Programme d’efficacité takeCHARGE pour les entreprises NL Canada

Programme d’efficacité takeCHARGE pour les entreprises

NL, Canada
Soutien financier pour des améliorations éconergétiques à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timeline_unspecified
Subvention et financement
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Hydro / Newfoundland Power


Obtenez jusqu’à 50 000 $ pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de votre entreprise.


Il y a plusieurs types de projets éligibles à la subvention, tels que :
  • Passive heat recovery
  • Air to water heat pumps
  • Remote energy management control system
  • LED lighting upgrade throughout warehouse
  • Installed a variable speed pump for energy-efficient high pressure cleaning of structure and equipment
  • Retrofitted building with LED lighting


Mise à niveau du système de chauffage et de refroidissement chez GreenThumb Cooperative à Toronto.


Installation de l'éclairage LED et d'équipements écoénergétiques chez EcoMarket Enterprises à Vancouver.


Installation de récupération passive de chaleur chez GreenTech Industries à Montréal.


Mises à niveau de la réfrigération chez FreshMart Grocery à Calgary.


Mises à niveau de l'éclairage LED au BrightFuture Education Center à Halifax.


Installation d'équipements écoénergétiques à la MapleHealth Clinic à Edmonton.


  • Businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro's isolated systems
  • Commercial customers in isolated systems


La subvention Business Efficiency Program s'adresse à divers types d'entreprises pour des projets d'efficacité énergétique.
  • Bâtiments de bureaux
  • Distributeurs d'épicerie
  • Usines de transformation de poissons
  • Magasins de détail


La subvention mentionnée ne semble pas spécifier les types de compagnies qui ne sont pas éligibles.
  • Rien


  • Passive heat recovery
  • Air to water heat pumps
  • Remote energy management control system
  • LED lighting upgrade throughout warehouse
  • Installed a variable speed pump for energy-efficient high pressure cleaning of structure and equipment
  • Retrofitted building with LED lighting


Les critères d'évaluation et de sélection pour cette subvention ne sont pas spécifiés dans le contexte.
  • Rien


  • Étape 1:
    • Energy Assessment
    • An energy assessment of your commercial facility will be conducted by a takeCHARGE energy expert.
    • This high-level assessment is fully funded by takeCHARGE.
    • After the visit you will be provided with a prioritized list of recommended projects designed to reduce your energy use.
    • Some of the recommendations may warrant further evaluation.
    • Depending on the complexity of the project an energy audit or feasibility study may be required. takeCHARGE funding may also be available to help with these costs.
  • Étape 2:
    • Project Proposal
    • Your takeCHARGE contact will provide a project proposal form for you to complete to capture the details of your project.
    • Once completed the form must be returned to takeCHARGE.
  • Étape 3:
    • Project Development Agreement
    • If the proposal is approved, takeCHARGE will provide a project development agreement.
    • This agreement outlines project deliverables, expected energy savings, incentives and the obligations of both parties.
    • The agreement must be signed and returned to your takeCHARGE contact.
    • You can now start your energy efficiency upgrade as outlined in the project development agreement.
  • Étape 4:
    • Project Close-Out, Measurement and Verification (M&V)
    • After the project has been successfully implemented, project close out, measurement and verification is required.
    • This involves quantifying energy savings and determining the final value of incentives to be paid.
    • If energy savings are less than 85% of the estimate provided in the project proposal, there will be reductions to the incentive as detailed in the project development agreement.
    • Once savings are measured and verified, final incentives will be paid and the project considered complete.
    • However, the project must stay in service and deliver energy savings for a minimum of five years.
S’inscrire à ce programme