Matching Investment Fund
Funding for dairy product development
grant_single|update January 24, 2025
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2024
- grant_single|closingDateJune 30, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Government of Canada
- Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC)
Get a non-repayable contribution of up to $150,000 for product development initiatives that help stimulate demand for Canadian dairy products and ingredients.
The Matching Investment Fund (MIF) is designed to provide flexible funding solutions for the development and innovation in the dairy sector. It offers structured financial support through a combination of co-funding and reimbursements tailored to the project size and scope.
- Matching co-financing of 50% of eligible project costs, capped at $150,000, with priority given to projects using solids non-fat ingredients.
- A maximum of $25,000 can be allotted to consultation activities within the total funding limit.
- Small businesses with fewer than 25 employees are eligible for full reimbursement of up to $10,000 for combined consultation and product development activities.
- Projects emphasizing the use of milk solids non-fat components may qualify for an increased level of funding subject to CDC Board approval.
- Qualified applicants receive up to 50% of the agreed amount midway through the project upon submission of progress reports, with the remaining funds disbursed following project completion and approval of final reports.
- Eligible costs include consultant and subcontractor fees, direct labour costs, and direct material costs specifically related to the project.
- Funding selection operates on a first-come, first-served basis, with project prioritization based on evaluation criteria scores.
- Auditing and reporting are required, with records maintained for three years after project completion.
The Matching Investment Fund (MIF) supports projects that drive innovation and demand for Canadian dairy products by providing financial contributions to eligible entities. These projects emphasize product and technology development, as well as knowledge transfer initiatives.
- Development of new or innovative dairy products or ingredients incorporating Canadian dairy components.
- Reformulation of existing products to include Canadian dairy ingredients.
- Technology transfer projects aiding the adoption of new or existing technologies in product development.
- Product analysis, including trials and packaging techniques in test environments.
- Consultation services for management, market research, and technical support in food and dairy sciences.
$ 70,000
Developing a dairy-free ice cream substitute using Canadian oat extracts
$ 95,000
Exploring new opportunities for using milk solids in protein supplements
$ 55,000
Developing a new line of lactose-free cheeses tailored for health-conscious consumers
$ 85,000
Knowledge transfer activities for the development of innovative dairy processing techniques
$ 70,000
Reformulating yogurt to include higher protein content while using local dairy
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and the proposed project activities.
- The applicant must be a registered Canadian dairy processor, finished food product manufacturer, or a food technology centre involved in the development, manufacture, and/or utilisation of Canadian dairy products and ingredients.
- Eligible entities include dairy product manufacturers with a valid license for dairy plant operations, food manufacturers of processed products like baked goods, nutraceuticals, and beverages, or CDC-recognized food technology centres.
- Other organizations, such as milk marketing boards or food processor associations that match CDC investments to support member projects, are also eligible.
- The project must incorporate Canadian dairy ingredients into the formulation, replace substitutes with Canadian ingredients, or increase the dairy content of products significantly.
- The project should develop and market new dairy products or further processed products using Canadian dairy ingredients.
- Eligible projects must not displace existing Canadian dairy products made with Canadian ingredients.
- A technical challenge must be involved in incorporating Canadian dairy ingredients or developing the product.
Registered Canadian dairy processors, finished food product manufacturers, food technology centres, and other organizations such as milk marketing boards or food processor associations are eligible to apply for the CDC Matching Investment Fund. These applicants must be involved in the development, manufacture, and/or utilization of Canadian dairy products and ingredients.
There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for the Matching Investment Fund (MIF) grant. The following types of companies are not eligible:
- Companies that do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the program guidelines.
- Companies with projects that do not align with the objectives of the MIF grant.
- Companies that do not operate in the dairy product development industry.
- Companies that have previously received funding through the MIF grant and have not fulfilled their obligations.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to consultation and product development for product innovation and increasing the use of Canadian dairy ingredients.
- Professional fees for consultants and subcontractors for project-specific tasks.
- Travel costs for consultants and subcontractors, including economy airfare and hotel.
- Costs of feasibility studies carried out by a specialized consultant prior to product development.
- Costs of focus group testing conducted by a consulting firm.
- Costs of pilot trials conducted by a Food Technology Centre (FTC).
- Gross wages or salaries directly related to the project, excluding benefits, incentives, and bonuses.
- Salaries of staff working on product testing or machinery/equipment retrofit directly for the project.
- Materials costs directly related to project activities.
- Costs of Canadian dairy ingredients used in product testing.
- Costs of other raw materials used in the project.
This grant supports eligible entities within Canada. It specifically targets areas where registered Canadian dairy processors and manufacturers operate.
- Entities located within Canada.
- Registered Canadian dairy processors and food manufacturers.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives, however, no point scores are explicitly mentioned in the provided context.
- Applicant's profile and managerial expertise to complete the project and exploit the results.
- Comprehensive and realistic business and marketing strategy.
- Sales and marketing expertise to successfully commercialize the product/process to be developed.
- Relevance and qualifications of partners and outside expertise involved, particularly the involvement of CDC-recognized Food Technology Centres (FTCs).
- Ability to conduct the project in-house, including the relevance of the R&D leader's technical skills and adequacy of the applicant’s facilities and equipment.
- Expected benefits for the Canadian dairy industry, with attention to solids non-fat/butterfat ratio and bonus for additional benefits.
- Financial considerations, including the ability of the applicant to cover its share of the costs and sufficiency of other funding sources.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Project Summary Form
- Complete the Project Summary Form using the template in Appendix 3.
- Submit the completed form to the CDC for initial evaluation.
- Wait for contact from CDC for any additional information required.
- Receive feedback from CDC within 10 business days about proceeding to Step 2.
- Step 2: Project Application
- Submit a detailed project application using the Project Application Guide provided by CDC.
- Ensure the application meets all stated eligibility requirements and evaluation criteria.
- Participate in a conference call interview with the CDC for additional information validation.
- The CDC MIF Review Committee will evaluate the application.
- Receive a final decision within 30 business days on the application eligibility.
- Step 3: Project Approval and Initiation
- If approved, initiate the project as per the CDC’s guidelines and timelines.
- Adhere to reporting and audit requirements throughout the project duration.
- Submit progress reports and final report with claimed expenses for funding disbursement.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Small businesses (less than 25 employees) are given a special incentive, with up to 100% reimbursement for the first $10,000 spent on eligible project activities.
- Prioritization is given to projects emphasizing the use of solids non-fat (SNF) ingredients, which may qualify for increased funding upon CDC Board approval.
- The project application process involves an initial Project Summary Form, followed by a detailed Project Application if pre-approved.
- Applicants can request assistance from recognized Food Technology Centres or consultants, and the relevant contact information is provided in Appendix 1.