MRC Kamouraska — Regional Outreach Support Program (FRR-1) - QC - Canada

MRC Kamouraska — Regional Outreach Support Program (FRR-1)

QC, Canada
Bas-Saint-Laurent regional development support for eligible projects
grant_single|update January 24, 2025


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 1, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateJune 15, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Accommodation and food services
  • MRC Kamouraska


The Programme de soutien au rayonnement des régions (FRR-1) in Bas-Saint-Laurent aims to foster an integrated approach to local and regional development by supporting projects that address issues in the accommodation sector, providing a maximum funding of $50,000. This grant is available to all eligible applicants except private financial enterprises and financial cooperatives, with varying support rates depending on the type of organization.


The MRC Kamouraska — Regional Outreach Support Program (FRR-1) offers financial assistance to support local and regional development initiatives. The financing modalities are structured to enhance project viability and maximize the impact of the allocated funds.
  • Funding is available for projects with a total cost of $50,000 or more.
  • For private enterprises, co-financing is offered at 50% of the project cost, up to a maximum of $50,000.
  • For non-profit organizations and other eligible entities, co-financing covers 80% of the project cost, up to a maximum of $50,000.
  • The maximum non-repayable financial aid per project is determined based on the project cost as per the outlined funding rates.
  • Only one project per promoter may benefit from financial aid at a time, contingent upon fund availability.
  • The final funding decision is subject to approval by the regional project selection committee.


This grant focuses on supporting regional outreach and development activities, specifically targeting accommodation-related issues. It aims to complement existing funding streams to create a cohesive regional development strategy.
  • Projects that address accommodation challenges in the region.
  • Initiatives that integrate local and regional development efforts.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's type and the project's characteristics.
  • The applicant is ineligible if it is a private company in the financial sector or a financial cooperative.
  • The project must have a minimum cost of $50,000 to be considered eligible.
  • The funding request should not exceed 50% of the project costs for private companies, with a maximum funding limit of $50,000.
  • The funding request should not exceed 80% of the project costs for non-profit organizations and other eligible entities, with a maximum funding limit of $50,000.
  • The promoter can only benefit from funding for one project at a time.


Any applicant is eligible for this financial aid except private businesses in the financial sector and financial cooperatives. The maximum aid recommended per project, where the MRC is not the promoter, is $50,000. Eligible sectors are activities affected by accommodation issues.


This grant excludes certain financial sector entities due to their status or main activity. The restrictions ensure the funds support development rather than financial services businesses.
  • Private companies within the financial sector.
  • Financial cooperatives.


The eligible expenses for this grant include costs directly necessary for the implementation and success of the project in the specified sector.
  • Expenditures required to address lodging issues directly impacted by the project.
  • Costs associated with developing or enhancing infrastructure facilities related to the project.
  • Salaries and wages for staff directly working on the project, excluding administrative staff of financial cooperatives.
  • Professional and technical services necessary for project development and implementation.
  • Materials and supplies directly tied to the execution of the project goal.
  • Travel expenses essential for the execution and completion of the project.
  • Publicity and promotional costs focused on project-related outcomes.


This grant supports projects specifically within the Bas-Saint-Laurent region, focusing on leveraging regional development through the MRC system.
  • MRC de Kamouraska
  • Other MRCs within the Bas-Saint-Laurent region


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are determined by a technical committee using a specific analysis grid to assess project submissions.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Preliminary Consultation
  • Contact the Service de développement territorial of the MRC de Kamouraska for guidance and support.
  • Discuss your project and ensure it aligns with the program's objectives and eligibility criteria.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
  • Develop a comprehensive project proposal clarifying objectives, expected outcomes, and budget.
  • Gather all necessary documentation, including proof of eligibility, project plans, and financial statements.
  • Step 3: Submission of the Application
  • Submit the complete application package to the local MRC office for pre-analysis by the MAMH regarding eligibility.
  • Ensure compliance with all specified guidelines to avoid delays or rejections.
  • Step 4: Await Decision
  • The application will be reviewed by a technical committee and rated according to a predefined evaluation grid.
  • Recommendations will be made to the regional project selection committee.
  • Step 5: Notification of Outcome
  • Receive a communication regarding the selection committee's decision.
  • If successful, review the terms of the funding agreement.

Apply to this program

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