
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Prêts et investissements
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Gouvernement de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard
  • Finances Î.-P.-É


Prêt à terme pour financer jusqu’à 100 % de l’achat d’un maximum de 150 acres de terres agricoles à un taux d’intérêt fixe de 6 % sur une période de cinq ans.


Eligible projects or activities for the Farmland Financing grant include purchasing farmland for new or expanding farming operations, or facilitating farmland succession.
  • Purchasing up to 150 acres of farmland with a term loan financing up to 90%-100% of the purchase price.
  • Purchasing up to 450 acres of farmland with a term loan financing up to 80% of the purchase price.
  • Establishing or expanding a viable farming operation with annual sales of at least $15,000 from agricultural commodities.
  • Demonstrating cash flow projections for new entrants to support the proposed land purchase.
  • Developing a valid Environmental Farm Plan and Soil Conservation Plan for the farmland.
  • Providing a Personal Guarantee from the Shareholder(s).


Achat de 120 acres pour l'agrandissement d'une ferme maraîchère bio à Vancouver.


Achat de 80 acres pour une initiative d'agriculture soutenue par la communauté à Toronto.


Acquisition de 100 acres pour développer une ferme laitière à Calgary.


Achat de 150 acres pour agrandir un vignoble familial à Kelowna.


Acquisition de 130 acres pour créer une ferme communautaire et centre éducatif à Ottawa.


Quebec City
Achat de 90 acres pour développer une ferme durable en serre à Québec.


Eligible farmers, including new and expanding farms or those involved in farmland succession within PEI, may qualify for this grant based on fulfilling specific criteria.
  • Any farmer that has an acceptable combination of five years post-secondary education in agriculture and/or work experience in a farming operation
  • Expansion/Succession - the farming operation must be a viable business venture with annual sales of at least $15,000 from agricultural commodities, supported by Income Tax Returns
  • New Entrant - cash flow projections to indicate the following: i) required annual sales of $15,000 from agricultural commodities will be met, ii) adequate debt servicing to support the proposed land purchase
  • You must have a valid Environmental Farm Plan and Soil Conservation Plan for the farmland being purchased
  • The land being financed must be available to be taken as a first charge against the loan
  • The Shareholder(s) must provide a Personal Guarantee
  • You must be a Canadian citizen and a permanent resident of PEI


Eligible companies for the Farmland Financing grant in Prince Edward Island include farmers who meet specific criteria related to education or work experience in agriculture. The financing is available for new entrants and those involved in farmland expansion or succession.
  • Farmers with an acceptable combination of five years post-secondary education in agriculture and/or work experience in a farming operation
  • Expansion/Succession farmers with a viable business venture and annual sales of at least $15,000 from agricultural commodities, supported by Income Tax Returns
  • New Entrants who can show cash flow projections indicating required annual sales of $15,000 from agricultural commodities and adequate debt servicing
  • Farmers with a valid Environmental Farm Plan and Soil Conservation Plan for the farmland being purchased
  • Canadian citizens and permanent residents of PEI


Les compagnies appartenant à des industries non-admissibles et celles qui ne respectent pas les critères d'admissibilité ne sont pas éligibles à cette subvention.
  • Entreprises non incorporées
  • Entreprises publiques
  • Entreprises individuelles
  • Entreprises sans but lucratif
  • Entreprises impliquées dans des activités illégales


Les dépenses admissibles pour cette subvention sont :
  • Frais de personnel directement liés au projet
  • Coûts de matériel spécifique au projet
  • Frais de sous-traitance pour des services nécessaires au projet


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada.
  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of PEI.


The evaluation and selection criteria for the Farmland Financing program focus on the applicant's farming experience, business viability, environmental compliance, and financial stability. Applicants must meet specific qualifications related to education, business plan quality, and land appraisal to be considered eligible.
  • Acceptable combination of five years post-secondary education in agriculture and/or work experience in a farming operation.
  • For expansion/succession: Farming operation must be a viable business venture with annual sales of at least $15,000 from agricultural commodities, supported by Income Tax Returns.
  • For new entrants: Cash flow projections to indicate that the required annual sales of $15,000 from agricultural commodities will be met and adequate debt servicing to support the proposed land purchase.
  • Must have a valid Environmental Farm Plan and Soil Conservation Plan for the farmland being purchased.
  • The land being financed must be available to be taken as a first charge against the loan.
  • The shareholder(s) must provide a personal guarantee.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen and a permanent resident of PEI.
  • Completion and submission of the Application for Financial Assistance, supported by a Business Plan prepared by a qualified Chartered Accountant, including 3 years of cash flow projections and 3 years of historical financial statements (if applicable).
  • Appraisal by an Accredited Appraiser.


  • Step 1: Complete the Application for Financial Assistance
  • Step 2: Prepare and attach a Business Plan, prepared by a qualified Chartered Accountant, acceptable to Finance PEI, including:
  • 3 years of cash flow projections
  • 3 years of historical financial statements (if applicable)
  • Step 3: Obtain and attach an Appraisal by an Accredited Appraiser
  • Step 4: Submit the completed application and all supporting documents to an Account Manager with Finance PEI
  • Step 5: Attend an interview with an Account Manager to discuss your business proposal and the next steps to determine eligibility


Farmers should additionally ensure they meet the specific requirements and provide all necessary documentation to complete their application.
  • The farmland being financed must have a valid Environmental Farm Plan and Soil Conservation Plan.
  • The land must be available to be taken as a first charge against the loan.
  • Shareholders must provide a Personal Guarantee.
  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens and permanent residents of PEI.


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