EPRTNT — Digital development of a company
QC, Canada
Digital Tourism Business Development Partnership in Quebec
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2022
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Accommodation and food services
- Tourisme Cantons-de-l'Est
The Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 aims to support the digital development of tourism businesses in Quebec by providing non-repayable financial contributions up to $30,000. This program focuses on enhancing virtual interactions with clients through digital solutions like payment terminals, virtual cards, reservation systems, and more.
This grant provides non-repayable financial contributions to support the digital development initiatives of eligible businesses within the specified region, focusing on enhancing their digital interactions with customers while adhering to sustainable practices. The funding parameters emphasize a capped percentage of funding depending on the organization type and fixed upper limits on total aid.
- The grant offers non-repayable assistance up to $30,000 per project.
- Funding for for-profit organizations (OBL) covers up to 30% of eligible costs, while nonprofit organizations (OBNL), cooperatives, municipalities, and recognized indigenous entities can receive up to 50%.
- The minimum eligible project cost should be $10,000.
- For OBL, a minimum of 50% of funding must be provided by the promoter, while for OBNL, cooperatives, entities municipalities, and indigenous communities, this minimum is 20% or less, according to the structure of the applicant.
- The cumulative maximum of governmental aid is set at 50% for OBLs and up to 90% for indigenous groups and certain nonprofits.
- The promoter's share of funding cannot come from governmental sources, asset transfers, or contributions in kind.
This grant supports the digital transformation of companies in the tourism sector to enhance their client interactions. The eligible projects focus on implementing digital solutions that optimize operational efficiency and improve customer experiences.
- Implementation of digital payment kiosks.
- Development of virtual cards for services.
- Installation of reservation systems.
- Deployment of self-service terminals for customer interaction.
- Utilization of robots for delivery services.
- Development of an English or other non-official language version of digital tools for reaching international clients.
- Integration of transactional booking features.
- Adoption of digital solutions for operational automation, improving labor optimization and customer service quality.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and adherence to legal standards within Quebec.
- The applicant must be a tourist business, which can be a for-profit organization (OBL), a non-profit organization (OBNL), a cooperative, a municipal entity, an Indigenous community or nation recognized by the National Assembly, or any combination of these.
- The business must be legally constituted under the laws of the Government of Quebec or the Government of Canada and must conduct business in Quebec.
- Eligible entities must have honored previous commitments regarding previously awarded grants, if applicable.
- Tourist accommodation enterprises must comply with current laws and regulations and hold a registration number.
- Nature and adventure tourism businesses must meet the standards of the Aventure Écotourisme Québec Quality-Safety program or be in the process of doing so.
- The applicant must not be a state corporation or a government ministry or agency of Quebec or Canada.
- Businesses listed on the registry of ineligible businesses for public contracts are excluded.
- Businesses must comply with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
- No financial assistance will be granted to a business if a similar project is funded by the Minister through a sectorial business group.
The eligible applicants for the Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 (EPRTNT) grant in the category of digital development of a tourism business include:- For-profit organizations (OBL);- Non-profit organizations (OBNL);- Cooperatives;- Municipal entities (municipalities, cities, towns, parishes, townships, united townships, northern villages, unorganized territories, regional county municipalities (MRC), metropolitan communities, inter-municipal boards, and corporations or organizations where a municipal corporation appoints the majority of members or funds over half the organization);- Recognized Indigenous communities and nations by the National Assembly as well as Indigenous tourism organizations and businesses;- Any combination of these eligible clients.The business must be legally constituted under the laws of the Government of Quebec or the Government of Canada and must conduct business in Quebec. Eligible organizations must have met any previous commitments to partners when previous grants were awarded. Companies and organizations operating a tourist accommodation facility must comply with existing laws and regulations concerning such facilities and hold a registration number. Adventure and nature tourism companies must show they comply with the "Qualité-Sécurité d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec" standards, have begun the process to meet these standards, or commit to initiating such a process.Exclusions:- Crown Corporations and governmental departments of Quebec and Canada;- Companies registered on the registry of enterprises non-eligible for public contracts;- Enterprises that have not complied with the francization process of the "Office québécois de la langue française".Additionally, no financial aid will be granted to a company if the Minister funds a similar project with a grouping of sector-based enterprises (e.g., a sectoral tourism association (ATS)).
This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to their status or main activity. The restrictions ensure the funds target eligible entities that promote tourism development aligned with the grant's strategic objectives.
- State-owned enterprises and departments or agencies of the governments of Quebec and Canada.
- Companies listed in the registry of companies not eligible for public contracts.
- Businesses that are non-compliant with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
- Companies funded by the Minister for a similar project through sectoral business groups (e.g., a sectoral tourism association).
This grant is available to companies located in specific geographical areas determined by the funding body, specifically within Quebec. The eligible locations are intended to boost regional economic growth through digital development in tourism.
- Companies operating within the province of Quebec.
The evaluation and selection of projects under this grant are based on criteria that assess their alignment with the strategic objectives of the program.
- Adéquation with the objectives of the EPRTNT.
- The structuring nature of the project (power of attraction, scope, impacts, collaboration with other partners, job creation, season spread, etc.).
- The innovative nature of the project.
- The quality in terms of concept, products, and services.
- The financial structure and setup.
- Relevance (significantly touristic clientele and its diversification, market, competition, quality of offer, marketing strategy, networking, etc.).
- Feasibility (timeline, marketing strategy, quality of business plan, expertise of the promoter).
- Consideration of sustainable development principles.
- Alignment with regional development priorities and plans.
- Step 1: Complete Preliminary Eligibility Form
- Fill out the preliminary eligibility form to validate the main eligibility criteria.
- The form will be reviewed by Tourisme Cantons-de-l'Est.
- Step 2: Receive Application Form
- Once eligibility is confirmed, receive the formal application form.
- Step 3: Prepare Application
- Complete the EPRTNT_Numerique_TCE application form.
- Gather the necessary supporting documents, including two service offers, a board resolution authorizing the application, financial partner confirmations, and any needed Indigenous certification.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Submit the completed application form and all required documents via email.
- Use the provided email address: eprtnt@atrce.com.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The intervention financial contribution is non-repayable.
- The project must have eligible costs of at least $10,000.
- The maximum financial contribution is $30,000, which cannot exceed 30% of the eligible costs for profit-oriented organizations or 50% for non-profit organizations and others.
- The funding structure necessitates a minimum investment from the promoter, which varies by client type—for instance, 50% for profit-oriented businesses and 10% for indigenous communities.
- The funding sources from the promoter, including any of their partners, cannot stem from sources counted in the total governmental aid package, from asset transfers, or from contributions in goods and services.
- The aggregate of governmental financial aids includes contributions from municipal entities and all departments and organizations of the Quebec and federal governments.
- Projects with financial aid commitment exceeding $100,000 must engage in a program ensuring equal access, aligning with Quebec's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- All businesses operating in Quebec, regardless of size, must adhere to the provisions of the Quebec French Language Charter as of June 1, 2022.