
  • grant_single|minCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateAugust 1, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateOctober 16, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Educational services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Public administration
  • Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada


The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program aims to improve the availability and condition of community buildings in underserved Canadian communities while promoting energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions, offering up to a maximum of $25 million in funding for retrofits, repairs, upgrades, and the construction of new community buildings. Eligible activities include green retrofit measures that improve environmental outcomes and new building constructions that provide public services.


This grant program provides comprehensive financial coverage for various project types, allowing recipients to undertake substantial infrastructure improvements with significant support from federal funds.
  • Retrofit projects with eligible costs up to $9,999,999 can receive funding covering up to 80% of total eligible costs.
  • For retrofit projects exceeding $10,000,000 in eligible costs, funding covers up to 60% of total eligible costs.
  • New build projects can receive up to 60% funding for the first $9,999,999 of eligible costs, decreasing to 50% for costs exceeding this threshold.
  • Indigenous communities and projects located in the territories are eligible for up to 100% funding of eligible costs, maximizing support for these projects.
  • The maximum payable contribution per project is $25 million, but projects with costs exceeding this may be considered on a case-by-case basis for feasibility relative to funding timelines.
  • Costs incurred before April 1, 2021, or after March 31, 2029, are ineligible for funding, ensuring financial activities remain within the program's active period.
  • The program stipulates that eligible costs must be necessary and directly related to the project's successful implementation, including infrastructure improvements and professional fees.
  • Ineligible costs include land purchase, equipment leasing, and salaries unless specified otherwise for certain recipients.
  • Project funds are disbursed as contributions, which are subject to conditions outlined in contribution agreements between Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities Canada and the recipient.


The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program offers funding for projects that enhance the environmental efficiency and accessibility of community buildings in underserved areas of Canada. The focus is on both retrofitting existing structures and constructing new public-use facilities.
  • Retrofitting, repairing, and upgrading existing publicly-accessible community buildings to improve environmental outcomes.
  • Construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings that serve non-commercial purposes.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed project authority.
  • Eligible applicants include municipal or regional governments established by or under provincial or territorial statute.
  • Provincial or territorial governments are eligible to apply.
  • Public sector bodies established by or under provincial or territorial statute or by regulation, or wholly owned by a province, territory, municipal or regional government, are eligible, including municipally-owned corporations and provincial or territorial organizations that deliver municipal services.
  • Federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations and registered charities are eligible applicants.
  • Indigenous recipients, including band councils, and First Nation, Inuit, or Métis governments or authorities established by self-government or land claim agreements, can apply.
  • Federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations serving Indigenous peoples and not-for-profit Indigenous development corporations are eligible.
  • Ineligible applicants include commercial and for-profit organizations, individuals, and private citizens, as well as federal entities including federal Crown corporations.
  • Applicants must demonstrate authority to undertake the project on the building/asset or land.


Funding under the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program is provided to a variety of eligible applicants aiming to improve community infrastructures in underserved areas. Prospective applicants must fall into one of the following categories:- Municipal or regional governments established by provincial or territorial statute.- Provincial or territorial governments.- Public sector bodies such as municipally-owned corporations, entities providing municipal services, or other forms of local governance outside typical municipal descriptions.- Federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations and registered charities.- Indigenous governing bodies, which include bands as per the Indian Act, self-government agreements, and development corporations serving Indigenous people.Additionally, applicants must have the authority to undertake projects on the concerned building or land. Ineligible groups include for-profit entities, individuals, and federal entities, including crown corporations.


The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program specifies certain entities that are not eligible to apply for the grant. The aim is to direct funds towards deserving community-oriented projects.
  • Commercial and for-profit organizations.
  • Individuals and private citizens.
  • Federal entities, including federal Crown corporations.
  • Projects to be undertaken in federally-owned buildings.
  • Buildings primarily engaged in for-profit or commercial activities.


Eligible expenses for this grant include costs directly necessary for the successful implementation of eligible projects.
  • Costs incurred between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2029.
  • Costs to build, renovate, expand or improve fixed capital assets and community buildings.
  • Professional fees for technical personnel, consultants, and contractors specifically engaged for the project.
  • Environmental assessment, monitoring, and follow-up activity costs as required by relevant legislation.
  • Costs for public announcements, official ceremonies, and required signage.
  • Costs for Indigenous consultation and engagement activities.
  • Other costs considered direct and necessary for successful project implementation and approved in advance.
  • Salaries, wages, and other incremental costs if economically infeasible to contract and approved in advance.
  • Legal fees (excluding litigation) for Indigenous and not-for-profit recipients as specified in contribution agreements.


The selection of projects under the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program (GICB) is based on a comprehensive evaluation of specific criteria to ensure they meet the program's objectives and deliver maximum community benefits.
  • Located in and demonstrates the ability to serve one or more communities with high needs: Projects in high need areas receive a higher score.
  • Increased accessibility: Projects enhancing accessibility and meeting the highest standards for accessibility will receive a higher score.
  • GHG Reductions: Projects demonstrating greater GHG emission reductions compared to the building’s baseline receive a higher score.
  • Energy Savings: Projects achieving at least 25% improvements in energy efficiency over the building’s baseline are scored higher.
  • Climate resiliency and best practices adoption: Projects with strong climate resiliency considerations score higher; detailed justifications must be provided if not applicable.
  • Confidence in delivery/risk: Projects with a robust risk assessment and practical mitigation measures score higher. This includes detailed budgeting information, community consultation outcomes, and permit readiness.


  • Step 1: Check Eligibility
  • Ensure that your organization and project are eligible under the GICB criteria.
  • Determine the size of your project to identify the correct application stream (small/medium or large/new builds).
  • Step 2: Prepare your Application
  • Gather all necessary project information, including details of the building, retrofit or new construction specifics, and energy profiles.
  • Use the RETScreen® Expert software if applicable, particularly for retrofits, to calculate energy efficiency and GHG reductions.
  • Prepare documentation that supports the project’s eligibility, such as proof of authority over the building.
  • Plan and document the project’s budget and funding requirements, considering federal contribution limits.
  • Prepare required attestations and endorsements.
  • Step 3: Submit the Application
  • Log into the Housing, Infrastructure and Communities’ online application portal.
  • Fill in all required application sections and upload all necessary documents.
  • Submit the application before the deadline (October 16, 2024, at 15:00 Eastern Time).
  • Step 4: Confirmation of Submission
  • Receive an acknowledgement or confirmation from the application portal.
  • Track the status of your application through the portal.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Projects must be implemented no earlier than April 1, 2021, and completed no later than March 31, 2029.
  • Projects in excess of $25,000,000 may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Large retrofits and new builds are evaluated on a competitive basis.
  • A RETScreen® assessment is required for retrofit projects.
  • Successful applicants must comply with reporting and audit requirements, including potential community employment benefits reporting for projects over $10 million.
  • Recipients undertaking projects with total eligible project costs of $10,000,000 and above will be required to report on Community Employment Benefits.
  • Environmental assessments and Indigenous consultations may be required depending on the nature and location of the project.
  • Procurement contracts exceeding $100,000 require approval for non-competitive processes.
  • Contribution agreements will specify terms for funding and reporting, which include annual and final reports.
  • Disposal of funded assets within six years of project completion may require repayment to the federal government.
  • Expenditures must comply with confidentiality and privacy laws under Canadian legislation.
  • Public disclosure of project details may occur, including recipient names and funding amounts.


Apply to this program

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