Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative — Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Clean Fuels - Canada

Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative — Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Clean Fuels

Funding for awareness projects of ZEVs, stations and clean fuels


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJuly 18, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateSeptember 26, 2023
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Educational services
  • Public administration
  • Government of Canada
  • Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)


Access funding for projects that address gaps in awareness, knowledge and public and industry confidence in zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) of all classes, lower-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicle options, and/or clean fuels.


There are eligible projects and activities for this grant:
  • Developing in-person or online education and/or awareness events, such as test drive opportunities
  • Developing curriculum or training material
  • Outreach and awareness campaigns
  • Creating web-based resources
  • Developing in-person professional training or industry-led skills training
  • Increasing knowledge of charging & refuelling and/or clean fuels options and technologies

$ 50,000

Developing industry-led training on medium- and heavy-duty ZEV technologies

$ 18,000

Facilitating test drive events to increase ZEV awareness among teenagers

$ 15,000

Hosting a series of ZEV awareness webinars for small businesses

$ 18,000

Run an outreach campaign to promote ZEV adoption amongst cab drivers

$ 80,000

Developing an online course on clean fuels for transportation professionals

$ 45,000

Creating a web-based resource on ZEV charging options for consumers


The eligibility criteria for this grant are:
  • Organizations and legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada or abroad.
  • Includes not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, industry associations, research associations, academic institutions, and government entities.
  • Indigenous and community groups can apply under a separate funding stream for Indigenous-led projects.
  • Softwood lumber companies and those vertically integrated with them are not eligible.


Organizations and legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada, including not-for-profit and for-profit organizations such as electricity or gas utilities, private sector companies, industry associations, research associations, standards development organizations, Indigenous and community groups, Canadian academic institutions, provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal governments or their departments or agencies, are eligible for this grant.
  • Electricity or gas utilities
  • Private sector companies
  • Industry associations
  • Research associations
  • Standards development organizations
  • Indigenous and community groups
  • Canadian academic institutions
  • Provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal governments or their departments or agencies


Softwood lumber companies and those that are vertically integrated with softwood lumber companies are not eligible for funding under this opportunity.
  • Softwood lumber companies
  • Companies vertically integrated with softwood lumber companies


There are eligible expenses for this grant. Eligible expenses include:
  • Developing in-person or online education and/or awareness events
  • Developing curriculum or training material
  • Outreach and awareness campaigns
  • Creating web-based resources
  • Developing in-person professional training or industry-led skills training
  • Increasing knowledge of charging & refueling and/or clean fuels options and technologies


Evaluation and selection criteria for this grant include:
  • Alignment with program objectives and areas of focus
  • Project innovation and impact
  • Capacity and capability of the organization
  • Budget and funding plan
  • Project timeline and deliverables


  • Step 1: Review the eligibility criteria and requirements outlined in the grant program guidelines.
  • Ensure that your organization meets the eligibility criteria and that your project aligns with the focus areas of the grant.
  • Step 2: Prepare a detailed project proposal that clearly outlines your project objectives, activities, budget, and expected outcomes.
  • Include a description of how your project will contribute to increasing awareness and knowledge of zero-emission vehicles and clean fuels.
  • Step 3: Complete the application form and submit all required documents by the specified deadline.
  • Ensure that your application is complete and addresses all the evaluation criteria specified in the call for proposals.
  • Step 4: Await the assessment of your proposal by NRCan and the notification of decision.
  • NRCan aims to communicate funding decisions within 100 business days of the submission deadline.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The program aims to communicate funding decisions within 100 business days of the submission deadline.
  • Applicants can start their projects upon receipt of the Letter of Conditional Approval from NRCan, but expenses incurred prior to signing a contribution agreement are at the applicant's own risk.
  • NRCan will fund up to 50% of project costs for for-profit organizations and up to 75% for non-profit organizations and Indigenous organizations or businesses.
  • Successful applicants will receive a draft contribution agreement for review within 30 business days of receiving a Letter of Conditional Approval.
  • Payment claims are reviewed within 15 business days, with payments sent within 30 business days of receiving a duly completed claim.
  • Communication with NRCan regarding inquiries must be submitted through the designated email address.


Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative — Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Clean Fuels

Apply to this program

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