications through the Granting Portal.
  • Returning users sign in, new users create an account.
  • Enter the primary contact’s name and email.
  • Complete account setup from the email sent to the primary contact.
  • Step 3: Submit the Expression of Interest
  • Complete and submit the Expression of Interest by the deadline date once the portal opens.
  • Step 4: Review and assessment of Expression of Interest
  • Wood all elements were met, including group eligibility, project readiness, and alignment with YOF priorities.
  • Online presence and activities will be examined for eligibility.
  • Step 5: Notification of shortlisted Expressions of Interest
  • Notification approximately 6 weeks after the deadline.
  • Shortlisted applicants invited to submit a grant application with an Organizational Mentor.
  • Step 6: Connect with Organizational Mentors
  • Confirm your Organizational Mentor at the grant application stage.
  • Eligibility of the Organizational Mentor is verified.
  • Step 7: Submit the grant application
  • Participate in a mandatory webinar for information on the grant application.
  • Draft and finalize the grant application with the Organizational Mentor.
  • Upload the signed agreement with your grant application.
  • Step 8: Recommendation and selection
  • OTF’s Board of Directors approves grant recommendations from YOF’s Grant Review Committee.
  • Step 9: Notification
  • Notification approximately 8 weeks after the grant application deadline.
  • Step 10: Confirmation and Orientation
  • Successful groups participate in mandatory orientation and trainings.
  • Organizational Mentor receives the OTF Grant Contract.
  • Step 11: After approval
  • Reporting & monitoring: Complete annual progress and final reports.
  • Capacity building: Engage in learning and development activities.
  • Evaluation: Measure progress towards selected Priority Outcome.
  • Grant Completion: Final payment released after approved Final Report.
  • Grantee Compliance Audit: Random audits for compliance.


The Youth Innovations Scale Grant offers funding to scale successful youth-led projects focused on addressing systemic barriers faced by specific youth groups in Ontario. Successful applicants must work with an Organizational Mentor to receive support in project administration, mentorship, and financial accountability.
  • YOF invests in established youth-led or youth-adult partnerships that are community-led and community-inspired.
  • The grant stream emphasizes supporting Black and Indigenous youth and those with intersecting experiences of systemic oppression.
  • Applicants must comply with OTF policies and funding exclusions, including advocacy-related restrictions.
  • Groups must have an independent operation with no more than $50,000 in revenue in the past two years.
  • An Organizational Mentor is mandatory for all applicants, providing administrative support and project oversight.
  • Eligible expenses include staffing, transportation, honorarium, support services, project supplies, and relevant fees.
  • Ineligible expenses include capital infrastructure, political or religious activities, fundraising campaigns, and direct therapy or professional services.
  • Expression of Interest is the first stage, leading to a detailed grant application for shortlisted groups, with a focus on strong youth leadership and impactful strategies.
  • All projects must contribute towards a specific Youth Innovations Priority Outcome aligned with the grant's objectives.


Apply to this program