
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateOctober 22, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateNovember 20, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF)


The Workforce Analysis and Planning Program (WAPP) is a three-year initiative providing up to $100,000 in cost-shared funding, focusing on enhancing domestic workforce development strategies in British Columbia's agriculture, seafood, and food processing sectors. It supports activities such as labour market data collection, strategy development, and partnership initiatives to address workforce challenges efficiently. Eligible participants include industry associations and legal entities representing the agriculture, agri-food, and seafood sectors, looking to develop strategies with broad-sector benefits.


The Workforce Analysis and Planning Program (WAPP) provides funding with specific modalities to address the labour challenges in BC’s agriculture industry. The funding is structured to maximize the impact on workforce development and planning.
  • Eligible applicants can receive up to $100,000 in cost-shared funding, covering 70% of the total project costs.
  • The total funding limit per applicant is $100,000 for the program's duration.
  • Applicants can apply to multiple funding streams, however, concurrent projects are not allowed.
  • Stacking of funding with other government programs is permitted up to the full cost of the project, provided the other programs are not managed by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC.
  • Funding is non-transferable and must be used strictly for approved project activities and expenses.
  • Projects must receive prior approval before incurring costs, as retroactive cost approvals are not allowed.
  • Successful applicants are required to submit activity and financial reports to receive funding reimbursement, based on the agreed project budget.


The Workforce Analysis and Planning Program (WAPP) facilitates projects that enhance workforce strategies within BC's agriculture, seafood, and food processing sectors. These projects are geared towards understanding the current labour market challenges and developing actionable strategies to address them.
  • Current labour market data collection, including literature review and analysis to understand labour markets within the agriculture and food sectors.
  • Planning and strategy development to establish priorities, actions, and timelines for workforce development activities.
  • Collaborating with industry and labour market partners to create implementation plans based on existing labour market data and strategies.
  • Conducting additional research and analysis to inform workforce development strategies and implementation plans.
  • Developing BC, regional, and/or industry-specific strategies to support the National Workforce Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Food and Beverage Manufacturing.
  • Engagement activities to promote industry leadership in implementing workforce development plans.


Eligibility for this program requires applicants to be part of BC's agriculture and food industries and meet specific organization and representation criteria.
  • Applicants must be located in the province of British Columbia.
  • The applicant must be an agriculture, agri-food, or seafood industry association or a similar type of organization.
  • Industry associations can apply on behalf of groups of individual producers.
  • Legal entities from the agriculture, agri-food, and seafood sector not represented by an industry association can apply, provided they represent a majority of the sector.


This grant targets industry and labour market partners within BC's agriculture and food industry, aiming to develop market intelligence and workforce strategies to address labour challenges. Eligible participants must belong to specific sectors within the industry.
  • Agriculture, agri-food, and seafood industry associations or similar organizations located in British Columbia.
  • Legal entities from the agriculture, agri-food, and seafood sector acting on behalf of a group of producers or processors, representing a majority of a sector.


This grant excludes certain participants and industries from applying to ensure alignment with its objectives of enhancing workforce development in the agriculture sector. The restrictions are designed to focus resources on entities that can broadly benefit the domestic agriculture and food sectors.
  • Individual producers, processors or businesses represented by an industry association.
  • Researchers and/or universities.
  • Non-agricultural or agri-food individuals or groups.
  • Equine producers or associations.
  • Aquaculture and fish farms.
  • Beekeepers or beekeeping associations.


The Workforce Analysis and Planning Program (WAPP) offers funding for projects that build market intelligence and develop strategies to tackle labour challenges in BC's agriculture and food sectors. Activities focus on the analysis, planning, and implementation of workforce development strategies.
  • Collection and analysis of current labour market data, including literature review, to understand labour issues in agriculture and food sectors.
  • Planning and developing strategies to set priorities, actions, and timelines for workforce development activities.
  • Collaboration with industry and labour market partners to develop and implement plans based on existing analysis and data.
  • Conducting further research and analysis to inform the development of workforce strategies and plans.
  • Creating BC, regional, or industry-specific strategies to support the National Workforce Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Food.
  • Engaging in consultation and activities to promote industry leadership in implementing workforce development plans.


This grant is available to organizations based in specific regions as outlined by the program's criteria. Eligibility is targeted at entities situated within the province of British Columbia.
  • Province of British Columbia, Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
  • Relevance to addressing domestic agriculture labour market challenges.
  • Comprehensiveness of the labour market strategy or workforce plan.
  • Capacity to build and sustain strategic industry partnerships.
  • Potential to achieve clearly defined outcomes and metrics.
  • Alignment with federal priorities and ability to leverage federal funding.


  • Step 1: Create an Account & Register Organization
    • If you (and your organization) have applied for IAF-delivered funding since January 2023 you already have an account. Ensure your contact details and organizational information are up to date.
    • If new, create a personal profile with name and email.
    • Provide organization information including name, contact details, type of organization, BC ID / CRA numbers, etc.
    • The validation process may take up to two business days.
  • Step 2: Submit a WAPP Expression of Interest (EOI)
    • Starting October 22, 2024, navigate to Funding Opportunities in the IAF Client Portal.
    • Select the Workforce Analysis & Planning Program.
    • Provide the project name and concise project summary, addressing the labour need or issue to be tackled.
    • Include intended project outcomes, benefits, start and end dates, total project costs, and identified potential partners.
  • Step 3: Apply to WAPP for Project Funding
    • Successful EOI applicants will receive an 'Invitation to Apply.'
    • Submit a full application with detailed project information through the IAF Client Portal.
    • Include project start and end dates, a detailed description of the project and objectives, and a partnerships and communications plan.
    • Detail key activities, intended benefits, impact, and provide a funding request with a detailed project budget.
  • Step 4: Review and Adjudication
    • IAF will review EOIs and full applications based on eligibility and program alignment.
    • Applicants will be notified of their EOI status by December 20, 2024.
    • Final funding decisions are communicated within 30 days of application submission.
  • Step 5: Funding Notifications & Contracts
    • If approved, IAF will inform the applicant via email with terms and conditions.
    • Applicants enter an agreement with IAF outlining obligations.
    • Projects can start after the notice of approved funding, with a completion deadline of January 31, 2026.


This grant is specifically aimed at supporting the agricultural sector in British Columbia by funding projects related to workforce analysis and planning. Eligible applicants include agriculture industry associations and legal entities representing a majority of a sector, among others.
  • The program provides up to $100,000 in cost-shared funding for eligible projects.
  • The total funding limit per applicant is $100,000 for the lifetime of the program.
  • Eligible activities include labour market data collection, planning, strategy development, and industry engagement activities.
  • Applications are submitted through the IAF Client Portal with a two-step process: an Expression of Interest (EOI) followed by a full application.
  • Stacking of funds from other government programs is allowed up to 100% of project costs, provided the programs are not delivered by IAF.
  • Projects must be completed by January 31, 2026, and no retroactive approval of costs incurred prior to project approval will be considered.
  • EOIs can be submitted starting October 22, 2024, and must be finalized by November 19, 2024, at 4:00 pm PST.
  • Project activities cannot commence until the contribution agreement has been signed by both the applicant and IAF.
  • This program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Apply to this program

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