MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or — Quebec Fund for Social Initiatives (FQIS)
QC, Canada
Quebec Fund supports anti-poverty and social exclusion initiatives
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2022
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2023
Grant and Funding
- Health care and social assistance
- MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or
The Fonds québécois d’initiatives sociales aims to financially support innovative initiatives against poverty and social exclusion, covering up to 90% of eligible project expenses. Eligible activities include social and community development, poverty prevention, and integration of individuals distant from the labor market.
The financing modalities for this grant ensure that funds are disbursed efficiently and in alignment with specific conditions agreed upon in a protocol between the fiduciary and the beneficiary organization. These modalities are designed to support initiatives effectively while maintaining robust financial oversight.
- Financial assistance is provided as non-repayable aid.
- The financial contributions and conditions of financing are outlined in a protocol of agreement between the fiduciary (MRC de la Vallée-de-l’Or) and the beneficiary organization.
- Coordination, collaboration, and periodic monitoring mechanisms are established for activities conducted under the agreement.
- Clear expectations are set for financial reporting and the duration of the initiative’s implementation.
- Verification measures are included to ensure compliance with the agreement’s terms.
- A visibility clause is included to acknowledge financial partnerships appropriately.
This grant supports initiatives aiming to combat poverty and social exclusion through innovative and structured community and social development projects. Eligible projects include strategies for social inclusion, poverty prevention, and improving living conditions in targeted areas.
- Intervention projects focusing on social and community development to reduce poverty and social exclusion.
- Projects aimed at preventing poverty and assisting in the employment integration of individuals distant from the job market.
- Social insertion projects to enhance living conditions for individuals in impoverished areas.
- Innovative initiatives with experimental or structural characteristics.
- Research projects addressing poverty and social exclusion.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the type of organizations that can apply.
- The applicant must be a non-profit legal person.
- Cooperatives considered as non-profit organizations by Revenu Québec are eligible.
- Municipalities are eligible to apply.
- Regional County Municipalities (MRC) can apply for the grant.
- Indigenous band councils or any other Indigenous group recognized under section 3.48 of the Executive Council Act are eligible.
The grant evaluation and selection criteria for projects under the Fonds québécois d’initiatives sociales (FQIS) focus on their impact and feasibility in addressing poverty and social exclusion.
- The impact of the initiative on combatting poverty and social exclusion.
- The characteristics of the initiative, including the pursued objectives, nature, relevance, and originality of the planned activities.
- The realism of the planning of the initiative.
- The capability of the organization to carry out the initiative using its expertise and that of its partners and its financial capacity.
- The diversity of financial contributions to the initiative.
- The scope of the territory and population density covered by the initiative.
- The innovative and structuring nature of the initiative.
- The presence of support for the initiative within the community.
- The potential for ongoing financial support for activities resulting from the initiative after the funding period.
Certain companies and industries are not eligible for this grant due to their governmental affiliation or operational status. These restrictions help focus the funding on eligible, non-governmental entities.
- Ministries or governmental organizations.
- Paragovernmental organizations like Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CISSS) and Integrated University Health and Social Services Centers (CIUSSS).
- Educational institutions or training schools, except where no other entity can provide the service at a reasonable cost without competing with others offering similar successful services.
- Organizations where activities are interrupted due to a labor dispute such as a strike or lockout.
The grant covers expenses that are necessary and directly related to the implementation of approved initiatives.
- Salaries for human resources directly related to the implementation of accepted initiatives, provided these salaries are consistent with those typically paid by the organization for comparable positions and tasks, or with those paid by comparable organizations in the local or regional area.
This grant is available to companies located in specific geographical areas within the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of Quebec, Canada. The eligible locations are intended to address regional priorities in the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
- MRC d’Abitibi
- MRC d’Abitibi-Ouest
- Ville/MRC Rouyn-Noranda
- MRC de Témiscamingue
- MRC de la Vallée-de-l’Or
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure they effectively address poverty and social exclusion while meeting regional and community needs.
- The expected impacts of the initiative on combating poverty and social exclusion.
- The characteristics of the initiative, including the objectives, nature, relevance, and originality of the planned activities.
- The realism of the planning process.
- The organization's capacity to execute the initiative, leveraging its own expertise and that of its partners, as well as its financial capability.
- Diversity in financial contributions from various sources.
- The geographic reach and demographic density of the targeted area.
- The innovative and structuring nature of the initiative.
- The presence and level of support for the initiative within the community.
- The potential for ongoing funding of activities resulting from the initiative post-grant period.
Here are the steps to submit an application for the Fonds québécois d'initiatives sociales:
- Step 1: Identify Territory and Contact Representative
- Determine which MRC territory your project is related to.
- Contact the local representative of the designated territory using the contact details provided.
- Step 2: Review Eligibility and Local Priorities
- Ensure your organization and project are eligible for funding according to the criteria provided.
- Review the local priorities specified for your MRC territory to align your project proposal.
- Step 3: Complete Application Form
- Obtain and fill out the financial aid application form from the local representative or the FQIS website.
- Include detailed information such as project context, objectives, anticipated outcomes, and budget.
- Step 4: Submission of Application
- Submit the completed application form and required documents to the local representative of your territory.
- Ensure receipt of submission confirmation from the representative.
- Step 5: Wait for Feedback
- Local representatives will review the applications based on eligibility and local priority alignment.
- Successful projects will be recommended and require approval from the MRC's decision-making body.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The maximum funding provided by the Fonds québécois d’initiatives sociales will not exceed 90% of eligible project expenses, necessitating a minimum 10% contribution from other sources.
- The unused portion of the financial aid must be returned to the fund.
- Beneficiary organizations must provide visibility to the partners including the Ministry and the Conference of Prefects of Abitibi-Témiscamingue, ensuring their logos and acknowledgment in promotion materials.
- The duration of project implementation must not extend beyond March 31, 2023.
- The financial aid is non-repayable, and a detailed protocol of agreement will specify the financial contributions, coordination mechanisms, and conditions.