
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre


A three week program at a cost of $25 that helps entrepreneurs identify their market and validate their business model.


The Trailblazer + ProtoZone program supports innovative ideas or products that are scalable or can be manufactured in the region. Those who complete the program may apply for Next Level funding covering up to $5,000 in assistance.
  • Business idea validation
  • Profitability assessment
  • Customer validation
  • Comprehensive business model development
  • Investment readiness preparation


Creating an online platform to teach coding to underserved youth communities.


Establishing a co-working space equipped with 3D printers for local startups.


Developing a new biodegradable packaging solution to replace plastic in grocery stores.


Launching a mobile app that connects local farmers with restaurants for direct produce sales.


Starting a community-driven organic vegetable garden to promote sustainable agriculture.


Implement a smart home system for energy conservation in residential areas.


The eligibility criteria for this grant focus on individuals or companies with innovative, scalable ideas or those looking to manufacture a product in the region.
  • Looking for individuals/companies with an innovative idea that is scalable or looking to manufacture a product in the region.
  • Must be coachable.
  • Willing to engage with customers.
  • Fully committed to moving their idea forward.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The program is looking for individuals and companies with innovative ideas that are scalable or are looking to manufacture a product in the region.
  • Individuals with innovative ideas
  • Companies with innovative ideas
  • Companies planning to manufacture a product in the region
  • Entities committed to moving their idea forward
  • Participants who are coachable and willing to engage with customers


Some types of companies may not be eligible for this grant. For example:
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Government entities
  • Individual sole proprietors


Participants who successfully complete the Trailblazer + ProtoZone program and have an innovative business or product can apply to the Next Level funding which could cover up to $5,000 in assistance towards approved costs in eligible categories.
  • Innovation-related costs
  • Manufacturing expenses
  • Research and development
  • Marketing and commercialization


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are limited to the region specified for manufacturing of the product.
  • Manufacturing in our region
  • Northwestern Ontario


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria include:
  • Alignment with grant objectives
  • Demonstrated need for funding
  • Feasibility of the project
  • Potential impact on the economy
  • Capacity of the organization to implement the project


  • Step 1: Ensure Eligibility
  • Confirm that you have an innovative idea or product that is scalable or set for manufacturing in the region.
  • Verify that you are coachable, willing to engage with customers, and committed to moving your idea forward.
  • If unsure, contact Carole Long at before purchasing your ticket.
  • Step 2: Register for the Workshop Series
  • Purchase your ticket for the Trailblazer + ProtoZone program.
  • Note the cost of $25.00 plus HST, which includes a light snack.
  • Step 3: Attend All Sessions
  • Participate in all four in-person sessions scheduled on:
  • Session One - September 10th: 4 - 5pm EST
  • Session Two - September 17th: 4 - 5 pm EST
  • Session Three - September 24th: 4 - 5pm EST
  • Session Four - October 1st: 4 - 5pm EST
  • Step 4: Complete the Program
  • Successfully finish the Trailblazer + ProtoZone program.
  • Engage in customer validation, peer-to-peer learning, and mentorship.
  • Step 5: Apply for Next Level Funding
  • Apply for the Next Level funding if you have an innovative business or product post-program completion.
  • Potentially secure up to $5,000 in assistance for approved costs in eligible categories.


The Trailblazer + ProtoZone program aims to help participants with innovative ideas or products. Successful participants may apply for Next Level funding that could provide up to $5,000 for eligible costs.
  • The program consists of a four-part weekly workshop series.
  • Each session is 1 hour long and includes customer validation, peer-to-peer learning, and mentor guidance.
  • Workshops will help create a comprehensive business model canvas.
  • Includes personalized 1-on-1 support from the Innovation Centre team.
  • Contact Carole Long at or call 807-768-6696 for questions or to see if you qualify.
  • Sessions run from 4 - 5pm EST on September 10th, 17th, 24th, and October 1st.
  • Cost: $25.00 +HST, includes a light snack.
  • Location: Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre, 2400 Nipigon Rd.
Apply to this program