
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 01, 2021
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Government of Canada


Submit a proposal to carry out nature-based solutions to conserve, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems.


Eligible projects for the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF) focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving biodiversity through natural climate solutions. These include conserving, managing, and restoring ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands.
  • Avoiding GHG emissions by preventing the conversion of carbon-rich ecosystems to less carbon-rich ones
  • Restoring carbon storage and biodiversity in degraded ecosystems
  • Implementing new forest harvesting management practices to reduce GHG emissions
  • Developing and implementing policies, programs, or tools to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity
  • Measuring and reporting on GHG outcomes from natural climate solutions
  • Providing biodiversity and human well-being benefits
  • Advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples through supported projects
  • Advancing science and knowledge on natural climate solutions


Conservation of peatlands to prevent carbon loss


Restoring degraded wetlands to enhance biodiversity


Advancing scientific research on peatland restoration


Implementing sustainable forest management practices


Developing policy tools for natural climate solutions


Creating a biodiversity monitoring program


To apply for the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, projects must be focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through natural climate solutions and provide benefits for biodiversity and human well-being.
  • Projects must reduce the loss, restore, or improve the management of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands.
  • Projects required by law, regulation, or policy (e.g., mitigation requirements of a development/project approval) are not eligible.
  • Projects must avoid GHG emissions by halting or reducing the conversion of carbon-rich ecosystems.
  • Projects should restore carbon storage and biodiversity in converted or degraded ecosystems.
  • Projects must reduce GHG emissions caused by natural resource use, including by implementing new forest harvesting management practices.
  • Development of policies, programs, or tools with key actors in priority sectors and their implementation to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity is eligible.
  • Projects must measure and report on GHG outcomes from natural climate solutions.
  • Projects should provide biodiversity and human well-being co-benefits.
  • Projects must advance the federal commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous people.
  • Projects should advance science and knowledge on natural climate solutions in Canada.


  • Companies involved in projects that reduce the loss, restore, or improve the management of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands


  • Projects that are required by law, regulation or policy (e.g., mitigation requirement of a development/project approval)


  • Costs associated with projects that reduce the loss, restore, or improve the management of ecosystems
  • Expenses related to halting or reducing the conversion of carbon-rich ecosystems to less carbon-rich ecosystems
  • Costs for restoring carbon storage and biodiversity in converted or degraded ecosystems
  • Expenses for reducing GHG emissions caused by natural resource use through implementing new forest harvesting management practices
  • Costs related to developing policies, programs, or tools with key actors in priority sectors to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity
  • Costs for measuring and reporting on GHG outcomes from natural climate solutions
  • Expenses associated with providing biodiversity and human well-being co-benefits
  • Costs related to advancing science and knowledge on natural climate solutions in Canada


The grant is applicable throughout Canada. Projects can take place in various ecosystems within the country.
  • Forests
  • Wetlands
  • Peatlands
  • Grasslands


The Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund evaluates applications based on their anticipated contributions to the program's desired outcomes and results. Projects will be assessed for their potential to reduce GHG emissions, enhance biodiversity, and provide socio-economic benefits, among other criteria.
  • Annual GHG emission reductions in 2030 (Mt CO2e)
  • Projected long-term (2050) greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
  • Net change in policies driving ecosystem conversion relative to the land-base
  • Total area (hectares) conserved, managed, or restored for greenhouse gas mitigation
  • Number of direct jobs created
  • Number of methodological improvements for the land sector implemented in each annual edition of Canada’s National Inventory Report on Greenhouse Gases
  • Number of Indigenous-led projects supported


The grant focuses primarily on reducing Canada's GHG emissions, benefitting biodiversity, and human well-being through natural climate solutions. It is important to note that the application period is currently closed, with future updates to be provided on the webpage.
  • Projects required by law, regulation, or policy are not eligible for funding.
  • Primary objectives include halting or reducing ecosystem conversion, restoring carbon storage, and developing new resource management practices.
  • Applications evaluated on anticipated contributions to emission reductions and biodiversity.
  • Tracking results include GHG reductions, conserved land area, and Indigenous-led project support.
  • Application period updates will be posted on the provided webpage.


Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund


Apply to this program