MRC Charlevoix — FQM Business Succession Fund - QC - Canada

MRC Charlevoix — FQM Business Succession Fund

QC, Canada
Financial support program for entrepreneurial transition and acquisition
grant_single|update January 24, 2025


  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateSeptember 30, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • MRC Charlevoix


The MRC Charlevoix — FQM Business Succession Fund offers a maximum of $15,000 to support entrepreneurs acquiring a part or entirety of a legally constituted business in Quebec through services such as due diligence and professional fees for specialists. This grant aims to facilitate business succession and ownership transfer, fostering entrepreneurship within the region.


This grant provides specific modalities for financial assistance that cater to the needs of businesses involved in succession planning and acquisition. These financing modalities are designed to assist entrepreneurs with professional services and transfer processes.
  • Financial assistance covers up to 50% of the total eligible costs of professional services related to business succession, with a maximum cap of $15,000 per beneficiary, excluding taxes.
  • Eligible costs include expenses for due diligence, preparing business transfer agreements, and professional fees for specialists.
  • Funds are disbursed by the MRC or designated organization upon approval according to the terms outlined by the FQM.
  • Expenses incurred before the application submission date via the financial assistance form are not eligible.


This fund focuses on supporting entrepreneurs in the acquisition and succession of businesses across Quebec. It offers assistance in essential areas related to business transfer and entrepreneurship.
  • Funding due diligence processes to determine the fair market value of a business.
  • Support for the preparation of business takeover agreements.
  • Coverage of professional fees for specialists such as accountants, lawyers, notaries, or human resource experts with relevant expertise in business succession.

$ 100,000

Acquisition of a local grocery store with job retention

$ 100,000

Support for new ownership of a local printing business

$ 100,000

Transition of a family-owned bakery with workforce expansion

$ 100,000

Purchase of a hotel to boost local tourism economy

$ 100,000

Business succession in a local artisanal craft store

$ 100,000

Transfer of automotive repair shop to a new entrepreneur


Eligibility for the MRC Charlevoix — FQM Business Succession Fund is determined by specific criteria related to the applicant's legal and financial standing.
  • The applicant must be an entrepreneur who has obtained financing from a Fonds local d’investissement (FLI) of a MRC or a municipality with MRC powers.
  • The business to be acquired must be legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada and have an establishment in Quebec.
  • For non-incorporated purchasers, the individual must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • The project should not receive cumulative public aid of the same nature for the same project.
  • The professionals engaged for enterprise evaluations must possess the necessary expertise to intervene in a business succession project.


Entrepreneurs who have received financing through a Local Investment Fund (FLI) from a regional county municipality (MRC) or a municipality with MRC powers, and are looking to acquire a legally constituted business in Quebec, are eligible to apply. This includes family members, employees, external buyers, and those involved in collective takeovers of businesses.


The grant supports partial coverage of expenses associated with acquiring services for business succession.
  • Due diligence to determine the fair market value of a business.
  • Preparation of business succession agreements.
  • Professional fees for specialists (e.g., accountants, lawyers, notaries, human resources specialists) with the expertise necessary for business succession projects.


This grant is specifically targeted at companies located within the territories covered by the Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM) in Quebec. Eligible areas are those with access to local investment funds.
  • MRC de Charlevoix.
  • Any MRC or municipality in Quebec with local investment fund (FLI) capabilities.


The selection criteria for projects under the MRC Charlevoix — FQM Business Succession Fund focus on ensuring compliance with legal and financial standards for acquiring businesses in Quebec.
  • The enterprise to be acquired must be legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada and must have an establishment in Quebec.
  • If the acquirer is not incorporated, they must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • The acquirer must be associated with a project that has received funding from the FLI of the MRC or the municipality exercising MRC powers. The project can also be supported by the local solidarity fund (FLS), but the accumulation of public aid of the same nature for the same project is prohibited.
  • The professional engaged for the enterprise's diligence must possess expertise enabling them to participate in a business succession project.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Requirements
  • Download and review the investment policy and application form.
  • Understand the specific objectives and criteria of the Business Succession Fund.
  • Step 2: Prepare Your Business Plan
  • Utilize the provided business plan guide and templates to draft your plan.
  • Ensure your business plan addresses how it aligns with the fund's goals, such as supporting entrepreneurship and job creation.
  • Step 3: Gather Required Documentation
  • Compile necessary financial documents and any previous funding or investment details.
  • Include any other required documents specified in the application form.
  • Step 4: Complete the Application Form
  • Fill out the application form with accurate and complete information.
  • Step 5: Submit the Application
  • Ensure all components of your application are complete.
  • Submit your application by the next deadline: December 30, 2023, or April 30, 2024.
  • Send the application to the appropriate MRC office or designated fund administrator.
  • Step 6: Confirmation and Follow-Up
  • Receive confirmation of your application submission.
  • Keep in contact with the MRC office for any updates on your application status.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant provides a combination of non-repayable contributions and interest-free loans.
  • No funding is available for equipment replacement under FDEÉS if it previously received funding from the same source.
  • Application analysis occurs tri-annually on specific dates: 30th September, 30th December, and 30th April.
  • Financial aid from the Fonds Relève Entreprise requires coordination with the FLI.
  • Pre-application fees or expenses are not eligible for reimbursement.

Apply to this program

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