Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program provides financial coverage
- grant_single|minCount
- grant_single|openingDateApril 01, 2024
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Canadian Heritage
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program provides indemnification coverage for eligible institutions like museums, art galleries, archives, or libraries to organize or host domestic and international exhibitions, ensuring protection against potential losses. The maximum indemnity limit per exhibition is $600 million CAD, supporting exhibitions with a fair market value of at least $500,000 CAD.
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program offers support for organizing or hosting eligible exhibition projects across Canada and internationally. These projects must meet specific criteria to qualify for indemnification under the program.
- Domestic exhibitions organized by a Canadian institution and shown in at least two provinces within Canada.
- International exhibitions where the total fair market value of objects borrowed from outside Canada exceeds that of objects borrowed within Canada, with at least one Canadian venue.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant institution and their exhibitions.
- The applicant must meet the definition of an institution as per the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act.
- The institution must be a museum, art gallery, archives, or library that is publicly owned and operates for educational or cultural purposes, solely for the benefit of the public.
- The institution must exhibit objects to the public.
- The facilities of the institution must be approved by the Program if hosting an indemnified exhibition.
- The exhibition must be either a domestic exhibition shown in at least two Canadian provinces or an international exhibition with a greater fair market value of objects sourced from outside Canada and shown at least at one Canadian venue.
- The total fair market value of all exhibition objects and appurtenances must be at least $500,000 CAD.
Institutions eligible to apply for the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program are defined under the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act. Specifically, an institution must be a museum, art gallery, archives, or library that meets the following criteria:- Publicly owned- Operates for educational or cultural purposes- Functions solely for the public's benefit- Exhibits objects to the public.
This grant program is specifically designed for cultural institutions and excludes certain types of organizations and industries based on eligibility criteria related to their status and main activity.
- Private companies or for-profit organizations.
- Institutions not operating for educational or cultural purposes.
- Organizations that do not exhibit objects to the public.
- Entities that are not publicly owned.
- Businesses that do not qualify as a museum, art gallery, archives, or library.
This grant is targeted towards Canadian institutions that meet specific eligibility criteria. It supports institutions involved in organizing or hosting travelling exhibitions across Canada.
- Canada (specifically Canadian institutions meeting certain criteria)
- Step 1: Determine Eligibility
- Review the eligibility requirements for institutions, facilities, and exhibitions.
- Complete the online self-assessment tool to ensure eligibility.
- Step 2: Facilities Approval
- If not approved, submit a facilities evaluation application at least 9 months before applying for indemnity coverage.
- Allow the Canadian Conservation Institute to conduct a facilities assessment.
- Step 3: Submit Letter of Intent
- 6 to 12 months before the application deadline, submit a Letter of Intent including the exhibition details, itinerary, indemnity dates, lenders and objects information, and requested indemnity amount.
- Step 4: Prepare Application Form
- Download the application form and accompanying templates for Appendices.
- Complete the form thoroughly, ensuring all required information and appendices are attached.
- Step 5: Submit Application
- Electronically submit the completed application form and appendices via a secure channel by the April 1 or October 1 deadline.
- Step 6: Acknowledgement
- Ensure the exhibition acknowledges the Government of Canada’s support in all related materials.
- Step 7: Post-Exhibition Report
- After the exhibition, complete and submit the Post-Exhibition Report questionnaire provided by the Program.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The Canadian Conservation Institute conducts assessments of the facilities, focusing on temporary exhibition and storage spaces that will house indemnified objects, ensuring all aspects of security, fire safety, and facilities management meet program requirements.
- Facilities approval will last for five years, provided they remain as initially assessed.
- If facilities have undergone significant renovations or improvements, these changes must be disclosed in the application.
- The indemnification program limits coverage for objects transported in a single conveyance to $100 million CAD and the legislative limit per exhibition is $600 million CAD.
- The applicant institution must cover a deductible based on the total fair market value of the exhibition.
- If any objects include materials subject to CITES regulations, permits for temporary import must be arranged.
- Immunity from seizure for imported objects, although recommended, needs to be procured separately through provincial channels in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
Apply to this program
Ensuring Safe and Secure Exhibition with Canadian Indemnification Program
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program offers comprehensive support to public museums, art galleries, archives, and libraries in Canada, facilitating their ability to host both domestic and international exhibitions by providing indemnification coverage. It ensures the protection of valuable cultural and historical artifacts during transit and exhibition, enhancing the cultural offerings available to the Canadian public.
Detailed Overview of the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program plays a crucial role in promoting cultural exchanges and fostering a rich cultural landscape by offering indemnity coverage to eligible institutions. This program is primarily aimed at public museums, art galleries, archives, and libraries in Canada, and is designed to facilitate the hosting or organization of exhibitions that are educational or cultural in nature. A key component of this program is its ability to make international and domestic exhibitions more accessible, allowing audiences across different regions to experience diverse artworks and historical artifacts without the prohibitive cost of commercial insurance.
An important aspect of the program is its comprehensive eligibility criteria, both for the institutions and the facilities where the exhibitions will be held. The facilities must undergo a rigorous evaluation process conducted by the Canadian Conservation Institute, ensuring they meet stringent security, fire safety, and conservation requirements. This process ensures that all works of art or historical objects remain in optimal condition throughout the duration of the exhibition.
The exhibition eligibility criteria are designed to ensure that both domestic and international exhibitions meet certain standards, including a total fair market value of all objects being at least $500,000 CAD. This includes exhibitions organized within Canada that are set to tour at least two provinces, or international exhibitions where the majority of the items are sourced from outside Canada, with a minimum of one Canadian venue hosting these works. These guidelines help protect high-value collections and mitigate risk for host institutions by assuring that indemnification covers potential loss or damage.
To ensure smooth processing of applications, institutions are encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent up to a year in advance and complete a detailed application form by the designated deadlines — April 1 or October 1, depending on the desired start date for the indemnity coverage. Detailed documentation, including a list of all objects, their appurtenances, and fair market value assessments conducted by third-party experts, is imperative. This scrutiny helps maintain the integrity of valuations and ensures that indemnity covers the true value of these precious artifacts.
One integral component of the program is its comprehensive risk assessment conducted in conjunction with museum conservation and security experts. This ensures all identified risks are addressed and mitigated, from packaging and transport to installation and exhibition. The program also stipulates acknowledgment of Canada's support in all publicity materials related to the indemnified exhibition, enhancing public awareness and appreciation of governmental support in cultural endeavors.
Upon completion of the exhibition, institutions are required to submit a Post-Exhibition Report, offering insights and feedback which aid in refining and improving future iterations of the program. This post-event review not only helps maintain transparency but also serves to foster continuous improvement and reliability in the provision of indemnification services.
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program, through its structured application and rigorous assessment process, offers a secure, cost-effective way for Canadian institutions to host prestigious exhibitions. It stands out as a crucial pillar in Canada's cultural policy, safeguarding and promoting access to global cultural heritage. The program not only supports institutions in navigating the financial and logistical challenges of staging such exhibitions but also ensures that Canadians have continued access to diverse and enriching cultural experiences.