
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Northern Development Initiative Trust


The Economic Development Capacity Building program provides financial incentives to local governments for hiring and maintaining an Economic Development Officer or pursuing economic development activities. Eligible activities include economic development planning, developing plans and strategies, conducting applied research, marketing, business retention, and investor hosting, with funding up to $50,000 available.


Yes, there are several projects or activities eligible for this grant aimed at supporting economic development. Below is a list of eligible activities:
  • Staff or contract wages to support an economic development position where economic development is at least 50% of the workload
  • Economic development planning
  • Developing plans and strategies
  • Conducting applied research and analysis to support planning/priority setting
  • Economic development implementation
  • Sector development and economic diversification
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Business retention and expansion
  • Business and investor hosting (maximum $5,000)


Hiring an Economic Development Officer for downtown revitalization.


Developing a regional economic strategy for attracting tech startups.


Marketing campaign to boost local tourism industry.


Research project on economic diversification opportunities.


Business retention and expansion consultancy for local merchants.


Hosting an investor tour to showcase local agricultural opportunities.


The Economic Development Capacity Building program is open to local governments located within Northern Development's service region, prioritizing projects and wages dedicated to economic development activities. The program excludes several costs and combined positions where economic development is not a primary focus.
  • Eligible Applicants: Local governments located within Northern Development's service region
  • Eligible Economic Development Wages: Staff or contract wages where economic development constitutes at least 50% of the workload
  • Eligible Economic Development Activities:
  • Developing plans and strategies
  • Conducting applied research and analysis to support planning/priority setting
  • Economic development implementation
  • Sector development and economic diversification
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Business retention and expansion
  • Business and investor hosting (maximum $5,000)


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.
Here is a summary of the eligible expenses:
  • Staff or contract wages where economic development is at least 50% of the workload
  • Developing economic development plans and strategies
  • Conducting applied research and analysis to support planning/priority setting
  • Activities aimed at sector development and economic diversification
  • Marketing activities that promote specific economic opportunities
  • Business retention and expansion activities
  • Hosting of trade missions and/or investor tours (maximum $5,000)


Eligible applicants must be located within Northern Development’s service region.
  • Economic development at least 50% of the workload
  • Projects that align with a community’s economic development plan


The application for the Economic Development Capacity Building program is evaluated and selected based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the program's goals. Here are the key evaluation and selection criteria:
  • The applicant must be a local government located within Northern Development's service region.
  • The economic development activities or wages must be at least 50% of the workload.
  • The project should align with the community's economic development plan.
  • Must submit a complete application form, including the local government's latest economic development strategic plan.
  • For wage applications, the job description must specify the percentage of time allocated to economic development.
  • For activity applications, copies of quotes or a detailed budget breakdown are required.
  • Proposed activities must be completed within the approved calendar year.
  • Prior year reporting must be received and processed by Northern Development.


  • Step 1: Review all program documents in detail to ensure understanding of requirements and eligibility.
  • Step 2: Download and complete the Application Form.
  • Step 3: Prepare supplementary materials:
  • Local government’s latest economic development strategic plan
  • If applying for wages, copy of the job description specifying the % of time allocated to economic development
  • If applying for activities, copies of quotes or a detailed budget breakdown if quotes cannot be obtained
  • Step 4: Submit the completed application form with all supplementary materials electronically through the Online Application System by March 31.


The Economic Development Capacity Building program by Northern Development Initiative Trust provides financial support to local governments for hiring economic development officers or pursuing economic development activities.
  • Application intake starts from November 1 to March 31 each year.
  • The program funds up to $50,000 for eligible projects per calendar year.
  • Applicants must submit a final report by February 28 of the following year for reimbursement.
  • Combines administrative roles where economic development is less than 50% of the workload are ineligible.
  • Costs for CPP, EI, WCB, other benefits, and recruiting expenses are not covered.
  • Projects influencing or lobbying any level of government are ineligible.
  • Online applications are mandatory for submission.

Apply to this program