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Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries


The Innovation & Growth grant launched by PME MTL Centre-Est aims to support private and social economy enterprises developing innovative solutions in sectors such as biofood, clean technologies, health technologies, and cultural and creative industries. Eligible activities include testing innovations in real-world contexts, launching products on the market, and improving productivity through technological equipment or automation. The grant offers up to $50,000 and includes an hour of free legal consultation in technology and intellectual property.


This grant supports several eligible projects and activities aimed at innovation and commercialization within the territories covered by PME MTL Centre-Est.
  • Testing and implementing innovation in a real-world context
  • Launching the market introduction and making the first sales of the innovation
  • Improving productivity through technological equipment implementation or enhancing robotization and automation


To be eligible for this grant, an enterprise or its directors must meet specific conditions. These conditions ensure proper legal status, financial viability, and contribution towards the project.
  • Have Canadian citizenship, be a permanent resident, or possess a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ).
  • Be legally constituted and duly registered with the Quebec Enterprise Register (REQ).
  • Have a business establishment in the PME MTL Centre-Est territory and have its head office in Quebec.
  • Contribute 20% of the project costs.
  • Complete the submission form and attach all necessary documents, including the cost and financing table.
  • Have no debts to the government.
  • The cumulative grants from PME MTL awarded to the enterprise must not exceed $50,000 per 12-month period.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The grant is targeted at private and social economy enterprises that are developing and commercializing innovative solutions, with a priority given to specific sectors.
  • Bioalimentaire
  • Clean Technologies
  • Health Technologies
  • Cultural and Creative Industries


Some eligibility conditions implicitly suggest that certain types of companies may not be eligible for this grant.
  • Companies with government debts
  • Companies whose executives do not meet Canadian citizenship or permanent residency requirements
  • Companies not registered with the Registraire des Entreprises du Québec (REQ)
  • Companies whose place of business is not located within the territory of PME MTL Centre-Est
  • Companies whose head office is not in Quebec


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant.
The eligible expenses aim to support the implementation of dedicated innovation and commercialization teams, acquisition of automation equipment, and other projects intended to deploy innovations within the covered territories.
  • Testing and trying an innovation in a real-world context
  • Launching the market release and making the first sales of the innovation
  • Improving productivity, particularly through technological equipment implementation or increased robotization or automation


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are businesses located in the PME MTL Centre-Est territory, with their head office in Quebec.
  • PME MTL Centre-Est territory
  • Head office in Quebec


The grant has specific evaluation and selection criteria, which focus on the team's expertise, economic viability, financial partnerships, and sustainable practices.
The following are the detailed evaluation and selection criteria:
  • Expertise of the team and capacity to complete the innovation and/or growth project
  • Economic viability
  • Participation of other financial partners
  • Implementation of sustainable development practices


Step 1
  • Make sure your company meets the eligibility requirements.
  • Evaluate whether your project corresponds to the targeted strategic sectors: Biofood, Clean Technologies, Health Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries.
Step 2
  • Complete the application form.
  • Gather all required documents, including the cost and financing table.
Step 3
  • Prepare a demonstration of your team's expertise and ability to carry out the project.
  • Establish the project's economic viability.
  • Include the participation of other financial partners, if possible.
  • Indicate your company's sustainable development practices.
Step 4
  • Submit your application online before September 30, 2024.
  • Ensure that you have contributed 20% of project costs.
Step 5
  • If necessary, make an appointment with a PME MTL Centre-Est resource person to discuss your project.


There is additional information worth knowing for the applicant:
  • Projects must demonstrate a proven and quantifiable innovative dimension.
  • Grants will be prioritized for companies actively involved in sustainable development initiatives.
  • The maximum grant is $50,000.
  • Eligible expenses include testing innovations in real-life contexts and improving productivity using technological equipment.
  • Applicants must contribute 20% of project costs.
  • The deadline for grant applications is September 30, 2024.
  • Companies can also benefit from a free one-hour consultation on technology law or intellectual property.
  • Additional loans of up to $450,000 may be available at attractive rates.

Apply to this program