
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Ministry of Colleges and Universities
  • Government of Ontario


Get funding for a project when you collaborate with your employees, employee associations, and community organizations to address labour market challenges, such as preventing skills shortages within new and emerging industries and organizations.


The Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program facilitates collaborative initiatives to address critical labour market challenges. These projects aim to enhance the efficiency of local workforce utilization and prepare communities for future skill demands.
  • Programs that develop broad industry/community partnerships focusing on existing and emerging labour market issues.
  • Strategies that assist local communities in innovatively addressing future skill requirements to prevent shortages.
  • Projects planned for effective use of local human resources.
  • Initiatives that promote the use of labour market intelligence in strategic planning.

$ 120,000

Launch a workforce integration initiative for refugees's manufacturing sector

$ 150,000

Establish a mentorship program to upskill workers's renewable energy sector

$ 120,000

Implement a digital literacy program for seniors to improve their employability

$ 110,000

Create a certification program for advanced agricultural techniques's farming community

$ 200,000

Develop a training program to address the tech skills shortage's growing industries

$ 160,000

Establish a vocational training program for indigenous youth's construction sector


Eligibility for the Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program grant requires meeting several criteria centered on the partnership and project proposal.
  • The project must address a labour market issue.
  • The application should include two or more partners, contributing financial or in-kind resources.
  • The project must be finite, with clear start and end dates.
  • The project should not be dependent upon future funding.


Eligible applicants for the Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program include employers, employer/employee associations, and community organizations that aim to address labour market issues through collaborative projects.


The Labour Market Partnerships program in Ontario supports projects that address labour market issues through collaborations among various stakeholders. Eligible projects focus on strategic planning, community engagement, and resource optimization.
  • Collaborative projects between employers, employer/employee associations, and community organizations to address labour market concerns.
  • Development of innovative strategies to anticipate and address skills shortages in emerging industries.
  • Projects focused on optimal utilization of local human resources.
  • Initiatives that enhance the understanding and application of labour market intelligence.


This grant appears to be available throughout Ontario, Canada. Eligibility is based on the capacity to address regional labour market issues.
  • All regions within the province of Ontario.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program. The criteria include:
  • Address a labour market issue
  • Include two or more partners, contributing financial or in-kind resources
  • Have clear start and end dates
  • Not dependent upon future funding
  • Preference for sectors experiencing growth in high-demand occupations, emerging issues impacting HR requirements, skill shortages, and potential for growth and innovation


Here are the steps to submit an application for the Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program:
  • Step 1: Identify Eligible Partnerships
    • Ensure that your project involves at least two partners contributing financial or in-kind resources.
    • Confirm that your initiative addresses a specific labour market issue.
  • Step 2: Define Project Scope
    • Establish a clear project plan with defined start and end dates.
    • Ensure your project is not reliant on future funding for completion.
  • Step 3: Prepare Project Proposal
    • Draft a comprehensive project proposal highlighting objectives, goals, partners involved, and resources available.
    • Include any necessary attachments, such as budgets or timelines.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
    • Contact your local Ontario Employment Assistance Services office for specific submission guidelines.
    • Submit your application through the appropriate channels as advised by the office.
  • Step 5: Follow Up
    • Call the Employment Ontario hotline at 1-800-387-5656, or (416) 326-5656 in Toronto, for updates on your application status.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Applicants are encouraged to contact their local Ontario Employment Assistance Services office for detailed guidance about the application process.
  • The Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program promotes the use of labour market intelligence in community development strategies.


Ontario Labour Market Partnerships

Apply to this program

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