
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
  • Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
  • Educational services
  • Canada Water Agency (CWA)


The EcoAction Stream 1 grant provides up to $100,000 in funding to support community-led projects across Canada aimed at improving freshwater quality and ecosystem health. Eligible activities include shoreline protection, invasive species control, indigenous plant restoration, and environmental education workshops.


  • The EcoAction Stream 1 provides a minimum funding amount of $25,000 and a maximum of $100,000 per project.
  • The maximum duration for the funding is 36 consecutive months, accommodating annual or multi-annual projects.
  • Funding requests must cover all project years for eligibility.
  • EcoAction Stream 1 can contribute up to 50% of eligible project expenses.
  • A matching funding requirement is in place, requiring that for every dollar received, at least an equivalent amount must be secured from non-federal partners, except for certain Indigenous Services Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada programs.
  • Eligible matching contributions may be in cash or in-kind, such as equipment, volunteer time, professional services, or other donations directly supporting the project.
  • Contributions must be expended within the project's funding period.
  • Some costs, such as the value or purchase of land, are not eligible as matching contributions.
  • Funds from resubmitted but initially unsuccessful projects may be reconsidered under a subsequent call for applications.
  • Reporting requirements are stringent, with recipients needing to file progress and final reports to trigger full payment of funds.


  • Protection, stabilization, or enhancement of shorelines.
  • Cleaning, removal, and/or redirection of waste.
  • Control and/or eradication of invasive species.
  • Plantation of native plant species.
  • Habitat and/or land restoration.
  • Workshops and/or awareness activities directly associated with community action.
  • Implementation of freshwater recommendations from environmental management plans.
  • Water conservation efforts.

$ 55,000

Launching a green technology incubator for startup companies

$ 48,000

Creating a digital archive for Indigenous heritage preservation

$ 32,000

Implementing a solar energy system in a local school

$ 45,000

Developing community kitchen to support local food security

$ 45,000

Launching a mental health support app for young adults

$ 28,000

Establishing a new arts education program for underserved youth

$ 50,000

Installing solar panels on low-income housing


  • The applicant must be a national non-profit organization, such as charities or voluntary organizations, professional associations, and non-governmental organizations, or national Indigenous organizations, governments, boards, commissions, communities, associations, and authorities.
  • Local organizations such as associations, community groups, seniors and youth groups, and charitable societies are eligible.
  • Regional conservation authorities and districts are eligible.
  • Preference is given to applications involving priority groups like Indigenous peoples, youth (up to 25 years old), and small businesses to achieve project objectives.


  • National non-profit organizations, such as charities or volunteer organizations, professional associations, and non-governmental organizations
  • National Indigenous organizations, governments, councils, commissions, communities, associations, and authorities
  • Local organizations, such as associations, community groups, senior and youth groups, and charitable societies
  • Regional conservation authorities and districts
  • Priority given to projects involving Indigenous peoples, youth (up to 25 years), and small businesses


  • Personnel resources, including salaries and benefits.
  • Services of contractors required to conduct project-related activities.
  • Management and professional services such as accounting, monitoring, communications, translation in official languages, auditing, and legal fees.
  • Costs of accommodation, travel, events, or conferences, following the Treasury Board Secretariat's directive on travel, hospitality, conference, and event expenditures.
  • Indigenous ceremonial offerings used or consumed during meetings or ceremonies.
  • Costs associated with Indigenous ceremonies or participation.
  • Monetary fees for Indigenous elders or knowledge keepers participating in specific activities, such as translation and interpretation, leading traditional ceremonies, knowledge exchange, or traditional art demonstrations.
  • Equipment and supply costs.
  • Costs of printing, production, and distribution.
  • Purchase or rental of equipment.
  • Rental and operational costs of vehicles.
  • Non-reimbursable GST/HST by the Canada Revenue Agency and non-reimbursable provincial sales tax.
  • A reasonable share (15% or less) of overhead or administrative fees directly arising from the project's execution.


  • Administrative Review: Examination to confirm eligibility, projects deemed ineligible will be notified by the end of this step.
  • Technical Review: Assessment by subject matter experts to confirm the scientific and technical feasibility of your project.
  • Regional Review: Regional staff reviews projects based on the following elements:Project's connection to freshwater.
  • Evidence of strong community involvement and knowledge transfer components.
  • Feasibility of the project in terms of impacts, budget, outcomes, and activities.
  • Continuation of the project's activities and benefits.
  • Engagement of priority groups and establishment of partnerships with these groups.



  • All applicants will be notified in writing whether their application is successful or not. For approved applications, a contribution agreement outlining the funding terms will be negotiated.
  • Members of Parliament and/or their staff may be informed about approved projects, including project details and funding amounts.
  • Funding is contingent upon the successful negotiation of a contribution agreement between the applicant and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
  • The contribution agreement must include written confirmation of all funding sources, a summary of the project description, implementation details, progress evaluation, expected results, and budgetary forecasts.
  • Approved applicants are required to submit regular reports to ECCC throughout the project duration, aligned with the contribution agreement terms.
  • A final report is required upon project completion, with the final payment withheld (minimum 10%) until the final report is submitted, reviewed, and approved by ECCC.


Apply to this program

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