Nordic Incubator-Accelerator — Stream 2 — Financial Assistance
QC, Canada
Nordic incubator accelerates sustainable tourism projects north of 49th parallel
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2024
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2026
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Gouvernement du Québec
The Incubateur-accélérateur nordique offers a non-repayable grant of up to $400,000 for businesses undertaking tourism projects north of the 49th parallel, focusing on nature-culture-adventure axes. Eligible activities include sport fishing, adventure tourism, ecotourism, and indigenous tourism, aiming to enhance the economic dynamism of the region.
This grant provides financial support to tourism businesses to assist in the execution of projects that are difficult to fund otherwise. Successful applicants can expect significant financial backing specific to their organizational type and project pathway involvement.
- Non-repayable grants available to eligible enterprises.
- Maximum financial assistance rate is 65% for non-profit organizations and up to 50% for other eligible businesses, with potential for an increase to 65% under certain conditions.
- The maximum grant per enterprise is $400,000, with an increase to $600,000 possible for enterprises engaged in multiple accompaniment pathways.
- Funding requires a financial contribution from the beneficiary sourced from non-governmental funds.
- Government aid accumulation is limited to specified percentages to complement private funding and avoid over-reliance on public funding.
The Nordic Incubator-Accelerator supports projects aimed at enhancing the value of tourism offerings in the areas of nature, culture, and adventure north of the 49th parallel in Quebec. Eligible initiatives focus on sustainable development, commercialization, and consolidation of tourism services.
- Sport fishing ventures enhancing regional attractiveness.
- Tourist accommodations integrated with nature-culture-adventure activities.
- Activities promoting wildlife potential in outfitter establishments.
- Adventure tourism and ecotourism projects.
- Indigenous tourism initiatives.
- Innovative combinations of nature, culture, and adventure tourism categories.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and location of the project.
- Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal organizations, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, or partnerships thereof.
- Projects must be located north of the 49th parallel (including Anticosti Island).
- Applicants with headquarters outside the designated territory can qualify if their project activities take place within the specified area.
- State-owned enterprises, ministries, and government agencies at both the provincial and federal levels are excluded.
- Applicants listed in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) and those under financial restructuring or bankruptcy protection are not eligible.
- Entities that have previously failed to fulfill financial aid obligations in the last two years are excluded.
- Businesses in the tourism accommodation sector must comply with existing laws and hold a registration number as per the Tourist Accommodation Act.
- Outfitters must have a valid outfitter's license and meet obligations under the Act on the Conservation and Development of Wildlife, unless exempt under specific legislation.
- Nature and adventure activity providers must be "Qualité-sécurité" accredited or pursuing accreditation by Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
Eligible applicants for the Incubateur-accélérateur nordique must be organizations intending to implement tourism projects focused on the nature-culture-adventure axis. These entities include:- For-profit organizations (OBL);- Non-profit organizations (OBNL);- Cooperatives;- Municipal organizations;- Indigenous communities and nations recognized by the National Assembly;- Any combination of these types of businesses.Projects must be located north of the 49th parallel or have activities taking place within the designated territory. Organizations excluded from applying include government-controlled entities, companies under restructuring or bankruptcy protection, applicants on the Register of Ineligible Businesses for Public Contracts (RENA), and those previously failing to meet their obligations under past financial aid agreements.
This grant program is not accessible to certain companies and entities based on their ownership, legal, and financial status. These restrictions ensure the program supports appropriate and qualified tourism projects in the specified region.
- State-owned corporations and government departments or agencies of Quebec or Canada, including those controlled directly or indirectly by a provincial or federal government.
- Applicants listed in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) and companies in financial recovery.
- Companies under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Businesses that have not fulfilled obligations related to previous financial aid granted by the Ministry of Tourism, Société du Plan Nord, or other Quebec government ministries within the last two years, despite formal notice.
- Projects related to retail, restaurant, gambling, bars, or those partially or fully completed before the application.
- Purely cultural projects not linked to indigenous tourism.
Eligible geographical areas for companies applying for this grant revolve around regions situated north of the 49th parallel, inclusive of certain specific and notable territories. This geographic prioritization is established to promote sustainable and resourceful tourism projects in these areas.
- Regions north of the 49th parallel.
- Anticosti Island.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
- Mise en valeur de l’axe nature-culture-aventure (globalement, ou l’un ou l’autre de ces éléments).
- Présentation claire et précise du projet touristique.
- Démonstration du potentiel d’affaires.
- Analyse du marché ciblé (et des segmentations de ce marché) et adéquation avec celui-ci.
- Compréhension des concurrents.
- Potentiel du projet et capacités financières validés par un expert (partenaire de l’Incubateur-accélérateur nordique).
- Bonne gestion financière (structure comptable reconnue).
- Apport positif pour l'économie locale.
- Engagement à adhérer à des pratiques écotouristiques et écoresponsables.
- Volonté de l’entrepreneur d’être mis au défi, ouverture à être accompagné.
Here are the steps to submit an application for the Incubateur-accélérateur nordique grant:
- Step 1: Verify Eligibility
- Ensure your organisation type is among those eligible (e.g., OBL, OBNL, cooperatives, municipal organisations, recognised Indigenous communities and nations).
- Confirm your project falls within the eligible categories and geographic location (north of the 49th parallel).
- Step 2: Understand Project Criteria
- Familiarise yourself with the uses, requirements, and specifics of eligible projects such as nature-culture-adventure activities.
- Review the selection criteria, including business potential and financial management capabilities.
- Step 3: Prepare the Application
- Complete the application form available on the Incubateur-accélérateur nordique’s website during project calls.
- Gather and prepare necessary documents such as financial data, business model and plan, market validation, and photos of project sites.
- Step 4: Participate in Interview
- Attend an individual interview upon invitation to discuss your project further.
- Step 5: Sign Agreement
- Sign the letter of agreement formalizing participation in the accompaniment program.
- Step 6: Submit the Application
- Submit your completed application package through the specified process in the call for projects.
- Ensure submission within the designated timeframe, mentioned on the official website or via contact.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The assistance provided is in the form of a non-repayable grant.
- The maximum financial aid per company can be increased to $600,000 if the company undertakes more than one support pathway.
- The beneficiary's financial contribution must originate from a non-governmental source.
- The total governmental aid received from all ministries and agencies of Quebec and Canada must not exceed a defined cumulative percentage.
- The program is set to end on March 31, 2026, with financial support contingent on funds availability.
- Applicants must confirm their eligibility by reviewing the provided list of eligible and ineligible projects, clients, and organizations.
- Applicants are required to participate in an individual interview by invitation as part of the application process.
- Eligible applicants must sign an agreement letter to participate in the support program.
- This accelerator is managed by specialized sectoral tourism associations: La Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec, Tourisme Autochtone Québec, and Aventure Écotourisme Québec.