
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Researchers And Facilities
Partnering and Collaboration
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Public administration
  • Government of Canada
  • Communications Research Centre Canada


Access government wireless technologies, as well as collaborative R&D opportunities.


Eligible projects and activities for this grant focus on advancing wireless communications technology and exploring new methods and techniques in spectrum management and utilization through collaboration and research. Examples include:
  • Developing dynamic spectrum management solutions.
  • Furthering research on millimetre-wave propagation measurements and modelling.
  • Enhancing designs of 5G arrays for broadband wireless communication technologies.
  • Optimizing antenna design.
  • Enhancing spectrum monitoring for CRC's Spectrum Explorer® licensed software.
  • Advancing printed electronics and engineered surfaces.
  • Developing methods to collect, process and exploit spectrum knowledge using big data analytics, data fusion, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Conducting research in 5G, including millimetre-wave propagation measurements and modelling.
  • Investigating advanced design techniques for reflect-array antennas.


Enhancing spectrum monitoring for CRC's Spectrum Explorer® licensed software.


Developing dynamic spectrum management solutions for enhanced wireless connectivity.


Furthering research on millimetre-wave propagation measurements and modelling.


Enhancing designs of 5G arrays for broadband wireless communication technologies.


Advancing printed electronics and engineered surfaces for wireless communication.


Developing methods to exploit spectrum knowledge using big data analytics and AI.



The grant offered by the Communications Research Centre (CRC) in Canada is open to a spectrum of companies, particularly those involved in advanced research and development in wireless technologies and spectrum management. Companies that have significant expertise in fields such as 5G networking, dynamic spectrum management, and antenna design are highly eligible for collaboration and funding opportunities.
  • Companies with expertise in 5G networking and applications development
  • Industry partners and R&D labs focused on dynamic spectrum management solutions
  • Firms working on millimetre-wave propagation measurements and modelling
  • Companies involved in enhancing designs of 5G arrays and broadband wireless communication technologies
  • Businesses specializing in optimizing antenna design
  • Organizations working to enhance spectrum monitoring solutions, such as CRC's Spectrum Explorer® licensed software
  • Companies advancing printed electronics and engineered surfaces
  • Businesses utilizing big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in spectrum management


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include the following:
  • Canada
  • International partners (collaborations)


  • Step 1: Identify the specific research priority or Grand Challenge that aligns with your project. Ensure that your project meets the criteria of having a strategic technology demonstration or innovative proof-of-concept.
  • Step 2: Establish potential strategic collaborations. Look for academic, industry, or research lab partners who can complement your project's skills and knowledge.
  • Step 3: Contact the Communications Research Centre (CRC) to discuss your project idea and confirm alignment with their research priorities. Use the opportunity to gain insight into the application process and requirements.
  • Step 4: Develop a detailed project proposal. Include the problem statement, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and the strategic impact of your project.
  • Step 5: Highlight the anticipated R&D partnerships within your proposal. Detail how the collaboration will advance CRC's Grand Challenges and the roles of each partner.
  • Step 6: Prepare the necessary documentation for submission, including any required financial statements, CVs of key personnel, and previous related work or publications.
  • Step 7: Submit the application through the appropriate CRC submission channel. Ensure that all required documents are included and that the submission is before the deadline.
  • Step 8: Await feedback from the CRC. Be prepared to provide any additional information or clarification if requested.
  • Step 9: If approved, commence the R&D project according to the agreed terms and conditions. Regularly report progress and outcomes to CRC as stipulated in the agreement.


Additional information about the grand challenge grant includes its focus on the technological impact on spectrum management and utilization along with strategic collaborations and partnerships.
  • Technology demonstration of a strategic capability or an innovative proof-of-concept.
  • Focus on wireless communications issues and insights, including policy, regulatory, standards-based, or operational matters.
  • Emphasis on wireless technology foresighting to ensure awareness of ongoing and emerging trends and issues.
  • CRC leverages R&D through collaborations with academia, industry, research labs, and more to advance Grand Challenges.
  • CRC offers access to its intellectual property portfolio, including licensable software, patents, data, and technical know-how.
  • CRC and City of Ottawa have developed an outdoor 5G test site for advancing 5G communication technologies.
  • The Big Data Analytics Centre (BDAC) supports sustainable spectrum management using advanced analytics and visualization techniques.
Apply to this program