
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 22, 2019
  • grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2021
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)


The Canadian Experiences Fund provides $58.5 million to support communities in offering and enhancing tourism products and experiences, focusing on winter and shoulder seasons, rural and remote tourism growth, Indigenous tourism, LGBTQ2 inclusion, and culinary tourism. Eligible projects can include planning and development of tourism products and services, market readiness training, and the creation or enhancement of tourism facilities, with funding covering up to 100% for non-profits and up to 75% for commercial enterprises.


The Canadian Experiences Fund (CEF) provides financial support structured to enhance tourism offerings and infrastructure. The modalities cater to different types of organizations and project requirements.
  • Non-profit organizations may receive financial support covering up to 100% of eligible costs.
  • Commercial enterprises can access repayable funding covering up to 75% of eligible costs, depending on the nature of the expenses.


This fund supports endeavors that promote the growth and diversification of Canada's tourism sector. The eligible projects focus on developing new or enhancing existing tourist products and services.
  • Planning and development of new or improved tourism-related products and services, such as tours, special events, and festivals.
  • Market readiness training to equip businesses with skills for product marketing, international payment systems, and cultural differences management.
  • Creation or improvement of tourism infrastructure, such as trails, campgrounds, and shelters.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type of organization and the nature of the project.
  • Eligible organizations include non-profit organizations, commercial enterprises, industry associations, and local or Indigenous administrations.
  • Provincial or federal government organizations are not eligible to apply.
  • Eligible projects must support the growth and diversification of the tourism sector, focusing on activities such as planning and developing tourism-related products and services, market readiness training, and the creation or enhancement of tourism facilities.


The Canadian Experiences Fund (CEF) is open to a wide range of organizations, including non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses, industry associations, and local or Indigenous governments. Provincial or federal government organizations are not eligible to apply.Non-profit organizations may be eligible for funding that covers up to 100% of eligible costs. For-profit businesses can receive repayable funding covering up to 75% of eligible costs, depending on the type of costs involved.Eligible projects are those that support the growth and diversification of the tourism sector through activities such as developing and improving tourism-related products and services, offering training for market readiness, and creating or enhancing tourism facilities.


This grant is not available to certain organizations, mainly due to their governmental status. Only eligible entities retaining the capability to contribute to tourism sector growth and diversification are considered.
  • Provincial or federal government organizations.


The grant covers expenses directly associated with the development and implementation of tourism-related projects.
  • Expenses for planning and developing tourism products and services, including designing new offerings or enhancing existing ones.
  • Costs associated with market-readiness training, such as collaborating with tourism associations to provide marketing training.
  • Expenses related to the creation or improvement of tourism facilities, including renovation or construction of infrastructure for tourists.


This Canadian Experiences Fund is designed to support tourism-related projects across various communities in Canada. Organizations from both urban and rural areas are encouraged to apply.
  • Businesses and organizations located in Canada.
  • Communities across all provinces and territories in Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for the Fonds pour les expériences canadiennes (FEC) emphasize alignment with specific priorities to enhance the tourism sector.
  • Enhancement of winter and shoulder season tourism through innovative experiences or facility improvements.
  • Encouragement of tourism growth in rural and remote communities, focusing on community beautification and local experiences.
  • Promotion of Indigenous tourism through market readiness and unique cultural offerings.
  • Support for inclusion, especially for the LGBTQ2 community, via specialized training and inclusive events.
  • Development of farm-to-table and culinary tourism through gastronomic tours and local market enhancements.
  • Bonus points for proposals that include skill development, job creation, and environmental and economic sustainability.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Contact Program Officer
  • Reach out to your designated program officer to discuss your project needs and ensure alignment with the fund's priorities.
  • Step 2: Prepare Project Proposal
  • Develop a comprehensive project proposal that aligns with one or more of the five fund priorities.
  • Include details on how your project supports tourism growth and diversification.
  • Highlight potential contributions to skill development, job creation, and environmental and economic sustainability.
  • Step 3: Gather Supporting Documents
  • Compile necessary supporting documents, such as financial statements, evidence of previous experience, and letters of support from partners.
  • Step 4: Application Submission
  • Complete the application form as required by the funding body.
  • Submit the proposal and all supporting documents by the stated deadline.
  • Step 5: Await Confirmation
  • Receive confirmation of receipt of your application from the funding body.
  • Note any reference number provided for future correspondence.


Here is an additional relevant detail for this grant:
  • For best practices and optimal proposal crafting, contacting a program officer to discuss specific project needs and alignment with fund priorities is recommended.

Apply to this program

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