MaRS — Supply AI Canada

MaRS — Supply AI

Supply AI at MaRS accelerates Canadian ventures in AI-driven supply chain technologies with funding, mentorship, and market insights.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
Expert Advice
Other Support
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • MaRS Discovery District


The Supply AI at MaRS program supports high-potential Canadian ventures focused on building applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and services. It provides selected companies with hands-on advice, mentorship, market insights, and crucial connections to capital, talent, and customers, aiming to foster the next generation of global leaders in supply chain AI technologies. Eligible activities include business advisory services, AI/ML consulting, market intelligence, and participation in exclusive events and demo days.


Yes, there are eligible projects and activities for this grant.
  • Developing intelligent supply chain products or services using applied AI
  • Participating in business advisory services provided by MaRS
  • Engaging in capital and talent intensive programs
  • Utilizing market intelligence insights and services
  • Accessing AI/ML consulting services
  • Taking part in the MaRS Supply AI event series and demo days
  • Connecting and networking with peers and mentors in the Supply AI industry


Develop a predictive analytics tool for supply chain optimization using AI.


Implement an AI-driven inventory management system for small retail businesses.


Create a machine learning algorithm to optimize procurement processes.


Develop a blockchain-based supply chain transparency tool.


Create an AI-driven platform for real-time supply chain monitoring.


Develop a scalable AI-based demand forecasting system for e-commerce.


To be eligible for this grant, ventures must meet specific criteria related to incorporation, focus area, age, affiliation, and market readiness.
  • Incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • Focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Less than two years old, or employing fewer than 500 globally, or has had an average annualized revenue growth rate of greater than 20 percent over the past three years.
  • An existing MaRS Growth Services venture company at the time of application, or part of and referred by an incubator, accelerator, or other entrepreneurial program within Canada.
  • At the validation stage with a minimum viable product (MVP) and able to demonstrate it solves a real problem for an identified market, or at the efficiency stage with initial traction in a receptive market.
  • Falls under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.
  • Must demonstrate evidence of customer interest and traction.


Yes, there are specific types of companies eligible for this grant. The eligibility criteria are defined based on the company's location, focus, size, and stage of development.
  • Incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • Focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Less than two years old, or employing fewer than 500 globally (including its affiliates), or has had an average annualized revenue growth rate of greater than 20 percent over the past three years.
  • An existing MaRS Growth Services venture company at the time of application, or part of and referred by an incubator, accelerator, or other entrepreneurial program within Canada.
  • At the validation stage with a developed minimum viable product (MVP) and able to demonstrate evidence that its technology solves a real problem for an identified market.
  • Falling under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.
  • Demonstrating evidence of customer interest and traction.


There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are not eligible for the grant.


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Canada.
  • Incorporated, based and operating in Canada
  • Companies must be existing MaRS Growth Services ventures or referred by other Canadian entrepreneurial programs


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria ensure that the applicant ventures are well-positioned to benefit from and contribute to the Supply AI program at MaRS.
  • Incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • Focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Less than two years old, or employing fewer than 500 globally (including its affiliates), or having an average annualized revenue growth rate of greater than 20 percent over the past three years.
  • An existing MaRS Growth Services venture company at the time of application, or part of and referred by an incubator, accelerator, or other entrepreneurial program within Canada.
  • Must join the MaRS portfolio if selected for the program.
  • At the validation stage, with a minimum viable product (MVP) and evidence that its technology solves a real problem for an identified market, or at the efficiency stage, experiencing initial traction in a receptive market to build a business in.
  • Fall under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.
  • Demonstrate evidence of customer interest and traction.


  • Step 1: Ensure the venture is incorporated, based, and operating in Canada.
  • Step 2: Verify that the venture is focused on applied AI and intelligent supply chain products and/or services.
  • Step 3: Check that the venture is less than two years old, or employs fewer than 500 globally, or has had an average annualized revenue growth rate of greater than 20 percent over the past three years.
  • Step 4: Confirm that the venture is an existing MaRS Growth Services venture company at the time of application, or is part of and referred by an incubator, accelerator, or other entrepreneurial program within Canada.
  • Step 5: Make sure the venture is at the validation stage with a minimum viable product (MVP) or at the efficiency stage, with initial market traction.
  • Step 6: Confirm that the venture falls under one of the industry sectors and supply chain categories outlined in the application form.
  • Step 7: Demonstrate evidence of customer interest and traction.
  • Step 8: Apply for the grant by contacting MaRS at the provided contact details, submitting the necessary application forms and documentation.

Apply to this program