Green Freight Program — Repower and Replace
Enhance energy efficiency and promotes low-carbon vehicle investments in Canadian medium and heavy-duty fleets
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- grant_single|closingDateNovember 16, 2023
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Transportation and warehousing
- Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
The Green Freight Program's Stream 2 offers non-repayable contributions to support Canadian companies in switching fuels, repowering engines, and purchasing low-carbon alternative fuel vehicles for medium and heavy-duty vehicles. This program shares up to 50% of the incremental or total project costs, with a maximum contribution of $5 million per project. Eligible activities include permanent modifications to reduce diesel consumption, replacing engines or drive trains, and ensuring at least a 40% blend of renewable or non-fossil fuels for new vehicle purchases.
Stream 2 of the Green Freight Program offers targeted financial support to facilitate fuel-switching and the adoption of low-carbon alternative fuel vehicles, while ensuring efficient allocation of resources. The funding modalities are defined to encourage diverse participation and effective project execution.
- Co-financing of up to 50% of total project costs or incremental costs, with a maximum funding limit of $5 million per project.
- For projects involving not-for-profit organizations or certain government-related entities, co-financing can be increased to up to 75% of total project costs.
- A total government funding limit of 75% of total project costs applies, with a full funding possibility for certain public and Indigenous organizations.
- In-kind contributions must be verifiable and essential, though are not considered eligible expenditures per se.
- Eligible costs can only be claimed after a contribution agreement is signed, with no advance payments and reimbursements requiring submission of claims post-expenditure.
- Specific eligibility limited to certain classes of medium and heavy-duty vehicles, excluding certain vehicle types such as SUVs and off-road vehicles.
- Eligible expenditures include professional services, capital expenses, and applicable taxes, excluding pre-agreement or application preparation costs.
- Required adherence to stacking limits, which do not account for government or Crown agency loans but include savings from preferential loan rates.
The Green Freight Program’s Stream 2 focuses on supporting Canadian companies in their transition to low-carbon vehicles by providing contributions for specific activities. Eligible projects under this grant include repowering existing vehicles with new technology to reduce emissions and replacing conventional vehicles with low-carbon alternatives.
- Repower projects that involve permanent modifications to reduce diesel consumption through engine and/or drive train replacements, including dual fuel options.
- Replacement projects covering up to 50% of the incremental costs for purchasing new vehicles powered by lower-carbon fuels, with a required commitment to a minimum 40% average blend of renewable fuels.
$ 350,000
Retrofit heavy-duty trucks with low-emission dual fuel engines
$ 450,000
Replace diesel waste collection trucks with alternative fuel vehicles
$ 175,000
Repowering delivery trucks with dual fuel technology
$ 500,000
Upgrade mining equipment to reduce diesel consumption and emissions
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
- The applicant must be a legal entity validly incorporated or registered in Canada.
- Eligible entities include companies, industry associations, research associations, standards organizations, Indigenous and community groups, Canadian academic institutions, and provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal governments or their departments or agencies where applicable.
- Softwood lumber companies and those vertically integrated with them are not eligible.
- The applicant must have a completed fleet energy assessment recommending the actions proposed in their application.
- A complete proposal including all required reference documents must be submitted within the specified 90-day request for proposal period.
The eligibility criteria for the Green Freight Program's Stream 2 focus on legal entities in Canada that are not involved in softwood lumber production or trade, alongside specific classes of medium and heavy-duty vehicles.
- Eligible entities include legally incorporated or registered companies, industry associations, research associations, standards organizations, Indigenous and community groups, academic institutions, and various levels of government or their departments.
- Eligible vehicles must fall within weight classes 2B to 8, excluding vans, SUVs, pickup trucks, transit buses, and off-road vehicles.
- Applicants must provide a completed green freight assessment recommending proposed actions and secure a minimum of 50% funding for the project costs from non-NRCan sources.
This grant excludes certain companies related to softwood lumber due to ongoing trade disputes. The restrictions ensure that funds are directed toward sectors beneficial to the program's environmental goals.
- Softwood lumber companies.
- Companies vertically integrated with softwood lumber production.
This grant supports projects that aim to transition medium and heavy-duty vehicles to lower-carbon alternatives. The eligible activities focus on modifying existing vehicles to enhance fuel efficiency and replacing them with more sustainable options.
- Repowering medium and heavy-duty vehicles to permanently modify them for reduced diesel consumption and lower GHG emissions through fuel switching.
- Replacing conventional diesel trucks with new vehicles powered by lower-carbon fuels, ensuring a commitment to at least a 40% blend of renewable or non-fossil fuels over a specified period.
This grant is open to companies and organizations that are legal entities validly incorporated or registered within Canada. It is intended to support projects across the country by providing funding to eligible Canadian applicants.
- Any company incorporated or registered in Canada.
- Industry associations within Canada.
- Research and standards organizations based in Canada.
- Indigenous and community groups in Canada.
- Canadian academic institutions.
- Provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal governments or their departments/agencies in Canada.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific merit criteria to ensure the proposed projects align with the program's objectives and available resources.
- Company experience: Includes level of experience and workforce diversity, with merit points for employing Indigenous and women employees in non-administrative roles.
- Business operations: Merit points for fleets that travel 50% or more of their kilometres within Canada.
- Project description: Expected reduction in diesel consumption and improvements to the fleet.
- Participation in sustainability initiatives: Evaluation of existing fuel and GHG reduction initiatives.
- Project outcomes and benefits: Estimation of fuel savings and GHG reductions, and demonstration of additional economic, social, and environmental impacts.
- Project timelines: Reasonable timeline with key milestones and expected expenses.
- Feasibility plan: Includes a fuelling network assessment and servicing plan for alternative fuel trucks.
- Reporting requirements: Demonstrated ability to track fuel consumption metrics accurately.
Here are the steps to apply for this grant:
- Step 1: Complete Application Package
- Fill out the application form provided by NRCan.
- Ensure that all required supporting documents are compiled, including a completed green freight assessment, quotes for proposed activities, proof of funding, and any additional supporting documentation for assertions.
- Include a signed and dated attestation from a duly authorized officer of your organization.
- Step 2: Prepare Supporting Documentation
- Ensure all supporting documents are saved in PDF format.
- Ensure the total file size of attachments doesn’t exceed the web form's limit; otherwise, prepare to send the excess by email.
- Step 3: Submit Application via NRCan Web Form
- Visit NRCan’s application web form to submit your completed application package.
- Attach all required documents through the web form.
- Submit the application by 23:59 Eastern Standard Time, November 16, 2023.
- Step 4: Send Additional Documentation by Email (if needed)
- If your electronic submission exceeds the maximum file size, forward additional attachments by email.
- Ensure the subject line contains the project name and applicant's name when sending these additional documents.
- Send to the email address: freightassessment-evaluationdeflotte@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.
- Step 5: Obtain Confirmation of Submission
- Wait for a notification from the program acknowledging receipt of your application.
- Consider your application successfully received only once you have this acknowledgment from NRCan.
Additional miscellaneous information about the Green Freight Program includes details on privacy regulations, data sharing policies, and language requirements. Moreover, there are specific instructions for applicants in Quebec, as well as conflict of interest guidelines for current or former public servants.
- Privacy notice under the Access to Information Act ensures protection of confidential information supplied to NRCan.
- Applicant’s data may be used for eligibility assessment, shared with other government branches, or publicized as part of successful project lists.
- Program communications may occur in both official languages, and applicants are encouraged to use the language of their choice.
- Special provisions under Quebec's M-30 Law might require additional steps for compliance for Quebec-based applicants.
- Conflicts of interest regulations apply to current or former public servants engaged in applying for the grant.