Nordic Incubator-Accelerator — Stream 1 — Support Pathway
QC, Canada
Tourism project support north of the 49th parallel
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Gouvernement du Québec
The Incubateur-accélérateur nordique aims to stimulate sustainable and structured tourism projects north of the 49th parallel, offering a maximum funding amount of $42,000. Eligible activities focus on enhancing the nature-culture-adventure axis, including sports fishing, combined tourist accommodations, ecotourism, and Indigenous tourism.
The Nordic Incubator-Accelerator — Stream 1 — Support Pathway offers tailored financial support and professional guidance to foster the development and establishment of sustainable tourism projects in Northern Quebec. The financial assistance is focused on facilitating the transformation of ideas into viable business models and accelerating the realization of business plans.
- A maximum value of $33,000 for the 'Parcours Démarrage' (Startup Pathway) with entrepreneurs required to contribute $1,500.
- A maximum value of $42,000 for the 'Parcours Accélération' (Acceleration Pathway) with entrepreneurs required to contribute $3,000.
- Up to 200 hours of tailored assistance for the Startup Pathway.
- Up to 250 hours of tailored assistance for the Acceleration Pathway.
- Access to personalized training, mentorship, and professional development services.
- Consideration for additional eventual financing (Stream 2), although specific details are not provided.
This grant aims to enhance the tourism industry by supporting sustainable and innovative projects in nature, culture, and adventure sectors. Eligible initiatives are focused on creating unique tourism offerings that elevate the regional appeal north of the 49th parallel.
- Development of sport fishing activities.
- Tourist accommodation combined with nature, culture, and adventure activities.
- Activities that highlight wildlife potential in outfitting operations.
- Adventure tourism and ecotourism initiatives.
- Development of Indigenous tourism projects.
- Innovative combinations of the above categories.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and project location.
- Organizations eligible to apply include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal organizations, recognized Indigenous communities and nations by the National Assembly, or any grouping of these types of enterprises.
- Projects must be located north of the 49th parallel, including Anticosti Island.
- If the organization's headquarters are outside the designated area, the project itself must take place within the specified territory.
- Excluded entities include state-owned enterprises, ministries and agencies of the government of Quebec or Canada, entities registered in the Register of Ineligible Enterprises for Public Contracts (RENA), businesses under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, and businesses that failed to meet previous grant obligations.
- Tourist accommodation providers must comply with current laws and hold a registration number under the Act respecting tourist accommodation.
- Outfitters must hold a valid outfitter license and comply with obligations under the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife.
- Nature or adventure activity providers must be or be in the process of being "Quality-Safety" certified by Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
Eligible applicants for the "Incubateur-accélérateur nordique" grant include the following:1. For-profit Organizations (OBL): Businesses that operate with the goal of earning profit.2. Non-profit Organizations (OBNL): Organizations that operate to achieve objectives other than profit distribution.3. Cooperatives: Organizations owned and operated for the mutual benefit of their members.4. Municipal Organizations: Local government entities within the specified geographical location.5. Recognized Indigenous Communities and Nations: Indigenous groups officially acknowledged by the National Assembly.6. Any coalition of these types of entities.### Additional Conditions:- Projects must be located north of the 49th parallel (including Anticosti Island), though businesses headquartered outside this territory can be eligible if their operations or upcoming projects take place within the specified area.- Certain entities are excluded, such as: - State-owned enterprises and government departments or agencies. - Applicants registered in the "Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics" (RENA) or undergoing restructuring. - Businesses protected under certain bankruptcy laws. - Businesses that failed to meet obligations of past financial aid within two years prior to application.### Compliance Requirements:- Tourism accommodation operators must adhere to relevant laws and regulations and possess a valid registration number under the "Loi sur l’hébergement touristique."- Outfitters require a proper outfitter permit and must comply with wildlife conservation laws, except those bound by specific agreements in northern territories.- Nature or adventure activity providers must be "Qualité-sécurité" accredited by Aventure Écotourisme Québec, or be in the process of obtaining it.
This grant is not available to certain companies and industries based on their status and activities. The aim is to prioritize projects that align with sustainable and responsible tourism initiatives.
- State-owned companies and government ministries or agencies of Quebec or Canada.
- Any applicant registered with the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) and businesses under financial restructuring.
- Companies under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Companies that have not fulfilled their obligations following a previous financial aid from the Ministry of Tourism, Société du Plan Nord, or other Quebec government ministries in the past two years.
- Retail businesses and the restaurant sector.
- Projects related to gambling industries.
- Projects involving the sale and consumption of alcohol (bars).
- Projects that have been partially completed or fully completed before the grant application submission.
- Projects that are purely cultural and not related to Indigenous tourism.
The eligible geographical areas for the grant are those located at or north of the 49th parallel. This specific regional focus is aimed at promoting tourism development in northern regions of Quebec.
- Regions north of the 49th parallel of Quebec (including Anticosti Island).
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
- Mise en valeur de l’axe nature-culture-aventure (globally, or one or the other of these elements).
- Présentation claire et précise du projet touristique.
- Démonstration du potentiel d’affaires.
- Analyse du marché ciblé (et des segmentations de ce marché) et adéquation avec celui-ci.
- Compréhension des concurrents.
- Potentiel du projet et capacités financières validés par un expert (partner of the Incubateur-accélérateur nordique).
- Bonne gestion financière (recognized accounting structure).
- Apport positif pour l'économie locale.
- Engagement à adhérer à des pratiques écotouristiques et écoresponsables.
- Volonté de l’entrepreneur d’être mis au défi, ouverture à être accompagné.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Verify Eligibility
- Check if your organization is among the eligible applicants, such as profit-making organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal organizations, recognized Indigenous communities, or a combination of these.
- Ensure your project falls under the admissible categories and is not excluded by grant restrictions.
- Step 2: Understand Project Criteria
- Review the eligibility criteria for projects, ensuring alignment with the nature-culture-adventure axis.
- Prepare a clear and precise presentation of your tourism project.
- Validate the business potential and financial capacity with the help of an expert.
- Step 3: Complete Application Form
- Fill out the application form available on the Incubateur-accélérateur nordique’s website during open call periods.
- Step 4: Participate in Interview
- Upon invitation, attend an individual interview as part of the application process.
- Step 5: Sign Agreement Letter
- Sign the letter of agreement formalizing participation in the support program if your application is successful.
- Step 6: Prepare Additional Information
- Be ready to provide financial data and projections for three years, past financial statements, marketing plans, market validation and target clientele information, a business model, and business plan details, as well as photos of installations or project sites if requested.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The Incubateur-accélérateur nordique offers two tailored support pathways: Start-up and Acceleration, each lasting up to 18 months.
- For the Start-up track, a maximum of 200 hours of support valued at $33,000 is available, with a $1,500 contribution required from the entrepreneur.
- For the Acceleration track, a maximum of 250 hours of support valued at $42,000 is available, with a $3,000 contribution required from the entrepreneur.
- The program includes group training sessions, personalized mentoring, and custom expert support.
- Successful applicants must participate in an interview and sign an agreement to join the program.
- The aim is to mobilize projects that contribute to local economic development and adhere to sustainable tourism practices.
- The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and the Société du Plan Nord, in collaboration with several regional tourism associations.