WorkBC — Wage Subsidy Program BC Canada

WorkBC — Wage Subsidy Program

BC, Canada
Financial assistance to employers in British Columbia by covering a portion of wages for new employees who require on-the-job training and work experience.


  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Wage Subsidies And Interns
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • WorkBC


The WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program aims to support employers in British Columbia by covering a portion of employee wages in exchange for providing on-the-job training and supervision. The program targets unemployed job seekers needing work experience, offering benefits like paid work opportunities and potential long-term employment. Eligible employers must offer full-time positions based in B.C. and adhere to specific guidelines, including not filling vacancies caused by layoffs.


Eligible projects or activities for the WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program focus on providing paid work experience opportunities and on-the-job training to WorkBC clients. These projects must comply with the program's eligibility criteria for both job seekers and employers.
  • Providing on-the-job training to WorkBC clients
  • Offering paid work experience opportunities
  • Creating full-time positions (35-40 hours per week) primarily based in B.C.
  • Ensuring long-term employment likelihood or work experience that leads to long-term employment
  • Supporting job seekers with disabilities or complex barriers to employment
  • Complying with applicable legislation such as Employment Standards Act and Workers Compensation Act


Hire and train an administrative assistant specializing in medical records management.


Provide work experience for a graphic designer in a non-profit arts organization.


Hire a junior software developer and provide comprehensive training in software development.


Provide training and employment for a sales associate in a small retail store.


Provide kitchen training for an apprentice chef in a local restaurant.


Hire and train a warehouse worker for inventory management in an e-commerce business.


Eligibility criteria for the WorkBC Wage Subsidy program include specific requirements for both job seekers and employers.
  • A B.C. permanent resident or Canadian Citizen
  • Unemployed (not working full-time, part- time, temporarily, etc.)
  • Identified for this service through a WorkBC service provider
  • In need of work experience
  • Be a registered business in B.C.
  • Comply with all applicable legislations such as Employment Standards Act, Workers Compensation Act, Income Tax Act (Canada) and Employment Insurance Act (Canada)
  • Be at Arm’s Length from the WorkBC service provider and the employee
  • Offer a full-time position of approximately 35-40 hours per week, unless the Job seeker has a documented need for fewer hours per week
  • Offer Insurable Employment
  • Offer a position where the job and work are primarily done in B.C.
  • Not fill a position vacant because of layoff
  • Confirm the jobseeker would not be hired in the absence of a Wage Subsidy
  • Confirm that as a result of the Wage Subsidy placement, no workers will experience reduction in hours or be laid-off
  • Offer the likelihood of long-term employment or provide needed work experience to help the jobseeker achieve long-term employment elsewhere
  • Pay reasonable, competitive wages reflecting the prevailing wage rate for the position
  • An employer must not:
  • Be either the Government of B.C. or Government of Canada
  • Be considered public sector, including municipalities, schools, school boards, public universities and colleges, hospitals, health authorities or “other government entities”. The definition of “other government entities” does not include businesses and corporations owned and/or controlled by Indigenous-governing bodies
  • Lay off or terminate an employee for the purposes of accessing a Wage Subsidy
  • Offer employment based on 100% commission or piecework. The Jobseeker must be paid a guaranteed labour market wage in addition to any commission-based earnings
  • Be an active WorkBC client participating in Self-Employment Services
  • Offer a position working under a WorkBC contract
  • Be the WorkBC service provider that provides the Wage Subsidy
  • Be in receipt of other Wage Subsidy funding for the jobseeker WorkBC will be subsidizing during the same period


Eligible companies for the WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program must be registered businesses in British Columbia that comply with all applicable legislation and offer insurable full-time positions primarily based and performed in B.C. Additionally, these businesses must pay reasonable, competitive wages reflecting the prevailing wage rate for the position.
  • Registered business in B.C.
  • Compliance with all applicable legislation (Employment Standards Act, Workers Compensation Act, etc.)
  • Offer full-time positions (approximately 35-40 hours per week)
  • Provide insurable employment
  • Position must primarily be based and performed in B.C.
  • Pay competitive wages reflecting the prevailing rate for the position
  • No positions filled due to layoff
  • No active participation in other wage subsidy programs for the same jobseeker


Yes, there are several types of companies that are not eligible for this grant:
  • Government of B.C. or Government of Canada entities
  • Public sector organizations, including municipalities, schools, school boards, public universities and colleges, hospitals, health authorities
  • Businesses and corporations owned and/or controlled by Indigenous-governing bodies are exceptions to the public sector exclusion
  • Companies that have laid off or terminated an employee to access the Wage Subsidy
  • Employers offering employment based on 100% commission or piecework
  • Active WorkBC clients participating in Self-Employment Services
  • WorkBC service providers that provide the Wage Subsidy
  • Companies receiving other Wage Subsidy funding for the jobseeker during the same period


Eligible expenses for the WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program include some of the employee’s wages and the employer portion of the Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs). Here is a list of eligible expenses:
  • Employee wages (See Wage Subsidy Rates in Section 2)
  • Employer portion of EI (Employment Insurance)
  • Employer portion of CPP (Canada Pension Plan)
  • Employer portion of WorkSafeBC
  • Eligible vacation pay


The eligible geographic zones for the WorkBC Wage Subsidy program are primarily positions based and performed in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada.
  • Jobs need to be primarily based and performed in B.C.


Yes, the WorkBC Wage Subsidy program has clear eligibility criteria for job seekers and employers, which are essential for evaluation and selection of applicants.
  • Job seekers must be permanent residents or Canadian citizens residing in British Columbia.
  • Job seekers must be identified and referred by a WorkBC service provider.
  • Job seekers must be unemployed and in need of work experience.
  • Employers must be registered businesses in British Columbia.
  • Employers must comply with all relevant legislation, including the Employment Standards Act and Workers Compensation Act.
  • Employers must offer a full-time position with 35-40 hours per week (or less if the job seeker requires).
  • Employers must ensure the job and work are primarily done in British Columbia.
  • Employers must confirm the job seeker would not be hired without the Wage Subsidy.
  • Employers must offer competitive wages and the likelihood of long-term employment.
  • Employers must not terminate or lay off current employees to access the subsidy.
  • Employers must not be a government entity or public sector organization.
  • Employers must not be in receipt of other Wage Subsidy funding for the same job seeker during the same period.


  • Step 1:
  • Obtain a BCeID (Business or Basic) to access the online Wage Subsidy platform.
  • Step 2:
  • Initiate a new application on the platform by providing basic information about your business, such as contact information, address, and CRA Business Number.
  • Step 3:
  • Answer eligibility questions, including verifying third-party liability coverage and WorkSafeBC coverage.
  • Step 4:
  • Save a temporary copy of the application ("Draft") on the platform, if needed.
  • Step 5:
  • Submit the completed application online.
  • Step 6:
  • Wait for contact from your local WorkBC Centre to match you with a qualified, job-ready candidate.
  • Step 7:
  • Follow any additional steps or provide any further information as required by your WorkBC Centre.


The WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program offers an easy online application process and an efficient platform for managing applications and claims, supporting both employers and job seekers in British Columbia.
  • Employers need a BCeID (Business or Basic) to access the online application platform.
  • Applications can be saved as drafts and submitted later.
  • Paystubs and other supporting documents need to be attached in PDF format when submitting a claim form.
  • Employers can share applications and claim forms within their organization using a Business BCeID.
  • The platform allows filtering and sorting of applications and claim forms for easier management.
  • Applicants must ensure their information complies with various legal and regulatory frameworks, such as the Employment Standards Act and Workers Compensation Act.
  • Employers cannot receive multiple wage subsidies for the same employee simultaneously.
  • Contact information can be updated in the platform to streamline future application and claim form submissions.
Apply to this program