
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateDecember 13, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateJanuary 31, 2025
Grant and Funding
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Government of Alberta


The Inclusive Spaces Program Grant provides a maximum of $15 million over two years to improve accessibility and inclusivity in existing child care programs in Alberta. Eligible activities include infrastructure improvements, such as wheelchair ramps, and the acquisition of inclusive equipment and resources.


This grant offers structured financing modalities to ensure effective utilization of funds in enhancing the inclusivity and accessibility of child care facilities. Grant funds are disbursed in installments to align financial support with project development stages.
  • Half of the project funds are provided upfront to enable immediate commencement of projects.
  • The remaining funding is released upon submission and approval of the final project report.
  • There is a maximum commitment of $15 million over two years, with amounts determined based on project size and complexity.
  • Funding must be used for eligible project costs such as infrastructure improvements and equipment/resource acquisition.
  • Stacking of funding from other government sources for the same project is not permitted.


The Inclusive Spaces Program Grant facilitates projects targeted towards enhancing inclusivity and accessibility within existing child care facilities. This includes both infrastructure improvements and resource acquisition to support diverse and vulnerable communities.
  • Renovations to existing facilities for improving accessibility and inclusivity, such as installing wheelchair ramps, elevators, and adaptive washrooms.
  • Improving accessibility of existing parking or drop-off areas.
  • Development of multi-sensory rooms and stations for inclusive learning environments.
  • Purchasing assistive technology devices to aid children with disabilities.
  • Acquiring sensory equipment and adaptive play structures.
  • Providing culturally relevant materials such as books and toys to foster diverse linguistic and cultural learning.
  • Implementing mobility aids and adaptive toys and equipment to enhance participation of all children.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and the type of facility they operate.
  • The applicant must be an existing non-profit or private daycare facility, preschool facility, or family day home agency.
  • The applicant must operate a facility that is not an out-of-school care program, as these programs are ineligible for funding.


Eligible applicants for the Inclusive Spaces Program Grant include existing non-profit and private daycare and preschool facilities and family day home agencies. Importantly, out-of-school care programs are ineligible for this funding as they do not fall under the Canada-Alberta Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement funding. The grant is designed to support projects that enhance inclusion and accessibility within existing child care facilities.


This grant is specifically designed to support existing licensed child care facilities and is not available to certain organizations. Here are the entities restricted from applying for this grant.
  • Out-of-school care programs, as they are excluded under the Canada-Alberta Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement funding.
  • Projects aiming to create new spaces or expand existing ones, as the grant focuses on improvements and resource acquisition for existing facilities.
  • Entities seeking to "stack" the funding with other Government of Alberta or federal government grants for the same project.
  • Organizations planning projects that are contrary to applicable legislation or regulation.


Eligible expenses for the Inclusive Spaces Program Grant are those directly related to project completion under infrastructure improvements and equipment/resource acquisition.
  • Construction materials and labor costs for renovation of existing structures (such as widening doorways).
  • Accessibility enhancements like elevator installation and installing wheelchair ramps.
  • Specialized furniture and mobility aids.
  • Adaptive play structures and sensory equipment.
  • Assistive technology devices.
  • Culturally relevant books, toys, and learning materials.
  • Professional services, including project design costs and consultation fees for accessibility or inclusion specialists, not to exceed 10% of project value.


This grant specifically targets locations within the province of Alberta, Canada. Eligible applicants must operate within Alberta to qualify for the Inclusive Spaces Program Grant.
  • Organizations based within the province of Alberta, Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for the Inclusive Spaces Program Grant are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure alignment with the grant's objectives.
  • Alignment and Impact: Project demonstrates a clear alignment with the program and a positive impact on the inclusion of children in existing ELCC Program – 25 per cent.
  • Justification and Project Design: Clear rationale and purpose of proposed project. Proposal clearly defines overall activities, goals, and expected outcomes – 30 per cent.
  • Feasibility and Timeline: Project's scope is manageable given the resources available (people, experience, budget) and the proposed timeline. The proposal should demonstrate a high probability of completion within the grant's timeframe – 15 per cent.
  • Budget: Detailed budget with clear justification for all expenses. Budget should reasonably reflect current market conditions, align with project activities, and comply with program guidelines – 15 per cent.
  • Evaluation Plan: Defines clear metrics and methods to measure project success and impact on inclusion – 15 per cent.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Access the Application
  • Download the application form and program guide from the provided government website.
  • Step 2: Complete the Application Form
  • Fill out all required fields in the application form, providing details about your project, including objectives, outcomes, and alignment with the program.
  • Prepare any supplementary documentation and estimates from qualified contractors for projects involving renovations.
  • Step 3: Submit the Application
  • Email the completed application form and all supporting documentation to
  • Ensure submission is made before 11:59 p.m. (MST) on January 31, 2025.
  • Step 4: Receive Confirmation
  • Await confirmation or further communication from the government regarding your application status and potential next steps.


Here is additional relevant information for the Inclusive Spaces Program Grant:
  • The grant includes a maximum funding pool of $15 million available over two years (2024-2026).
  • Acknowledgement of the Government of Alberta’s support is encouraged in various forms such as news releases and social media mentions.
  • The Government of Alberta’s logo is available upon request for acknowledging their support.
  • Projects that "stack" funding from other provincial or federal sources are not allowed.
  • Eligible projects should cater to specific community groups such as lower-income families, Indigenous families, and families from underserved communities.
  • A portion of the grant (up to 10%) can be used for professional services.


Apply to this program

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