OTF — System Innovations Grant ON Canada

OTF — System Innovations Grant

ON, Canada
Empower collaboratives to enact meaningful systems change, prioritizing Indigenous and Black youth by addressing systemic barriers and improving service accessibility


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Educational services
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)


The System Innovations Grant supports collaborative efforts aimed at understanding and improving systems to better serve youth, focusing particularly on Indigenous and Black communities. Eligible activities include groundwork and implementation projects that enhance how young people navigate services, reimagine access to resources, and involve youth in creating new processes. The grant prioritizes projects that address systemic barriers and empower youth aged 12-29, with funding up to $250,000 per year for a term of 2 to 5 years.


This grant supports projects focusing on systems change to improve experiences and outcomes for youth facing systemic barriers, particularly Indigenous and Black youth. Eligible activities involve groundwork and implementation efforts aimed at enhanced interactions with systemic services and developing equitable access to resources.
  • Develop a collaborative governance model.
  • Engage youth in identifying systemic challenges and co-creating solutions.
  • Conduct research and summarize evidence on system issues.
  • Create a theory of change linking activities to anticipated impacts.
  • Develop and implement action plans for systems strengthening.
  • Establish shared policies and procedures for support systems.
  • Design and implement shared intake processes across organizations.
  • Conduct equity audits of service providers to enhance cultural programming.


To be eligible for the System Innovations grant, collaboratives must focus on improving systems for youth facing systemic barriers, with special emphasis on Indigenous and Black youth, and have a lead organization meeting specific requirements. The grant prioritizes projects led by Indigenous or Black organizations with a proven track record in serving youth.
  • The lead organization must be a charitable organization or foundation registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, or a not-for-profit corporation without share capital, or a First Nation, Chartered Community Council, or Inuit community.
  • The organization must have a primary presence and reputation for delivering programs and services with direct community benefit in Ontario.
  • The organization must demonstrate financial capacity to manage OTF funds and complete the proposed project.
  • The organization must be incorporated as a not-for-profit for a minimum of 5 years at the time of application submission.
  • The lead organization must have a clear mandate and track record for serving and engaging youth between the ages of 12-29.
  • The organization must not have an active System Innovations grant.
  • Collaboratives must consist of at least two organizations with a common goal, shared decision making, and accountability.
  • The collaborative must reflect the communities served in its mandate, leadership, and staff teams.


The System Innovations Grant is open to collaboratives with a lead organization that meets specific criteria. Eligible types of companies include not-for-profit corporations without share capital and charitable organizations registered in Canada.
  • A charitable organization or foundation registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • An organization incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation without share capital in a Canadian jurisdiction.
  • Specific Indigenous communities, such as a First Nation, a Chartered Community Council operating under the Métis Nation of Ontario, or Inuit communities.


Yes, there are specific types of companies and organizations that are not eligible to be the lead for the System Innovations grant.
  • Municipalities or their cultural or recreation agencies, including municipal libraries and museums
  • Universities, colleges, schools and hospitals, and their affiliated agencies
  • Religious organizations or institutions
  • Newly formed organizations (less than 5 years as a registered not for profit)
  • For-profit organizations or businesses
  • A person applying as an individual


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The eligible expenses include costs directly attributable to the project across specified categories, ensuring alignment with the project's activities.
  • Direct Personnel Cost (Full Time)
  • Direct Personnel Cost (Part-Time)
  • Purchased Services
  • Equipment Purchase or Rental
  • Meetings | Convenings (space, food, accommodations)
  • Project Supplies and Materials
  • Honorariums
  • Travel
  • Knowledge Sharing Event (space, food, accommodations)
  • Learning and Evaluation
  • Other eligible costs directly associated with the project
  • Overhead and Administration (up to a maximum of 15% of the total grant request budget)


The eligible geographic zones for the System Innovations grant are confined to Ontario, Canada.
  • The lead organization must be based in Ontario.
  • All project activities must occur within Ontario.
  • Collaborative members should reflect the communities and populations served in Ontario.


The System Innovations grant application will be assessed based on eligibility requirements for lead organizations, collaboratives, and projects and is evaluated by OTF staff and volunteers. The assessment focuses on the capacity, strategy, impact, and processes to be employed to achieve system change and improve outcomes for prioritized youth.
  • The lead organization is based in Ontario and has been incorporated as a not-for-profit for at least 5 years.
  • The lead organization and collaborative members reflect the communities and populations served.
  • The lead organization has a clear mandate and track record for engaging youth aged 12-29.
  • All project activities are based in Ontario.
  • The proposed strategy, groundwork deliverables, and process are aligned and feasible for system change work.
  • The total requested amount does not exceed the annual total for the number of years requested.
  • Groundwork deliverables will be completed within a two-year framework.
  • The collaborative is focused on improving systems for selected YOF youth through system change.
  • The lead has a history of bringing collaboratives together to work towards a common goal with other community organizations.
  • Capacity and community knowledge of the lead organization to steward the collaborative.
  • The size and composition of the collaborative appropriate for the stage of work and selected systems and issues.
  • A clear and meaningful role for YOF youth in the project.
  • Understanding of system issues and alignment with YOF Priority Outcomes.
  • The collaborative's process and approach are clear, feasible, and aligned to achieve project deliverables.


  • Step 1: Prepare your application
  • Understand the eligibility requirements for lead organizations and collaborative members to ensure eligibility for funding.
  • Review important dates and deadlines for the grant.
  • Read the System Innovations grant application questions.
  • Discover definitions for Black and Indigenous groups and organizations.
  • Learn how to create a collaborative agreement.
  • Step 2: Book a required pre-application coaching call
  • During this call, discuss key eligibility requirements, project details, and readiness of your collaborative.
  • Step 3: Create an OTF account
  • Lead organizations need to have an OTF account to access grant applications through OTF’s Granting Portal.
  • After completing the pre-application coaching call, create an account to begin the application.
  • If the lead organization is new to OTF, create a new account; otherwise, verify that the organization's information is up to date.
  • Step 4: Complete the Organization Information
  • Review and submit answers to application questions in the Organization Information section.
  • Upon submission, the eligibility of the lead organization is assessed.
  • Only organizations that meet the funding requirements will be invited to complete the grant application.
  • Step 5: Complete the grant application
  • Review the grant application questions and ensure that all questions are answered clearly and completely.
  • Step 6: Review and application assessment
  • OTF experienced staff and volunteers will review and assess your application against the assessment criteria for System Innovations grants.
  • Step 7: Recommendation and selection
  • The Grant Review Committee will make funding recommendations.
  • OTF’s Board of Directors will review and approve projects for funding.
  • Step 8: Notification
  • All applicants will receive news on the status of their grant application approximately four months after the grant application deadline.
  • Step 9: After approval
  • Start date: Grantees can choose project start dates as early as August 1, 2024.
  • Reporting & monitoring: Grantees track activities, spending, and learning to complete the annual report and a final report.
  • Evaluation: Grantees work with an external evaluation partner provided by OTF.
  • Knowledge sharing: All System Innovations grantees must host one knowledge sharing event before the end of the grant.
  • Completion: After OTF staff approve a final report, the grant hold-back funds are released and the grant is closed.
  • Grantee compliance: A random sample of grants are subject to a Grantee Compliance Audit within the grant's life, or after the grant has been closed.


The System Innovations Grant is aimed at facilitating systems change to better serve youth, with a focus on collaborating with community stakeholders and youth-serving organizations. The grant provides a structured application process and requires a deep engagement with the targeted communities.
  • The grant prioritizes projects that improve the experiences of Indigenous and Black youth, who face systemic barriers.
  • Pre-application coaching and eligibility assessments are mandatory parts of the application process.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a history of collaborative work and a strong track record of community service, particularly with youth.
  • Knowledge sharing is a key aspect, and grantees must host a knowledge sharing event during the grant period.
  • Up to 15% of the total grant request budget can be allocated to overhead and administration costs directly associated with the project.
  • The grant process includes an assessment of readiness, strategy, and impact, focusing on youth engagement and system change deliverables.
Apply to this program